
Weekly E-News

March 18, 2021

Join us this Sunday!

Please join us on Zoom this Sunday, March 21st at 10:30 AM for our service titled Saving One Another. We welcome guest minister, the Reverend Elizabeth Mount, and lay minister, Albie Johnson.

Our Universalist heritage includes the message that all are saved, and when we first hear that word "salvation," it’s often tied up in myths of heaven as a place that’s magically better than our world here. Yet, what happens if we treat salvation instead as a way of expressing a common destiny for humanity, something to achieve here in this life, on this earth? What would it mean to behave as part of a larger web and to treat one another as if we were truly bound together for the long haul? Join Rev. Elizabeth Mount as we consider how our UU values might call us to work for the salvation of one another from injustice, exclusion, and oppression in this life we share.

About our Speaker: Rev. Elizabeth Mount is the minister at the First UU Church of Indiana, PA. They graduated from Meadville Lombard, and received ministerial fellowship in 2018. Prior to entering seminary, Elizabeth was an organizer with environmental and Latinx community projects in Western North Carolina, the Appalachian coal fields, and the highlands of Guatemala. They have also served the UUA on the Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Committee for the past 4 years, engaging in anti-racism and anti-oppression work to further the inclusive capacity of our faith. Elizabeth believes in the power of people to build the Beloved Community here on Earth, and create communities that sustain us even in the hardest times.

Join Zoom Meeting Sunday at 10:30am


No password needed

Or follow the link on our webpage for audio onlyuucfm.org

Thank you to Sunday's Participants:

The Reverend Elizabeth Mount, Guest Minister

Alberita Johnson, Lay Minister 

Suellen Kipp, Director of Music             

Lesley Peterson, Musician and Tech Team Member 

Mark Brandon, Tech Team Member

Walter Peterson, Lead Tech Team Member

Jill Carville, Tech Team Coordinator

Suzanne Ziemer, Dialogues Host 

Bill Petrarca, Dialogues Host 

To participate in UU Dialogues, stay in the main zoom meeting after the service ends and do not accept the breakout room invitation that pops up. All are welcome to attend this intentional dialogue session, especially newcomers.

If you'd rather join a breakout room for casual conversation, please accept the pop-up invitation.


Community Sharing in March- South Fort Myers Food Pantry

The pantry continues to evolve to provide food for those in need in the safest possible environment for patrons and volunteers. As the pandemic continues and food insecurity increases, they are exploring different ways to expand our reach and help feed even more neighbors.

The Pantry’s current service area includes certain zip codes in South Fort Myers. However, for those in the congregation in need of food, they waive the residence requirement so they can access the Pantry regardless of where they reside in the local area. They would just ask you to provide these folks with a note on your letterhead confirming they are members of the church. They can present that note on their first visit to the Pantry. Another way they are considering expanding services is through outreach to provide food for seniors who are homebound and/or reluctant to visit the Pantry because they are concerned about possible exposure to COVID. They plan to develop a program that would allow volunteers from our church to pick up food at the Pantry for those senior members that we have identified. Food pickup would be available during normal service hours or could be arranged at a different time by appointment. If you have an interest in this program, please let them know and they will provide you with information needed to get started. Call us at 239-628-3191.

Thank you for supporting the Food Pantry as this month's Community Sharing Partner!


Join Albie and Mary via Zoom bi-weekly Thursdays from 6:30PM-7:00PM. The next Vespers Service will be March 25th.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 918 0025 0314

Passcode: 743236


This week all members should have received a packet of Annual Meeting information and a ballot. Please read the enclosed materials and return the ballot by March 25th. There will be no voting at the Annual Meeting itself, just the results. We will be holding the online Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 28th on Zoom after the service at 12:30 PM. (not May 28th as mentioned in the packet. That was an error. )The link is https://zoom.us/j/91560876633

It's very important that you attend the Annual Meeting Zoom so that we can assure a quorum. Thank you!

A View from the Pew: A “C” Change

The Agenda for our Annual (Zoom) Meeting (on March 28 @ 12:30p) uniquely reflects our new UUCFM! We face an exciting slate of new Board of Trustees, a brighter fiscal outlook, and an exciting 8th Principle inauguration. This discussion is about one specific issue on our Agenda—a slight change in the name we call ourselves (also known as a “C” change). The purpose here is not to advocate for any particular point of view, but to crystalize a discussion so that we each can give the issue the diligence it is due.

Step 1: To change, or not to change?

We are being asked whether we would see value in redefining the “C” part of UUCFM—from “Church” to one of two other options: “Congregation” or “Community.” (Note: This is not a Bylaws change.)

In our 2020 member survey about whether to change the “C” in our acronym UUCFM, 82% of respondents expressed a desire to change the “C.” So, this will be one specific resolution in the paper ballot packet being mailed to all members prior to the Annual Meeting. The Board of Trustees has set a hurdle of 2/3 affirmative vote of those voting in order for a “C” change to be approved. (Note:

Independent of what we would change the “C” to; just do we want to change?)

So, just a few words about “Church.” Definitionally, the word “church” has the connotation of a building where religious services take place, a Christian house of worship. Basically, the place where we worship.

Several years ago, a Board member at the time, Hugh Cochran, authored an illuminating white paper entitled “Church vs. ?” (We were considering a name change then.)

Hugh writes that calling ourselves a “Church” does not appear to inhibit membership growth. Of the 28 UUA “breakthrough” congregations since 2005, more than half of them had “Church” in their name. Hugh goes on to point out that a large majority (70%) of adults identify with Christianity and a small minority (3%) identify with Judaism, as an example. The potential membership benefits derived from a

positive “Church” connotation among a much larger group likely far outweighs any negative membership effects resulting from a negative “Church” connotation within a very small group, such as those from the Jewish tradition. This reasoning may be especially valid in attracting diverse population segments who are more likely to have a positive cultural response to “Church.”

Since Hugh’s research, the growth of the 24% who identify with no religion (“Nones”) increases at a noteworthy rate, while other denominations continue to shrink. How “Church” relates to Nones as their plurality grows, may be increasingly more important.

Step 2: Congregation or “Community?

If 2/3 of our voting members agree to the “C” change, the subsequent ballot vote will be “what to change it to: Congregation or Community?” (These were the two alternatives among 4 options receiving the lion's share of responses in the 2020 congregational survey.) The winning choice will require a majority of voting members to pass, assuming Step 1 passes.

Let’s first look at “Congregation.” Definitionally, “Congregation” is a gathering of faithful in a temple, church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship—basically the people at the worship service. Tim Hegg, of Messianic Publications, distinguishes a “Congregation” as encouraging a commitment to one’s

“personal faith” and seeking to accommodate the diversity that such “personal faith” may express. (Compare this with Mr. Hegg’s viewpoint on “Community” below.)

A large plurality of UU congregations (42%, trending downward) have “Church” in their name; the next largest group (17%, trending upward) have “Congregation” in their name. (Very few, 3%, have “Community” in their name.)

“Community,” on the other hand, is defined as a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Mr. Hegg, in contrast with “Congregation,” distinguishes a “Community” as encouraging a commitment to the generational success of the community, meaning that the core values of the community take priority over personal preferences.

In summary, we see that “Church” refers to a place of worship, whereas “Congregation” refers to people who worship together, and “Community” refers to a feeling of fellowship, not necessarily related to worship activities.

So, there you have it. You get to decide when you vote. Whatever we decide, I am confident we are the new UUCFM, inspired by love, transformed, in service to others! (As for me, I fall somewhere between “Congregation” and “Community,’” maybe a “Congruity”?)

Bill Petrarca

Starting Point, A Journey Group of Who We Are

Mary and Albie will begin offering Starting Point, a Journey Group of Who We Are as UUs and members of UUCFM. We will be offering weekly classes effective Monday, March 22, 2021, 6PM-7PM, via Zoom. It is 6 weeks. All are welcome, however we encourage new members and those new to UUism to come. Contact: albiestalk@gmail.com or marycline@gmail.com.

Who We Are-Starting Point.png

Charitable Contributions

If you would like a receipt for donations made to UUCFM in calendar year 2020, please email your name(s) to: uuchurch@uucfm.org


Hardy Volunteers Needed

We need people to help place bricks along the walkway to the Sanctuary. We have the "know-how" and materials. We have a new sign for our Eco-Preserve which precipitated us having to move the 2011 50th Anniversary commemorative bricks. We will be adding more personal commemorative bricks next month for our 60th Anniversary PAVE-THE-WAY Fundraiser which will be launched March 28th. If you can help install these bricks please contact Project Manager Suzanne Ziemer, 239-463-9020, or suzanneziemer@gmail.com.


The UUCFM Book Group

The UUCFM Book Club will meet March 22.  We’ll be discussing Ch. 2 & 3 from The WEIRDest People in the World, by Joseph Henrich. If you’re joining for the first time, please email Mary Studer. She will send you the link. mstuder929@gmail.com 

UUCFM/Caloosahatchee Mindfulness

The Caloosahatchee Mindfulness and UUCFM Meditation Book Group is reading The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness by Rhonda V. Magee.

The author "reveals that the work of racial justice begins with ourselves. The practice of embodied mindfulness--paying attention through our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in an open, nonjudgmental way--increases our emotional resilience, helps us to recognize our unconscious bias, and give us the space to become less reactive and to choose how we respond to injustice."

The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. Contact Helen Leddy at helen.leddy@gmail.com or Mary Robinson at mindfulness579@gmail.com for more information.  


LIFE Update

As you recall, the effort of LIFE this fiscal year is to convince the City Council to create a $3M Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) to build units that will be affordable to those individuals/ families that earn less than 80% of the average median income for Lee County. ($37,600 for one person) How have other communities throughout the U.S. managed to do this? On Tuesday, March 30 th from 6-8 pm, LIFE has organized a Training session/ Informational meeting for the City Council, the Mayor, the City Attorney and us, LIFE members. If you are interested in attending to find out more, please email me as I have obtained permission to share the link with you. It is a concrete way to show our support for this effort prior to ( and including) the Nehemiah Action on Monday April 26 at 7 pm. LIFE for justice; justice for life. 

Kathy Ford     ktromford@gmail.com

Bored sitting at home?

The Operations Committee is looking for a few lawn mowers. People,not machines. Our large Church property needs to be kept mowed. If you have had experience using a riding mower, your help is needed. The payoff is fresh air and sunshine. Please contact Dorothy Van Howe 239-560-7238.  


For members who would like to sharpen their technology skills, check-out Senior Planet from AARP where you can harness technology to change the way we age. Their courses, programs, and activities help seniors learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make new friends. Sign-up is free. Donations are optional.


Birthdays in March

March 13   Krista Hopper

March 15  Michael Carville

March 22   MaryGayle Skinner

March 24  Sheila Jaskie

March 25   Lily Hoffman


Amazon Smile donates to UUCFM when you do your online shopping by following this special link



Want to Become a Member?

If you are interested in becoming a new member of UUCFM, please email 


Board of Trustees

Email: board@uucfm.org

President Lesley Peterson

President Elect Lane Cook

Secretary Ruth King Fotovat

Treasurer Pati Maier

VP Ministerial Services Keith Hamlin

VP Operations Dorothy Van Howe

VP Programming Toni Latino

Member at Large Genelle Grant


Lay Minister Albie Johnson albiej@uucfm.org

Lay Minister Mary Cline Golbitz mary@uucfm.org

Director of Music Suellen Kipp music@uucfm.org

Office Manager Jill Carville officemanager@uucfm.org

Building Supervisor  Mickey Kellam buildingsupervisor@uucfm.org

Assistant  Liza Kellam lhiz_sierra@yahoo.com

Please send all newsletter articles by Wednesday at noon for publication in Thursday's newsletter. Send articles to newsletter@uucfm.org.


13411 Shire Lane

Fort Myers, FL 33912


uuchurch@uucfm.org 239-561-2700 

Office Hours: 9-2 Tu-Fr

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