Our Sunday Service will be streamed via our website, uucfm.org this Sunday and also available on video by Zoom gathering.

There will be no physical service in our Sanctuary.

Please shelter at home. Our sermon this week is What My Faith Teaches Me, given by the Rev. Margaret L. Beard. Our Worship Associate is Holley Rauen. The Director of Religious Education, Jenn Blosser, and Music Director, Suellen Kipp will also be leading our service.

Watch your email for details. You should receive an invitation link by email to join us live by Zoom on Sunday morning at 10:30 AM.

If you would like to make a pledge or donation to UUCFM at any time, you may mail a check to UUCFM, 13411 Shire Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33912 or visit our PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=rlYcqxv7QUch1hyw0sE3I87T2i9DPUbjvI0z-B36a6gfWaoVLY4WEqQT6kMlYgl6oTS_IW&country.x=US&locale.x=US , type in your donation and in the notes section please add the word pledge or donation. Thanks!

The Humanist Forum normally meets every Sunday at 9:30 AM in Hobart Hall. Please contact Bill Petrarca for info on when we'll be meeting again. bill@petrarca.net

Our Community Sharing partner this week is the Minister's Discretionary Fund.
If you'd like to contribute online via PayPal to the Minister's Discretionary Fund, please go to https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=rlYcqxv7QUch1hyw0sE3I87T2i9DPUbjvI0z-B36a6gfWaoVLY4WEqQT6kMlYgl6oTS_IW&country.x=US&locale.x=US , and in the notes section, please state that it is for Minister's Discretionary Fund. Or, send a check to the church address with Minister's Discretionary Fund or Community Sharing in the memo line. Thanks!

Religious Education News
In this difficult time, as we navigate a "new normal" which changes day to day, connection to our community matters more than ever. UUCFM's ministry is adapting to meet these changes in every area. For our families (of all ages and stages, with kids or without), I will be providing virtual connection spaces to laugh, cry, sing, and share our stories. 

Jenn Blosser, Director of Religious Education