Weekly E-News 2021, 5781
March 26 - April 2
Passover Resources

"Last chance to sell your hametz as the sale will be happening tomorrow! Please click the button below to have Rabbi Henkin sell it on your behalf!

By filling out this form, you are permitting Rabbi Henkin to follow this tradition and sell your hametz on your behalf. If you would like him to do so, please fill out this form in its entirety no later than Wednesday, March 24.

For updated information for shopping, please check out the RA Passover Guide.
If you need a hard copy of the hametz sale form or if you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Henkin at rabbihenkin@gmail.com

Service and Candle Lighting times:

Candle Lighting 1st Night (Saturday night, 3/27): 8:17 pm
Candle Lighting 2nd Night (Sunday night, 3/28): 8:18 pm
Yom Tov ends Monday, 3/29 at 8:19 pm
Friday night, 4/2: 7:27 pm
Saturday night, 4/3 8:23 pm
Yom Tov ends Sunday, 4/4 at 8:23 pm (may resume eating hametz by 8:45 pm)

Sunday, 3/28 & Monday, 3/29: 9:45 am
Tuesday, 3/30-Friday, 4/2: 8:00 am
Shabbat, 4/3 & Sunday, 4/4: 9:45 am (Sunday includes Yizkor)

Evening Services
Shabbat, 3/27-Monday, 3/29: No evening services
Tuesday, 3/30-Thursday, 4/1: 6:00 pm (Minhah/Ma'ariv)
Friday, 4/2: 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat, 4/3 & Sunday, 4/4: No evening services

All services will be held via Zoom at the below information and simulcast on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/AgudathAchimSavannah):

Meeting ID: 875 6579 9200
Passcode: Minyan

Fellow congregants,

I would like to invite you to our semi-annual congregational meeting on Tuesday, April 6, at 6:30 PM. Our by-laws require us to meet to nominate members to the Board of Directors. Additionally, I would like to take the opportunity to discuss our post-Covid protocols to date for in-person synagogue services and our plans to re-open to services.
Only these two items will be discussed. Use the following Zoom information to join the meeting:
Zoom Meeting ID: 817 2464 6374
Password: AABoard

If you need help setting up Zoom please e mail or call the office so we can arrange to get that taken care of for you.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me to discuss any matters.


Matthew Allan, President

Shalom School is looking for someone to lead our toddler time on Sunday morning once or twice a month. Toddler time is about 1 hour long (storytelling, singing, craft ...).
      If you like working with little ones and have some Judaic knowledge, we would love for you to join our team. Compensation based on experience.
      Please call Eva Locker, Shalom School Principal, at (912)224-4617 if interested.

This Shabbat:
2021 | 5781 
Parashat Tzav/Shabbat HaGadol
Candle Lighting: 7:22 pm

No Havdalah this week due to 1st Seder Saturday night (see Passover block for candle lighting and service times)

Annual Torah reading: Leviticus 6:1-8:36 (Etz Hayyim pp. 613-625)
Triennial Torah reading: Leviticus 7:11-38 (Etz Hayyim pp. 617-621)
Haftarah: Malakhi 3:4-24 (Etz Hayyim pp. 1296-1298)

Shabbat Shalom!
Vaccine Info--Current Phase: 1A PLUS
COVID-19 vaccinations are now available through the Coastal Health District to the following groups

Must live or work in Georgia
People age 16+ are now eligible to be vaccinated
Pfizer is only available for 16 and 17 year olds.
Moderna and Johnson and Johnson are for 18+
NOTE: Some states require more limited eligibility at pharmacies than other vaccine locations

Please call (912) 230-5506 or check their website for vaccination appointments. If you need assistance making your appointment, please contact our office and we will be happy to assist you!

Your Online Siddur

A Siddur is here so you can pray
with fellow Jews at the AA

Click the button below!
The Office Hours are from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
For normal business operations.
All services and programs continue virtually until further notice.
(including Sisterhood and Men's Club events)
Talmud Torah K'Neged Kulam - Torah Study for Everyone

1. Rabbinic Literature Study Group (Thursday afternoons, 2:00-3:15 pm): Take a look into the rabbinic mind and how the rabbis interpret the Torah in this weekly class. Contact Rabbi Henkin for the link to the class

2.  Rabbis of the Mishnah Class will take a deep look into the Rabbis of the Mishnah; who they were and what they were thinking. Our next class will be held on Wednesday, April, 21 Please contact Motti for class link or email mottilocker@gmail.com

3 . Skeptics Class- Thursday, April 8 at 11 am

More classes coming soon, so stay tuned!

Have something you want to learn about but don't see a class about it?
 Contact Rabbi Henkin at rabbihenkin@gmail.com or call the AA office.

All of our regular classes will be held via Zoom, an online meeting platform.
 If you'd like to join a class,
please contact Rabbi Henkin for the class link.
Birthday Celebrations

March 29
Mr. Richard Barker 

 March 30
Mr. Sam Carroll 

 March 30
Mrs. Sally Greenberg 
 April 1
Mr. Robert Heyman 

 April 2
Dr. Arnold Tillinger 

April 2
Mrs. Simone Wilker 

April 2
Mr. Phillip Wizwer 


April 2
Steven and Anna Berwitz

Yahrzeits For:

March 26 - A, 2021
7 Nisan- 14 Nisan 5781

Friday, March 26 /Saturday, March 27- 14 Nisan
Walter Ehrenreich- brother of Sara Jospin
Jacob Sitrin- father of Charles Sitrin
Sarah Warshawsky- Grandfather of Irvin Warshaw

Saturday, March 27/Sunday, March 28- 15 Nisan
William Lasky- great uncle of Kenneth Sadler, and Elise Shernoff

Sunday, March 28/Monday, March 29- 16 Nisan
Louis Perl- grandfather of Lynn Berkowitz

Tuesday, March 30/Wednesday, March 31- 18 Nisan
Jack Kamine- uncle of Roberta Kamine-Haysman

Wednesday, March 31/Thursday, April 1- 19 Nisan
Morris Neidich- grandfather of Linda Hoffman

Thursday, April 1/Friday, April 2- 20 Nisan
Rebecca P. Paderewsky- grandmother of Steven Arkin

Commemoration of the Yahrzeit begins the evening of the first noted date.
*Denotes Memorial Plaque
Donor Dues Program
In The Community