Renata Grant, Ann Hanson, Junnell Widmark, Bonnie Thorfinnson, Michelle Rhen, Claude’ Martin, Sharon Heinrich, Paul Thompson, Bette Mattson, John Stanz, Jim Brakken, Jon Rosenberg, Roger Riley, Gary Tuil, Doc Hanson, Al Edwards, Becky Husen, Ralph Hornberger, Dale Haugejorden, Sarah Olson, Arlou Schwendemann, and Deb Hokanson.
Paul & Connie Nygard on the death of Connie’s mom, Carol Nelson.
Dan & Val Daniels on the death of Dan’s mom, Jean Keller.
Family & friends of Walter Bakker.
Lisa & Chris Setzepfandt on the death of Carol Setzepfandt.
Chris & Kirsten Berneking & family on the death of Chris’ uncle, Randy Fahlin.
Ryan & Kate Thorson on the birth of Owen Maverick.
Scott, Jackie, & Stanley Peters on the birth of twins - Margaret Louise and Maxine Leann.
Brittany Rau & Shaun Nieman on their marriage.