Weekly E-News August 24, 2017
Worship in August: Commitment
The theme of commitment this month calls to mind the important relationships of our lives- how we relate to loved ones as well as to our highest values. This month we acknowledge different levels of commitment in our lives.
Sunday Coffee Hour
Sunday's Coffee Hour is provided by volunteers from the Women's Circle on the first Sunday, CUUPS on the second Sunday, Humanist Forum on the third Sunday, Men's Group on the fourth Sunday and if there is a fifth Sunday, it is All Church. Any donations of food, snacks or cash are welcome.
Community Sharing in August: Early Learning Coalition
Our Mission
Our mission is to enhance the quality of children’s lives by providing families, early childhood educators, care-givers and community partners in Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties, with opportunities to positively impact the future.
Our Vision
All children in Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee communities will be healthy, eager, and successful learners, supported by well-informed parents, involved citizens, and collaborative community partners. Early Learning Programs will have high quality standards, comprehensive services, seamless delivery systems with diverse settings, and well-educated, competent, and adequately compensated staff.
Humanist Forum
The Humanist Forum regularly meets every Sunday at 9:15a in Hobart Hall. All are welcome to attend.
Music Notes
Musical Calendar
August 27:
Viola day! Come hear Amy Laursen play selections from Bach's
Cello Suites
on her principal instrument, the viola.
The next
Music Committee
is Wednesday, September 27th at 3:00p in Room 7.
The UUCFM Choir
rehearses most Wednesday nights from 6:45-8:15p, and on Sunday mornings from 9-10a in the Sanctuary. It's free and there are no auditions. Please email me in advance so that a music folder can be prepared for you. Come join us in singing!
The UUCFM Band
rehearses most Wednesday nights from 6:00-6:45p, and on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00a in the Sanctuary. If you would like to play your instrument during a Sunday service, please email me to coordinate the details. Come join us in making music together!
Amy Laursen, Director of Music
RE News
This Sunday is RE registration Sunday! Stop by the RE table in Hobart Hall after the service to get your child(ren) registered for RE classes this fall. During service, our children and youth of all ages will be having a party to celebrate the completion of the We Are Made of Stardust curriculum.
September is just around the corner and the theme will be Vocation and Calling. We'll kick off the month by gathering on Sunday, 9/3 for Children's Chapel in Room 1. Looking forward to seeing your children and youth then!
Jenn Blosser, Director of Religious Education
Adult RE Class
A Call to Faith in Turbulent Times
Every Wednesday in September
Many Unitarian Universalists and other people of faith feel challenged by this moment in our nation’s history. The actions of political leaders are raising large moral questions. Many of us feel compelled to explore what our faith commitments and values require of us. Information is coming from every direction. We have learned that it is crucial to stay informed, yet not all sources are reliable. Others ask us to contact legislators, attend
meetings, join in protests, engage in political conversations with friends and acquaintances,
and take public action, sometimes for the first time ever. Many turn to our congregations
and faith communities for help to clarify how our values call us to respond and to
strengthen us to act.
This new curriculum from the UUA, released in the Spring of 2017, is designed to help
nurture, support, and strengthen Unitarian Universalists to respond to this moment and its
significant challenges. Sessions are structured to engage participants in deep
discernment rather than in debate. Each session offers a different lens for a group to
examine together the call of our faith and our moral and ethical commitments at this
extraordinary moment.
Each two-hour session includes readings and audio-visual materials, as well as questions
for reflection and has these intentions:
To create a space to explore feelings regarding current events
To explore metaphors to sustain one’s spirit for the long haul.
To affirm that being in community sustains courageous acts.
The program will be facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Fast, UUCFM community minister.
September 6, 13, 20, and 27. 6:45pm – 8:45pm. Room 7 No fee
Enrollment is limited to 10 people. Please register using the following link:
First Thursday Game Changer Gatherings
The Pachamama Community of Southwest Florida invites you all to gather the first Thursday evening of each month at 6:30 pm for inspiring speakers, Pachamama Alliance updates, coffee, tea and pot-luck desserts. We gather in in Hobart Hall as Game Changers and Awakened Dreamers. We will show a short inspiring Pachamama produced YouTube clip for each gathering. Here is what we have planned for the rest of 2017:
Thursday, September 7
6:30 pm
Weaving It All Together
with Cyndy Nayer
Thursday, October 5th
First Thursday Game Changer
Report from the Rainforest!
SWFL Pachamama Co-Coordinator Rev. James Reho returns from Ecuador after Shamanic Journeying and living with the Achuar tribe for two weeks.
Thursday, Nov 2,
6:30 pm
Speaker TBA
Exploring the Qualities of a Game Changer
Thursday, Dec 7th
6:30 pm
Author, Yogi and Health educator Nancy Loughan will be addressing need need for a Spiritual Practice to ground in doing the political work needed at this time.
Remember the fun of playing BINGO with friends? Well, it’s here at UUCFM in a new way. Join the eBINGO fun starting in September! Here’s how it works:
For the first 2 Sundays in September, after service in Hobart, you can buy eBINGO playcards, 2 for $10. Look for the eBINGO table. Sign-up with your email address. Buy playcards for your neighbors and members of your family. The more who play, the bigger the Jackpot, the more fun! You’ll be helping the church as well.
Starting Monday, September. 11, each day we will email one bingo number to those who bought a playcard. Mark your playcards accordingly. In the first email we will also announce the Jackpot amount (minimum of $100).
Whoever gets a bingo and has the first email received at the eBINGO email address
uuEbingo@gmail.com will be the winner (provided they have a valid playcard). Bring in your playcard to the church office for validation. Once it’s validated, you will receive the Jackpot moneys. (A “win” is 5 squares horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.)
Once there’s a winner, we’ll start selling the playcards for the next round of eBINGO the following Sunday. Good luck!
FUUn BUUnch & FUUn LUUnch!
Saturday Dinner, September 30th at 6:00p
Join the FUUn BUUnch for an exotic dinner at the THAI GARDEN
Located in the College Parkway Plaza
Thai Garden
7091 College Parkway, #15
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 275-0999
It is imperative you RSVP John or Bob by Tuesday, 9/15/17 if you plan to
attend and that you honor your commitment.
(The restaurant requires firm numbers by this date.)
The THAI GARDEN is in the College Parkway Plaza on the South side of College
Parkway just west of Route 41, near
Office Depot and
First Watch.
We Are Starting Something Different!
Join the FUUN BUUNCH for LUUNCH after Church.
Sunday Lunch, September 10, at 12:30p at:
3701 Fowler St.
Fort Myers, FL 33901
(239) 277-0064
It is imperative you RSVP John or Bob by Wednesday, 9/06/17 if you plan to
come and that you honor your commitment.
(The restaurant requires firm numbers by this date.)
From Shire Ln. at the Church, turn right and drive west on Daniel’s Parkway.
Turn right onto Plantation and follow it north around the circle at Crystal Dr. to
Colonial Blvd. Turn left onto Colonial and follow it west to Fowler St. Turn right
onto Fowler St. and follow it north across Winkler Avenue. Biggy’s is ½ block
north of Winkler on the east side of the street.
Holiday Fair and Bake Sale
This year the annual Holiday Sing-a-long will be on December 3rd as our Music Director will begin her maternity leave on December 4th. So, it will combine with our Bake Sale, Our Nearly New sale and the Arts and Crafts sale. This will take planning and volunteers. Can you help? Please bring your ideas to the September Women's Circle Lunch on September 11th. (Men our welcome at this lunch too as we need your thoughts). Or if you can't join us, please send along those good ideas to Susan Forsyth
Women's Circle
On September 11th the monthly Women's Circle Lunch returns to potlucks at noon on the second Monday in Hobart Hall. This month we will talk about our summer adventures. Please bring photos, tee shirts, cell phones, or other mementos to share. We will look for a lively discussion and also start our plans for Fall and the holidays. Contact Susan Forsyth
This year the holiday sale and Christmas Faire on December 3rd will be HUGE! It will include the Christmas Carol sing. We need to plan this together, so be sure to come and find out the details!!
UU Book Study
The UU Book Study meets Wednesdays at 1:00p in the Library. As a bonus, bring your lunch and join us at 12 Noon to view a video of Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers' T.V. program by the same name. The book is Joseph Campbell's
The Power of Myth. Here is the remaining schedule: Aug. 30, chapters 6,7; September 6th, chapter 8 plus wrap-up and planning.
Optimal Living Group
The Optimal Living Group is open to all and does not require attending every session. We meet in the Sanctuary on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 4:00-5:30p. We discuss how to live optimally, including practical ways to cope with life's challenges and issues. Helping others and developing maturity in ourselves is part of our quest. We explore many paths and techniques for enriching our lives and making a difference for others. For more information, fill out a blue card found in the pews or email Neil Yesu:
Mindfulness Meditation
Join us on Monday evenings to explore the very simple and satisfying practices of mindfulness and meditation. You don’t need experience with meditation, nor do you have to be a Buddhist. Do please bring an intention to quiet the mind and the body in a supportive group of UU members and friends with a similar intention - people who want to carry mindfulness into their daily lives. We meet Mondays from 6:30-8:00p in the Sanctuary. If you have any questions, please contact Gary Robbins at
The Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist group meets Sundays at 1:45p in Room 1.
Community Wednesday
Community Wednesday is held in Hobart Hall. Bring friends and neighbors, too. Join us each Wednesday for a delicious meal prepared by Chef Joy for a small donation. After the fellowship and fine fare from 6:00- 6:45p, join your favorite programming event, committee meeting, or social activity. Child care is provided until 8:30p.
Regular Activities for August:
Optimal Living Group (1st & 3rd Wed)
Community Meal
Band Rehearsal in Sanctuary (no rehearsal Aug 30)
Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary (no rehearsal Aug 30)
UUCFM Historical Martial Arts Club
The UUCFM Historical Martial Arts Club is dedicated to preserving and practicing a variety of historical martial arts for entertainment and fitness purposes. We meet at various times (determined by interest) most often at 12:30p after service on Sundays to practice Archery and Tomahawk/Axe throwing. Other activities and times can be found on our Facebook page of the same name. All are welcome to join us!
South Fort Myers Food Pantry
The Food Pantry Newsletter for the second quarter of 2017 (April through June) is posted in Hobart Hall, next to the kitchen. I will summarize for those who may not have time to stop by and read it. During the second quarter of 2017 our pantry served 1670 clients, totaling 5,466 family members actually fed. The pantry volunteers distributed over 172,226 pounds of food.
The annual meeting of the food pantry coalition was held on June 17, 2017. The directors of the current board were elected to serve another year. The names of the directors are available in the food pantry flyer which you can get either at the social justice table or from the rack of brochures near the water fountains in Hobart Hall. The meeting was followed by a luncheon to honor the volunteers, a time to enjoy fellowship with each other.
There is an appeal for more food donations during the summer months, which you are already doing and is appreciated. There are also instructions for anyone wanting to volunteer this summer.
If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, email
Fran Rose at
francrose@centurylink.net. Put "Food Pantry" on the subject line of your email.
Because of the generous gift of Judie Marble and a previous gift from Patricia Linhof, UUCFM has a fabulous supply of yarn and some knitting needles. The intention is for this yarn to be used for the making of Comfort Shawls that the Caring Network distributes to members. You can find further information about the shawls at this link
www.shawlministry.com . The yarn can be found in the boxes inside the door of the office. The office may be accessed Sundays through the Library door, which will be unlocked.
When you have completed a shawl contact Diane Buckley at
Dineby@aol.com. Your efforts will be greatly appreciated as the shawls are treasured by their recipients.
Sanctuary Air Conditioner Update
The Operations Council has been working this past few months on finding a supplier to replace the 22-year-old air conditioning units in the Sanctuary. We have narrowed the bidding to 2 companies and will be making our final decision in the next few days.
This work will cost us about $130,000. We have been diligent and generous as a congregation to have built-up a Reserve Fund which will cover most of this cost without a Capital Campaign. We can thank all the members who stretched a little more on their pledges, past members who remembered the Church in memorial bequests, and the past few Boards of Trustees for their financial discipline in helping us build such a Reserve Fund. It is at times like this when we can appreciate why including a gift to the Church in your estate planning is so important to the survival of our Vision.
Any shortfalls from our Reserve Fund and the eventual replacement costs may be met through a small loan from our Endowment Fund or accessing our bank line of credit. Any comments about this process are welcome at
bill@petrarca.net or come to any Board meeting.
2018 Women's Retreat
It's time to start planning to attend the 2018 Florida UU Women's Retreat. Flyers will be available in the Narthex. This year, we are again sending this information to all the Florida UU congregations at the same time that this mailing is going out to you allowing more UU women to learn about the retreat.
DaySpring has raised the room rates for 2018, but we are not changing the rates for attendance at the Retreat. We are also again offering a $5 discount to all those who register before September 15, 2017.
So, secure your place for the April gala and remind others that there's a special deal for signing up early. It's going to be another grand weekend.
We are looking for volunteers to participate in the program planning. If you are interested and we hope you are, please contact us. Program planning can take place from anywhere in the state, so don't be reluctant to sign up to help.
Lost & Found
Whale Maiden reports that she has lost some Tree Identification books and Earthways Shamanic Path class notes, and a small woven basket. These items have been missing for a few months, but If you have any leads, please email her at
If you are a UUCFM Community Sharing Partner, a regular Facility User, or have UU related news to share, you are welcome to submit announcements for publication in our Greater Community section of the newsletter. Please send announcements in by each Wednesday for publication in the Thursday E-news.
Aug 24 Patricia Vivier-Naidl
Aug 25 John Swank
Aug 28 Ellen Kelly
Newsletter Editor: Jill Carville
(239) 561-2700