Volume 3 Issue 48- December 2-8, 2022

Hertford UMC Weekly E-News

Inviting Loving

Growing Sharing

Hertford United Methodist Church

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Sunday Morning Worship Services

Here's What I Know......

Click here for our Bulletin

 “When Life Gets Difficult”


         The second Sunday of Advent brings us to Matthew’s story of how Joseph said yes to God’s call on him to wed Mary and to give name to the promised Messiah and Savior of the world. We are all very familiar with this story and probably have participated in a Christmas pageant or two as one of the many in this miraculous story.


       Yet somehow the scandal of it all sometimes escapes us as we gaze into the peaceful manger scene of “ox and ass,” as if they all lived in such clean and pristine quarters. The truth of the matter is that it was a difficult situation from the beginning.


       Joseph was an honorable man in his community and plans were made for him and Mary to become husband and wife, following the customs of their Jewish faith; then he is faced with this most difficult and hard to believe situation with his beloved Mary. What was he to do? He turned to his faith to guide him throughout this holy journey,


       Join us Sunday in-person or online as we journey with Joseph as he is faced with a most difficult life situation and how God led him in his dilemma.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Gene

Today’s Message:                        “When Life Gets Difficult”

Today’s Scripture:                                   Matthew 1: 18 – 25


18 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. When Mary his mother was engaged to Joseph, before they were married, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph her husband was a righteous man. Because he didn’t want to humiliate her, he decided to call off their engagement quietly. 20 As he was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child she carries was conceived by the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you will call him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” 22 Now all of this took place so that what the Lord had spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled: 23 Look! A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will call him, Emmanuel. (Emmanuel means “God with us.”)24 When Joseph woke up, he did just as an angel from God commanded and took Mary as his wife. 


It is our custom for our members and those who call HUMC their church home to make a financial commitment to God and to the missions and ministries of HUMC for the coming year.


After receiving your “Blessed to be a Blessing” Commitment Card and a “Guide to Giving". Would you prayerfully consider doing the following?


1. Review the 2023 Guide to Giving

2. Prayerfully determine your 2023 giving commitment

3. Return your “Blessed to be a Blessing” card by the end of the year by placing it in the offering plate, mailing it to the church office or dropping it in the locked outside mailbox.


Why Do We Fill Out Commitment Cards?

It Allows The Church To Plan Mission and Ministry Responsibly.

When the church has a general idea of what the giving will be for the coming year it allows for ministries and mission planning in a responsible, accountable and transparent manner.


Annual giving makes possible mission and ministry in our community and world.

All the ministries and mission work by HUMC happens because of the generosity of the people of HUMC. Worship opportunities, small group studies, music ministries, nurturing ministries, Bible studies, and Christian formation for stations of life don’t happen without your support.


All We Have Is A Gift From God.

Since all we have comes from God, we believe that giving to God’s work is an act of worship, discipleship and mission that allows us to participate in the work of the Kingdom of God in our community and our world.


Thank you for your faithfulness to God’s work through HUMC as we move into this new year. Good things are happening and Grace abounds at HUMC.

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Please Remember these in your prayers

Skip Matthews

Wayne Ashley

Brenda White

Jean Ashley

The Windsor House

Janice Boyce

Chowan River

Tom Gard 

The Landings

Bobbie Boynton

Ila Gray White

Margaret Denison

Jane Jordan


Miriam J Haskett

Extended Church Family  

Susan Dickerson (Daughter of Maxine Dickerson)

Tommy Tilley (Father of Todd Tilley)

The Gates Family

Gail Smith

Bodie Cestaro (Marta Colson's 2yr old great-grandson)

Janice Allie (Donna Adams’ mother)

Finn Booker (Nephew of Bob Halter's Daughter, Alyssa)

Leona Williams (mother of Andie Cook)

Diane Selleck & husband (daughter of Kathleen Selleck)

Mary Frances Baker (sister of Angela Rose)


*Bold text indicates recent additions/updates to the prayer list* 

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In Memory of John Matthews, Jr.

Given by Darla Matthews

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Advent Small Group Study

The Angels of Christmas

Sunday Mornings after Worship


Sunday - 12/4 - 5:00 PM

Alleluia Circle

Monday - 12/5 - 9:30 AM

Mary Martha Circle

Monday - 12/5 - 12:00 PM

Minnie Wilson Circle

Tuesday - 12/6 - 9:45 AM

Band of Brothers

Every Tuesday Morning - 10:00 AM

Joy Circle

Wednesday - 12/ 7 - 10:30 AM

Cub Scouts

Every Wednesday Evening - 6:30 PM

Choir Practice

Every Wednesday Evening - 7:00 PM

Trustees Meeting

Thursday - 12/8 - 5:00 PM

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Jack Boone   12/3

Lynn Raymond 12/3

Mary Krepela   12/5

Nancy Lodge 12/6

Tom Gard   12/8

Brooke Suermann 12/8

No Anniversaries This Week


Advent Small Group Study

The Angels of Christmas

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Begins December 4 - December 18

Each Sunday Morning

Following the worship service

Fellowship Hall

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Join our church family in celebrating and dedicating our NEW outdoor nativity this Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 5:00 PM. We will have light refreshments, fellowship, and a short devotional before officially lighting our new nativity scene for the holidays. We hope you will plan to join us!

It's A Wedding

Everyone is invited to our wedding celebration - Larry & Angie

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If you would like to make a Christmas Love Offering for our pastor and staff, please mark your gift as "staff love offering" and have it to the office no later than Sunday, December 18.

UWF Website


The UMM have restocked the office with a fresh batch of peanuts for your holiday gatherings!

$8 per jar - No limit

Additional Information 

From Our

District Superintendent

David Blackman

"Driving With David"

NEW - Well, Shut My Mouth

Read the current newsletter to find out what is happening in the Beacon District. A new newsletter comes out every other week.

NEW - Beacon District Newsletter


"The Bishop's Corner"

Bishop's Office

The People of the

United Methodist Church

What We Believe 

How We Serve

Ways to Grow


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The Outreach Ministries group needs your help. In order to help grow the membership of HUMC, we would like to send a card to all newcomers who move into Perquimans County.

In order to send this "Come meet new friends this Sunday at Hertford United Methodist Church . . . ., " we need the names and addresses for any folks who are new to the area.

Please provide this information to:

Nancy Lodge:

nancyrichlodge@embarqmail.com or (264-4143)

Lynne Raymond

63lynner@gmail.com or 426-5102 and we will do the rest.

As always, thanks for helping us grow!


Are you missing HUMC E-NEWS or know someone who is not getting it?

Please feel free to share the HUMC E-News with your friends or family who are not receiving it.

We are in the process of updating addresses, emails and phone numbers and other contacts. Please let the church office know of any changes to your information!

Call: 426-5467 or Email: humcoffice@hertfordumc.org

If you have any news you would like in the

weekly e-news? Please email it to Stephanie in the office at humcoffice@hertfordumc.org

by Wednesday each week.

Hertford United Methodist Church
200 Dobbs Street
Hertford, NC 27944
Office Hours: 9-4 Monday thru Thursday
Phone: 252-426-5467
Website: hertfordumc.org
Facebook  Youtube