Volume 4 Issue 2 January 13-19, 2023

Hertford UMC Weekly E-News



Growing Sharing

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Sunday Morning Worship Services

Here's What I Know......

Click here for our Bulletin

“Be Baptized”


....This Sunday is the "Baptism of the Lord" Sunday as we remember the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Jesus baptism marked the beginning of Jesus three year ministry as he began to live into his calling as the Son of God.

.....It is also a Sunday that we remember that we are the baptized children of God and reaffirm our baptism vows as we begin this New Year together. We remember the Grace of God extended to us through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection! We have been washed and cleansed of our Sin and of our sins.

>>>Sam Houston was the first president of the Republic of Texas. It's said he was a rather nasty fellow with a checkered past. Later in life Houston made a commitment to Christ and was baptized in a river. The preacher said to him, "Sam, your sins are washed away." Houston replied, "God help the fish." Although most of us were not baptized as adults in a river, we can probably relate to this reply.

>?>>Like Jesus we too have been called to be the baptized people of God in the world in which we live and to be the hands and the feet of Christ. We will be reaffirming our baptism covenant declared at our baptism acknowledging what God is doing for and in us, and affirming our commitment to Christ’s holy church.

>>>>I hope you will join us either online or in person for worship as we celebrate God’s Grace that claims us, save us sustains and transforms us.

>>>>Grace Peace,

>>>>Pastor Gene


Sunday’s Message:                                          “Be Baptized”

Sunday’s Scripture:                                   Matthew 3: 13 - 17

The Baptism of Jesus

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”

Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.

As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased


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Please Remember these in your prayers

Kathy Sherrill and Family - (Death of her father)

Christine Jackson - (John Christensen’s Sister)

Colby Brown

Brenda White


Wayne Ashley

Jean Ashley

Chowan River

Tom Gard 

The Landings

Bobbie Boynton

Ila Gray White

Margaret Denison

Jane Jordan

Extended Church Family  

Susan Dickerson (Daughter of Maxine Dickerson)

Tommy Tilley (Father of Todd Tilley)

Gail Smith

Bodie Cestaro (Marta Colson's 2yr old great-grandson)

Janice Allie (Donna Adams’ mother)

Finn Booker (Nephew of Bob Halter's Daughter, Alyssa)

Leona Williams (mother of Andie Cook)

Diane Selleck & husband (daughter of Kathleen Selleck)

Mary Frances Baker (sister of Angela Rose)


*Bold text indicates recent additions/updates to the prayer list* 

Miriam Haskett

Given by

Richard & Nancy Lodge

Mary Martha Circle

Billy & Susan Winslow

Keith W Haskett, Jr

Joseph & Terry Hobbs

Janice P Winslow

Raymond C Skinner

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E Minster

Jerry F Lane

Thomas Bateman

G Bradly & Anne M Fields

Todd & Candy Tilley

Wayne T Riddick

Janice Boyce

Given by

Todd & Candy Tilley

Sara Winslow

Minnie Wilson Circly

HUMC Chancel Choir

Alfred Nickell

Given By

Mark & Kathy Sherrill

Marion & Joyce Riddick

Given by

Wayne T Riddick

Judi Riddick Call

Given by

Wayne T Riddick

John Matthews

Give by

Darla Matthews

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Band of Brothers

Every Tuesday Morning - 10:00 AM

Choir Practice

Every Wednesday Evening - 7:00 PM

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Howard Williams III 1/14

Pat Thomas 1/15

Steve Raisor 1/16

William T. Roberts 1/17

Colin Roberts 1/17

Ronnie Pippen 1/19

No Anniversaries this Week

Monthly Financial Report from the Finance Committee

The finances of the church are broken down into two categories: Operating Fund and Non-Operating Fund. For the purpose of this E-News report, we will be looking at just the operating fund. This fund shows what we need to operate the activities of the church

such as payroll for pastor and staff, electricity, gas and

maintenance of the church and parsonage, operations of the office, custodial supplies, maintenance of the grounds,

insurance for the buildings, and support for our mission teams. A report is generated monthly and is on file in the church office and available for review.

December 2022 Operating Fund Report

Income received - $36,698.55

Monthly Expenses - $22,450.12

Net Income is – $14,248.43

2022 Yearly Operating Fund Report

Total Income Received – $287,374.20

Total Yearly Expenses - $265,447.15

Total Income for 2022 - $21,927.05

Please prayerfully consider your support for your church in 2023

2022 Statements of Giving

Please pick up your statement at church on Sunday mornings or from the church office during the week.

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$8 per jar - No limit

Available in the Church Office

UWF Website

Money raised will support the UWF Scholarship Fund

Additional Information 

From Our

District Superintendent

David Blackman

"Driving With David"

Read the current newsletter to find out what is happening in the Beacon District. A new newsletter comes out every other week.

Coming Out Next Week


As the new year begins and we enter a new season in the North Carolina Conference, Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton will be holding gatherings in all eight districts. These events will provide an opportunity to get to know Bishop Shelton as she begins serving as our new episcopal leader.

Beacon District Meeting

Edenton United Methodist Church

February 6, 2023

Clergy will meet at 2 pm, and the laity will meet at 7 pm.

We look forward to these opportunities to get to know Bishop Shelton and look forward to her life and ministry among the people of the North Carolina Conference!

Come out and help us welcome Bishop Shelton to the Beacon District!

The People of the

United Methodist Church

What We Believe 

How We Serve

Ways to Grow


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The Outreach Ministries group needs your help. In order to help grow the membership of HUMC, we would like to send a card to all newcomers who move into Perquimans County.

In order to send this "Come meet new friends this Sunday at Hertford United Methodist Church . . . ., " we need the names and addresses for any folks who are new to the area.

Please provide this information to:

Nancy Lodge:

[email protected] or (264-4143)

Lynne Raymond

[email protected] or 426-5102 and we will do the rest.

As always, thanks for helping us grow!


Are you missing HUMC E-NEWS or know someone who is not getting it?

Please feel free to share the HUMC E-News with your friends or family who are not receiving it.

We are in the process of updating addresses, emails and phone numbers and other contacts. Please let the church office know of any changes to your information!

Call: 426-5467 or Email: [email protected]

If you have any news you would like in the

weekly e-news? Please email it to Stephanie in the office at [email protected]

by Wednesday each week.

Hertford United Methodist Church
200 Dobbs Street
Hertford, NC 27944
Office Hours: 9-4 Monday thru Thursday
Phone: 252-426-5467
Website: hertfordumc.org
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