E-News March 20, 2025


I was back in Tucson for four days two weeks ago. The beautiful surroundings of the Redemptorist Renewal Center welcomed us again in the warmth of gentle breeze and splash of greens everywhere. It was my eighth trip to prepare another Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation. The retreat home is in the foothills of the Tucson Mountains and the Sonoran Desert. As usual, I had a mild headache on the first day due to the altitude, but it was quickly resolved by drinking enough water. This time, however, I developed bad allergies. After some rainfalls, flowers started popping and blooming. On the second day during the meeting, our mentor opened all the windows in the room to refresh the air. I sneezed and sneezed and had a runny nose. The following day, I woke up with a frog in my throat. My sinuses are still clearing up a week after the trip. 

In this leadership team retreat, we had a lot to accomplish. Beginning with 7:30 a.m. prayer, our day was packed with planning meetings, reflections, and worship time until 9:30 p.m. Developing the central theme of the Five Day Academy and the daily theme was the primary task. But there was no progress after four hours of brainstorming on the morning of the second day. We needed a break. When we returned after lunch, we erased the whiteboard and restarted from a blank slate. After the second break in the afternoon, we finally got the ball rolling. I was so relieved by dinner time that we finished the task following the agenda. I've been serving as a worship leader but never took the mentor role in facilitating the whole process of planning before. I constantly looked at my watch. While I trusted the guidance of the Spirit, I also worried, thinking, 'What if we cannot finish the job in time? Am I failing to lead this team? The schedule was too tight ...' 

In our third week of Lent, we will contemplate two seemingly contradictory concepts: Rest and Growth. If we always strive for more growth and accomplishments without taking time to rest, we will burn out. But if we only ever rest, we will not bear fruit or grow. Join our worship as we reflect on the short parable of a fig tree in Luke's gospel this week. You can join us in person or online Sunday at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary or join our online, live-streamed worship via the church website or Youtube channel.

Click here to sign in your attendance on the website. If you have joy or concerns to share, please submit them with your attendance record. It's important for us to know you were with us and stay connected in prayer. 

The Lent devotional booklet and daily prayer cards bundle will be available for you to pick up this Sunday. Please take one of each for your family. Contact the church office if you want these to be dropped off or mailed to you. 

Grace Sightings

Praise, Paint & Pizza Party

St. Patrick's Day Potluck

Upcoming Events

Where have you seen God's grace? How have you experienced grace? What does grace mean to you? We invite you to write your thoughts in simple words and display them on the sanctuary glasses. Use a small piece of paper and clip pins. Thank you to Becky Kock and Lisa Greenwood for creating the Grace Sighting collage!

If you are interested in singing in the Easter choir, please reach out to Becky Kock at and join the praise team after Sunday service for any or all of the practice sessions. Each Sunday until Easter, we will have a brief practice following service and you will receive a recording of the song via email to practice any time you like.  

Youth Group

Sunday, March 23 at 4 p.m.

Come meet your friends and learn and share a great time of fellowship this Sunday at 4 p.m.

Confirmation Class

Sunday, March 23 at 5 p.m.

Youth in 7th grade and up are invited to join this journey to learn more about God and faith this Sunday at 5 p.m. We encourage you to come at 4 p.m. and attend the Youth Group beforehand.

The Bread of Life

Ever hear of Friendship Bread? We thought it would be fun to make starter dough and share with those interested. Once you receive your dough bag, you will need to nurture it and feed it for several days before baking. As the dough grows, you can share with others or when you bake the bread you can share that! If interested, see Lisa Greenwood at fellowship time. There will be an instruction sheet provided along with your zip lock bag so you know what to do!

Throughout his ministry to his final days on the road to the cross, we find stories of Jesus encountering ordinary, flawed, and unexpected people. Many were struggling and considered unimportant; some were outsiders or even outlaws. Whoever they were, Jesus brought the good news of God’s kingdom to those who most needed to hear it. This Lent, we invite you to a Lent study to explore Jesus' life and teaching through the gospel of Luke. In Luke’s stories, we will find Jesus’ care and compassion for all as he welcomes sinners and outcasts. 

The study begins on Wednesday, March 5, at 10 am and Thursday, March 6, at 11 am.  

If you're new to our church family and would like to know more about us, please join Pastor Mi-Sook and members

of our Nurturing Team as we get to know one another on Sunday, March 30 following service.

Help us clean the church on Saturday, April 5 at 9 a.m., in preparation for a beautiful spring and summer season.

Don't forget to bring your cleaning supplies/tools.

We are looking for donations of individually wrapped candies and small toys for the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12. Please drop off your donations by Wednesday, April 9. Thank you!

Saturday April 12 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. 

Pancake breakfast with the Easter Bunny!

Petting Zoo from 10-11am, photos with the Bunny and egg hunt! 

Reserve your spot for breakfast. Space will be limited. Please call or email the church at 847-669-9009 or with your RSVPs. This event is open to all. Invite the neighbor kids and your friends! 

We have a new addition in our parking lot - at the Northeast corner across from the bank. You can drop off gently used clothes and shoes in the bin. If it is full, do not leave your items outside but donate them at another time. Thank you!

Ryan's Case for Smiles is a national volunteer organization that provides handmade whimsical pillowcases for children to help them cope with the stress of their illnesses and injuries. Cindy Kerr began making pillowcases for her son Ryan to brighten up his hospital room and put a smile on his face. Although Ryan is no longer with us physically, his legacy lives on in Ryan's Case for Smiles. There are over 100 chapters in the United States & Canada and over two million pillowcases have been delivered.

A new Western Suburbs chapter (Kane Co & McHenry Co, IL) has recently been established. We will be delivering bright, fun pillowcases to Ascension St. Alexius Women & Children's Hospital in Hoffman Estates, Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington, and Lurie Children's at Northwestern Medicine Hospital in Huntley. The Ryan's pillowcase pattern is available at: 

If you would like to volunteer to sew a pillowcase, your pillowcases can be given to Jean J. at church on Sundays.

If you would like more information, please contact:

Jean Jaderborg, RCFS Western Suburbs Chapter Coordinator. Thank you!


The Huntley Fire Protection District is excited to introduce a new initiative - the Medical Equipment Lending Closet - designed to help our community members in need. But we need your help to get it started. We are seeking donations of medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, toilet seat risers, canes, crutches, and shower chairs. Your gently used or new equipment can make a significant difference in someone’s life. For more information, please contact HFPD Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) officer at 224-654-6868, M-F, 8am - 4pm.


Join the small group meetings and stay connected.

Contact these leaders to participate. 

...Wednesday Spirituality Group at 9 a.m.

...Linda Mullen


...Thursday Bible Study at 10 a.m.

...Lisa Greenwood


...Saturday Men’s Group at 7:30 a.m. 

...Bryan Doyle 

...Praise Team & Bell Choir 

...Becky Kock


In the month of March we will be collecting for

Grafton Food Pantry.

Items that the Food Pantry is currently in need of due to short supply from the Food Bank and other vendors:

Food Items:


canned tuna

canned chicken

canned salmon

fresh, canned, or frozen fruit

healthy snacks

juice, tea, applesauce

yogurt, pudding, jello

Personal Care and paper goods:

deodorant, razors, feminine hygiene products

soap, body wash

toilet paper, paper towels, tissues

napkins, paper plates and cups



Alternate to shopping: If you prefer to give a monetary donation, please make the check payable to Christ United Methodist Church. It is very important that you write on the memo line “Food Pantry.”

Drop off pantry items any time during office hours, Tues - Fri, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.


You can now make all your donations online. Click here or scan the QR Code. You can also mail the donation to church or use EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer). For any assistance, contact Joe Greenwood at .


In Other News...

Please sign up on the calendar (inside the kitchen cupboard door) on a Sunday you would like to furnish a light treat and serve coffee & juice. All supplies except "treats" are at the church.

Thank you, Janet Kleckner



March 2 - Janet Graf

April 6 - Linda Riggs

March 9 - Karen Sersen

April 13 -

March 16 - Potluck

April 20-

March 23 - Mindy Zeppo

April 27 - Auction Soup/Sandwich

March 30 - Sunderraj Family

Prayers of the People

Prayers of Intercession

For Bea Leone who has been in the hospital since Thursday, March 13th due to her heart acting up again and they have had a problem stabilizing it

For Megan and Cameron Huibregtse, who are working on getting their meds under control

For Logan Moring, who is home recovering from a car accident

For Elantine Brighten's mother, Nalini Azariah, who is receiving radiation treatment for her breast cancer

For Ken Spooner, who got has started radiation therapy

For Duane Graf as he adjusts to Memory Care

For Eleanor Kilberger's best friend Carol, who is getting chemo for her third bout of cancer.

For Sherry Mark, who is coping with side effects from her cholesterol medication

For Pastor Mi-Sook's niece, Dain, who is has been diagnosed with autoimmune disease and is receiving treatment

For all the family and friend of the victims of the American Airline crash

For those who are affected by natural disasters throughout the world

For those who struggle with mental health and their families

For our local communities, our nation and our world

For peace and resolution in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict

For people in Ukraine and those who left Ukraine fleeing from war

For the grieving families and communities of gun violence

“Merciful God, hear our prayers!”

Praying without Ceasing

We never pray alone but together as a community. We have a prayer chain, a small group of those who pray for submitted requests throughout the week. Let us pray for our church family, friends, neighbors, and our nation. Let’s draw the circle wider. Contact the pastor to join.

If you would like to keep your prayer request in beyond 2 weeks, we would appreciate if you contact the office with an update.

Weekly Meetings

Joyful Ringers

Thursday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m.

GA Meeting

Thursday, March 20 at 7 p.m.

AA Meeting

Saturday, March 22 at 7:30 a.m.

Praise Team

Sunday, March 23 at 8:45 a.m.

Youth Group

Sunday, March 23 at 4 p.m.

Confirmation Class

Sunday, March 23 at 5 p.m.

GA Meeting

Tuesday, March 25 at 7 p.m.

Praise Team

Wednesday, March 26 at 7 p.m.

Conference E-News

NIC E-News

Prairie Central District News

March/April Reporter

UM News

Welcoming the Full Inclusion 



(847) 669-9009

Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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