Volume 4 Issue 46 November 17-23, 2023

Weekly E-News

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Dear Church Family,

This Sunday, we will continue with week 2 of our “Stewardship” sermon series. The focus this week will be on “Love.” Our scripture will be the most quoted scripture about Love - 1 Corinthians 13.

You’ve probably heard this scripture in weddings, but when the Apostle Paul wrote about Love, in this case, he was referring to Christian Love - the Love we should have for others.  

1 Corinthians is written to a church in turmoil. Among many other issues, the Church in Corinth was divided. They were divided over leadership style, allegiances, immorality, lawsuits among believers and so much more. The church was a mess, and yet, when Paul wrote to them, he began by calling them Saints (Chapter 1, Verse 2). Why would he call them saints, when they were acting anything BUT saintly?

The reason Paul could call these people saints is because of their shared faith in Jesus Christ and their shared humanity. Hopefully that resounds with us today! We all come from different backgrounds. We all have differing opinions. We all have different focuses in life, and yet the ONE thing we have in common is our faith in Jesus. We can find unity in that. 

Our Methodist movement founder John Wesley is famous for saying “If we cannot think alike, may we not love alike?” Let us take these words to heart. We may have differing preferences and opinions, but we all know how to love, and we all want to be loved. 

This Sunday, we will talk about how this love informs our stewardship of all that God has given us. 



Pastor Tom

Rev. Tom Hallberg – Pastor

Contact Number: 252-414-8737

[email protected]

The Flowers on the Altar This Sunday

Are given to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for all the gifts that God has given us.

prayer image

Please Remember these in your prayers

Nicky Nicholas (Requested by the Chris Hall Family) 

Judy Batten (Requested by the Chris Hall Family)

Tim Brinn

John Larson

Trip Cofield

Kathy Prewitt

Collin Roberts

Johnny Corprew

Chicago Eure

Brenda White


Jean Ashley

Wayne Ashely

Chowan River

Tom Gard 

The Landings

Thelma Skinner

Bobbie Boynton

Margaret Denison

Jane Jordan

Extended Church Family  

The Family of Sharon Ward

Timothy Garrett (Shirly Mahler’s Son)

Anna Long (Kaye Long-Fussell’s Sister)

Larry Johnson (Nancy Lodge’s Brother-in-Law)

Beth Colson (Marta Colson’s Daughter-in-Law)

Al Carila (Former Attendee)

Geraldine & Felton Eubanks (Friends of Joy & Roger Cope)

Jackie Hobbs (Friend of John & Susan Christensen)

Kyle Flinn (Kaye & Mike Fussell's Nephew)

Denise Pegram (friend of Todd & Candy Tilley)

Diane Selleck (Katheleen Selleck's Daughter)

Edward & Judy Taylor (Friends of Raymond Sawyer)

Carolyn Meads (Ida Saunder's Sister)

Susan Dickerson (Daughter of Maxine Dickerson)

Tommy Tilley (Father of Todd Tilley)


*Bold text indicates recent additions/updates to the prayer list* 

calendar image

Annual Turkey Drop

Friday, November 17 & Saturday, November 18

Adult Sunday School Class

Sundays - 9:00 AM

Band of Brothers


Joy Circle Pie Pick-Up

Tuesday, November 21 - 2:00-4:00PM

Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving

Wednesday (11/22) & Thursday (11/23)

Choir Practice


Mercer Saunders 11/11

Larry Chappell 11/16

Walker Rayburn 11/23

Kitty Pippen 11/27

Raymond Sawyer 11/27


Trip & Melissa Cofield 11/6

Raymond & Michele Sawyer 11/17

John & DorothyLarson 11/25

Wayne & Jean Ashley 11/28

Richard and Annette Parr will be moving to sunny California this week. We wish them much joy in their new home, but we will surely miss them. Their new address is:

38411 Hillside Trail Drive

Marietta, CA 92562



Pastor Tom will be leading us in a three week study of the Bible Christmas Story beginning December 3 through December 17. Come early and get your donuts and coffee before we begin at 9:00 AM.

Can't join us for in-person Sunday School? Check out this Advent study avaliable through Amplify Media with your free subscription from HUMC!

Click Here to Set up your FREE Amplify Media Account


Join the church family on Sunday evening, December 10 at 5:00 pm for a light supper, carols, and the official lighting of our nativity.

Sunday, December 17 during 10:00 AM Worship

Presented by Our Chancel Choir

Directed by Misty Hallberg

United Methodist Men PEANUTS ARE BACK!

Just In Time for the Holidays

$8/Per Jar

No Limit

Available NOW in the church office.



Fruit Juice Poptarts

Drop off your items in the containers outside the church office.

Monthly Financial Report from the Finance Committee

The finances of the church are broken down into two categories: Operating Fund and Non-Operating Fund. For the purpose of this E-News report, we will be looking at just

the operating fund. This fund shows what we need to operate the activities of the church such as payroll for pastor and staff, electricity, gas and maintenance of the church and parsonage, operations of the office, custodial supplies, maintenance of the grounds, insurance for the buildings, and support for our mission teams. A report is generated monthly and is on file in the church office and available for review.

October 2023 Operating Fund Report

Income received - $26,096.00

Monthly Expenses - $21,003.93

Net Income is - $5,092.07

Octobers’ income reduces our year-to-date deficit to $876.43.

Please prayerfully consider your support for your church

2023 Stewardship

Growing in Faith, Love and Hope

When you consider your tithe – here is how to contribute tax free

According to the IRS, you must take your first Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) by April 1 of the year following the year you celebrate turning 73. 

When this milestone occurs, you are now able to give

 to the church tax free.

If you would like to take advantage of this tax-free opportunity, this is how it’s done. Talk to your financial advisor or whomever handles sending your RMD that you want to send all or part of your upcoming RMD directly to Hertford UMC. Because you did not receive the RMD, you do not have to pay taxes on the distribution to the church, a tax-exempt organization. This is a win-win situation. You do not count the RMD as income; therefore, you do not pay taxes on that amount, and you have given your church a tax-free donation.

Susan and I have done this for several years and it works great. One suggestion, if you decide to do this, you need to keep a record of the amount of the donation so you can make sure your tax preparer is aware that the RMD was sent directly to the church. The tax preparer will exclude the donation amount from your taxable income.

If you have any questions, please see me anytime or call me at 252-331-5177.

Submitted by: John Christensen, Finance Chair


Click Here for the  Beacon District Newsletter  
Click Here for the Beacon District Facebook Page

Pray As You Go

Daily Prayer Practice

(Click the picture)

Bishop's Office


 Connie Shelton

The People of the

United Methodist Church

What We Believe 

How We Serve

Ways to Grow


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The Outreach Ministries group needs your help. In order to help grow the membership of HUMC, we would like to send a card to all newcomers who move into Perquimans County.

In order to send this "Come meet new friends this Sunday at Hertford United Methodist Church . . . ., " we need the names and addresses for any folks who are new to the area.

Please provide this information to:

Nancy Lodge:

[email protected] or 252-333-9208

Lynne Raymond

[email protected] or 426-5102 and we will do the rest.

As always, thanks for helping us grow!


Free Postcards Available

Do you have new neighbors, co-workers or pickleball partners that are looking for a church home. Invite them to visit Hertford UMC. Pick up a postcard on the table outside the church office to deliver or send to folks in our community and invite them to join us for worship on Sunday mornings!


Are you missing HUMC E-NEWS or know someone who is not getting it?

Please feel free to share the HUMC E-News with your friends or family who are not receiving it.

We are in the process of updating addresses, emails and phone numbers and other contacts. Please let the church office know of any changes to your information!

Call: 426-5467 or Email: [email protected]

If you have any news you would like in the

weekly e-news? Please email it to Stephanie in the office at [email protected]

by Wednesday each week.

Hertford United Methodist Church
200 Dobbs Street
Hertford, NC 27944
Office Hours: 9-4 Monday thru Thursday
Phone: 252-426-5467
Website: hertfordumc.org
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