Saint Stephen's Church
in Providence
News and events for the week of Sunday, June 6
Corpus Christi Sunday:
The Solemnity of the Most Holy
Body and Blood of Christ
6 June 20210
Corpus Christi Procession, Carl Emil Deopler (1824-1905)
Kalendar and Readings
Readings for this Sunday

Click the readings above for links to the RSV
Organ: Deuxième Fantaisie, Jehan Alain (1911 – 1940)

Mass: Missa Pange lingua, Josquin des Prez (c. 1450/1455 – 1521)

Motet: O sacrum convivium, Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)

Organ: Litanies, Jehan Alain
A Word from the Rector
Dear Beloved in Christ,

This Sunday we will celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, transferred from this past Thursday. This later addition to the Church calendar was suppressed and abolished by the Reformed traditions, and so is absent from any official Anglican Prayer Books or calendars, but was naturally one of the traditions reclaimed by Anglo-Catholic parishes in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Church of England now even provides for it in its supplement to the Prayer Book, Common Worship. (How things come full circle over time!)

The feast of Corpus Christi began with St. Juliana of Liège, a 13th century Norbertine canoness. In 1208 she had the first of many recurring visions in which she was instructed by Christ to plead for the institution of a feast celebrating the Sacrament of his Body and Blood (apart from Maundy Thursday, which is also focused on the foot-washing and his agony in the garden). Eventually the feast was celebrated within Juliana's native Belgian diocese before gaining wider observance, and aided by the efforts of St. Thomas Aquinas, it was established by Pope Urban IV in 1264 as a Solemnity to be celebrated by the entire Western (Latin) Church.

In many churches, there is a procession of the Blessed Sacrament around the neighborhood after Mass, before returning to the church for Benediction. In some countries, it is a holiday. Our observance of it at S. Stephen's this Sunday will be small in comparison: a simple procession around the interior of the church before concluding with a brief liturgy of Benediction. However, it will be an opportunity to rejoice and give thanks for that inestimable gift that lies at the heart of our common life together - the Eucharist - our response to Christ's command to "Do this" for the remembrance of him. In doing so, we are fed with food for life's journey. In that wondrous sacrament, Christ gives us nothing less than himself: body, soul, and divinity. What more could we possibly ever want or need?

Fr. Benjamin+
Brownstone Restoration
Brownstone restoration around the main entrance into the church is ongoing. Please continue to enter the church through the Guild House doors. We expect that work will be completed by the end of the month. Thank you for your cooperation and continued patience. The stonemasons are nearly finished!
New Weekday Mass Schedule
Please be reminded of the new "Summer Schedule" that went into effect last week. Until after Labor Day, September 6, the following weekday schedule is as follows:

Tuesday - Noonday Prayer and Mass

Thursday -- Noonday Prayer and Mass

Saturday -- 9:30 Morning Prayer, 10:00 Mass
  • Holy Rosary on First Saturdays of the Month at 10:30
  • Monthly Requiem Mass on Third Saturdays of the month

No liturgies will be celebrated or offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Congratulations to
William Kinloch
One of our youngest parishioners, William Kinloch, son of Bo Kinloch and Jennifer Jones, was recently featured in the Cranston Herald for his outstanding recent accomplishments in ballet.

In May, William earned national recognition in classical ballet with a 2nd-Place win at the Youth America Grand Prix FINALS in Tampa, Florida. Previously, he won 1st place in both classical ballet and contemporary dance at YAGP Semi Final competitions in New York and Massachusetts. With his partner, Catherine Galipeau, he earned distinction with a 3rd Place win in the Ensemble category at YAGP for their Pas de Deux from the classical ballet, La Sylphide. Also in May, William won a silver medal at the National Ballet Competition in Wilmington, Delaware. Over the course of the competition season, William won 12 merit scholarships to study ballet in Canada, the United States, and Europe. He will accept a scholarship from Ellison Ballet (New York City) this summer and from San Francisco Ballet for next summer. William could not succeed without the support and training he gets daily from his home studio, Ocean State Ballet (East Providence)His coaches, Vilia Putrius and Mindaugas Bauzys are seminal figures in William's life.

S. Stephen's is very proud of this young man and what promises to be a very bright future as he pursues his passions. We join his family and others in congratulating him on these recent achievements!
Giving to St. Stephen's
You can mail your pledge card or weekly/monthly offering to the church office, or pledge online here. Thank you for all the many ways in which you are already supporting S. Stephen’s. 
For your Prayers
Prayers have been requested for: Charles Calverley, Sandra Calverley, Lola Campagna, Ruby Campagna, Fr. Norman Catir, Diana Clarke, Sarah Clarke, Ernie Drew, Fr. Harrington Gordon, Joan Gordon, Richard Hogarth, Fr. Jay C. James, Conrad Johnson, Jane Malone, Ann Brooke Mason, Beverly Myers, Rhoda Steinhart, Fr. Benjamin, and Christopher Whittingham.

Birthdays this week: Jane Malone (6/8), Carol Julien (6/11).
The faithful departed: Year's mind: Arria Sargent Huntington (6/7), Maxine Faith Bontrager (6/7), Peter C. Barnes (6/10).
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we are asked to pray for the Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma). In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we are asked to pray for the Commission on Ministry and all who walk with those discerning the ministries to which God calls them.
This Week at S. Stephen's

Tuesday 8 June
Vestry Meeting (via Zoom) 7:00 pm

Saturday 12 June
Epiphany Soup Kitchen (Meal Pickup Only)  2:30-4 pm

All Services Streamed on our Facebook Page

Sunday 6 June
Morning Prayer & Low Mass 8:00 am
Sung Mass & Benediction 10:00 am
Zoom Coffee Hour 11:30 am

Daily Office and Mass Lectionary

Tuesday 8 June
William, Archbishop of York, 1154
Noonday Prayer 12 noon
Low Mass 12:10 pm

Thursday 10 June
Ephrem of Edessa, Deacon, 373
Noonday Prayer 12 noon
Low Mass 12:10 pm

Saturday 12 June
Morning Prayer 9:30 am
Low Mass 10:00 am

Next Sunday 13 June
Morning Prayer & Low Mass 8:00 am
Sung Mass 10:00 am