Classes for All Ages
In the Sanctuary and Online
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July 16, 2023
1 Chronicles 28:1-10,20-21
1 Corinthians 3:10-17
“Building God’s Temple”
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Sunday, July 16
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary
Monday, July 17
6:00 pm CDC Board Mtg. – Anna Mow Room
Tuesday, July 18
4:00 pm Food Pantry Open 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Wednesday, July 19
9:00 am Staff Meeting – Multi-purpose room
Thursday, July 20
10:00 am Prayer Shawl – Anna Mow room
6:30 pm Education Team – Anna Mow room
Sunday, July 23
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary
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Click on this button to view the full calendar
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Click for Friends to Remember in Prayer | | |
Additions and updates for prayer list or calendar of events are welcome by contacting the church office.
Special note for all Ministry Teams: Please notify the church office with any upcoming meetings or events for your team so we can add these dates to the calendar.
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Children's Sunday School Classes
9:00 AM in Rooms 151, 152, and 155. Children grades PreK (age 4) and up will have class lessons, with singing included as well. Children ages 3-4 and younger are welcome to attend nursery care.
Youth Sunday School Class
9:00 AM in Room 149. Teacher Beth Anne Bahn. This class is for youth in grades 7-12.
Vine and Branches Sunday School Class
9:00 AM in Room 154. Teacher Kim Witkovsky. The class is studying the Current curriculum, this summer's series entitled "Seeking Peace Together."
Lamplighters Sunday School Class
9:00 AM in Room 145. Teacher Patricia Carey. The class is studying the Current curriculum, this summer's series entitled "Seeking Peace Together."
Homebuilders Class
Mondays - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM by conference call. To join, contact Mike Martin at
717-840-4184 or and leave a phone number. The class studies lessons from the "Guide for Biblical Studies" curriculum.
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Children's Ministry Schedule | |
The nursery will be open for use again this Sunday. The animals will be
added throughout the summer. Thank you to all the painters who
donated their time to make the nursery a beautiful space.
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Sunday July 30 - Annual Conference Report 9:00 AM
September 4-8 - National Older Adult Conference (NOAC)
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National Older Adult Conference (NOAC)
September 4-8, 2023 - Lake Junaluska, NC
NOAC is a Spirit-filled gathering of adults 50 and older who love learning and discerning together, exploring God’s call for their lives and living out that call by sharing their energy, insight, and legacy with their families, communities, and the world.
“God is Doing A New Thing”
“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” — Isaiah 43:19
Click on the button below to register and for complete details of this event, including bus trip information.
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Church of the Brethren Denominational News | |
Denominational news and information is always available by visiting | |
Click on the button for current
Church of Brethren News
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Online Giving is safe, easy, and convenient. Sign up by going to our church website at: and click on the Online Giving Link or go directly to the Online Giving website at:
For assistance setting up your account,
call Donor Support at: 800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman - Thank you for your support!
NOTE: Online giving can be used for regular weekly or monthly offerings, special offerings, and capital campaign contributions, as well as many other specific outreach ministries that we sponsor.
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Dear Church Friends, I am doing extremely well in my recovery from my knee replacement and leg straightening surgery.
Thank you for your many prayers and cards. I feel it was extremely successful and I would do it again. ~ Elizabeth Eisenhart
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Directory Change:
P. 17 - Raymond & Beverly Raney
New address: 13 Hagarman Dr., York, PA 17408
Home phone number: (717) 650-2724
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Dear Church Members,
We are in need of Volunteers, who are willing to prepare baked spaghetti casseroles for the soup kitchen in York city.
Presently, we have some very generous people who prepare 1, 2, or 3 casseroles once a
month. I, for example, prepare 2 casseroles each month. You know if I can do it, it’s not that difficult.
The recipe is easy, and the foil baking pans are provided for you, the schedule is not difficult. Contact Sandra Bowser for more details, and scheduling (contact information below).
It is a very rewarding experience. I have to say that 95% of the people are very appreciative. It would be greatly appreciated if you could volunteer your time.
Thank you. Contact information: Sandra Bowser 717-825-7203
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EDUCATION TEAM would like to share a resource on mental health Programs and Services that are available in York and Adams County:
National Alliance on Mental Illness York-Adams County
Is a family-based, grassroots support and advocacy organization.
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Since 2011 our Witness Team has sponsored the Cash for Causes program by selling Giant & Weis gift cards. The church receives 5% of sales to support various ministries. For 2023 the gift card sales will support The Lehman Center (Children’s Aid Society), New Community Project, and Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry. You may purchase the cards in amounts of $100, $50, $25, or $10. The cards make great gifts, especially at holidays. Consider donating cards to the Food Pantry or using them yourself any time you shop at Giant or Weis.
If you’d like to support this program, please see Becky Wenger before/after worship service OR mail your check (paid to York First Church) to 3011 Bedford Pl, York, PA 17408 and your cards will be mailed to you.
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July 9, 2023
Various Scripture Readings
“Living God’s Love”
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Pastor Joel Gibbel can be reached in the church office most weekdays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Some afternoons and evenings may be set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for pastoral counseling by appointment. | |
If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is
(717) 318-5442, and his mobile number is (717) 271-4888. You can also email him at Note that laws prevent hospitals from contacting a pastor without your permission when you are admitted, so you will need to contact the church if you desire a visit or to request prayer.
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Our Mission Statement:
“People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
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Our Vision Statement:
“To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
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