Classes for All Ages (see below)
In the Sanctuary and Online
June 12, 2022
Psalm 78:1-8, Matthew 5:13-16, Matthew 28:18-20
“Called to Invite Others to
Live in Obedience”
This Week
Prayer Requests
and Calendar
Sunday School News
Children's Ministry Schedule
Online Giving
Upcoming Events
COB News
Last Week
Contacting the Pastor
An Invitation to Obedience:
What is Seen and What is Secret
This week in worship, we will engage with the idea of "letting our light shine," which means that our good works are to be seen by others (Matthew 5:16) as our way of demonstrating obedience and commitment to Christ and thus inviting anyone to join us. This instruction, like many that Jesus gave, comes with an important caution, however. "Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them" (Matthew 6:1) ought to make us hesitate when we're tempted to "show off" how righteous we are, and rightly so.
Come and join us as we consider together how we are called to live out our faith each day, not merely as observers but as participants in God's work in the world.
We'll also be receiving several new church members this week during worship, so please plan to attend and welcome them into our fellowship!
Live Stream Worship
Although most of us will gather in person, our worship services will be continue to be presented "live stream" through YouTube for those who wish to join that way. Click the link below shortly before the service begins at 10:30 AM on Sunday to join with us in worship.
The video will be available to view after the worship hour in case you miss the 10:30 AM time or wish to watch it again.
*Please note: if anyone is unable to view the videos online, we have DVD copies of the services that can be picked up in the church lounge any weekday. Sermon manuscripts are also available upon request.
10:30 AM, June 12, 2022
Gathering Music “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”
Welcome And Announcements
Call to Worship
Invocation Prayer
Hymn “You are salt for the earth”
Scripture Lesson: Psalm 78:1-8
Children's Time
Anthem “Arise and Shine Forth”
Vows of Commitment
Unison Congregational Response
Call to Prayer
Joy and Concerns
Song “O Lord, hear my prayer”
Pastoral Prayer
Scripture Lesson: Matthew 5:13-16, Matthew 28:18-20
Message: “Called to Invite Others to Live in Obedience”
Hymn of Response “When we walk with the Lord”
Call to Giving
Offertory “Here I Am, Lord”
Offering Response “We give thee but thine own”
Prayer of Dedication
Sending Prayer
Music for the Journey “I’ve Got Peace Like a River”
Click for Friends to Remember in Prayer
Click for Weekly Calendar of Events
Additions and updates for prayer list or calendar of events are welcome by contacting the church office.
Special note for all Ministry Teams: Please notify the church office with any upcoming meetings or events for your team so we can add these dates to the calendar.
Children's Sunday School Classes
Children's Sunday School meets at 9:00 AM each Sunday in the classrooms just past the nursery. Children grades PreK (age 4) and up will have class lessons, with singing included as well. Children ages 3-4 and younger are welcome to attend nursery care, which may include a brief lesson in addition to playtime. All children are welcome!
Youth Sunday School Class
Meeting Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Youth Room 149
Teachers are David Witkovsky, John and Diane Gibble, and Deb Klinedinst.
This class is for youth in grades 6-12. We hope to see you there!
Vine and Branches Sunday School Class
The Vine & Branches Class will meet Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in Room 154. The class will be studying the "Current: Seeking God Together" lesson curriculum, led this week by Pastor Joel. This week's lesson is titled "Making Time" and is based on Daniel 6:1-23, a passage reminding its readers to give attention to our prayer life and committing time for attention to God amidst our busy lives. Come and join in our discussion, all are welcome.
Lamplighters Sunday School Class
The Lamplighters Class will meet Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in Room 145.
The class is continuing with their study of “The Call” by Adam Hamilton - a study of the life and message of the Apostle Paul. All are welcome.
Homebuilders Sunday School Class
The Homebuilders Class is continuing to meet on Sunday mornings from 8:00 AM to
9:00 AM by conference call, planning to remain holding class remotely for the time being. To be included, contact Mike Martin either by calling 717-840-4184 or by emailing, leaving the phone number at which you would like to be called. You will receive a phone call in the vicinity of 8:00 am. The class continues to examine lessons from the "Guide for Biblical Studies" curriculum.
Children's Ministry Schedule
For assistance setting up your account,
call Donor Support at: 800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman - Thank you for your support!!!!!
Flags!!! This year Vacation Bible School (July 31 to Aug. 4) theme is Passport to Peace. We are looking to borrow flags from around the world. Not sure if any of you have a flag from another country, any size, we can use to decorate.
If you do please let Diane Gibble know. Thank you.
Saturday June 11 - Yard Sale - 8:00 AM Fellowship Hall
Saturday June 18 - Event on Understanding Autism - 9:00 AM Sanctuary
Week of July 31 - August 4 - Vacation Bible School
SAT., JUNE 11th, 8:00 AM TO 3:00 PM
Lunch will be available with soup, hot dogs, and hamburg barbeque.
Soup can be purchased for “take out” by the bowl for $3.00 and a cup for $2.00.
Plan June 11 for a fun day with your family.
Education Team is planning an event on June 18th from 9:00 to 11:30 AM
with Gretchen Steffen, from Connections Early Interventions and Supports.
Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend - please consider doing your part to make our church more welcoming and to raise our understanding of autism. Gretchen will talk about what autism is, how to include children with special needs in community activities, and how to support families who have a child or family member diagnosed with autism. Gretchen taught elementary school in an inclusive classroom for many years prior to working for Early Intervention in York and Adams counties. Along with an educator and therapist perspective, Gretchen is also the mother of an autistic child. Bring your questions and learn about the amazing world of autism and the lives of special needs families. This is a free event open to anyone working with children (parent, grandparent, teacher, friend, neighbor, etc. ) or wanting to learn more about autism. Studies show that many families with special needs children do not attend church because the church does not know how to care for them or show their support for the families.
There have not been many people coming to the Food Pantry on Saturdays. Last month we had people requesting some hours on Tuesday, which we provided. This month I thought we’d try more Tuesday hours. The York County Food Hub, which has moved to the Red Lion area, is open the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings. I thought we’d try opening on the opposite Tuesdays.
Our Food Pantry hours in June will be as follows:
Tuesday 6/7/22 4:30 pm – 6 pm
Saturday 6/18/22 9:30 am to 12 noon
Tuesday 6/21/22 4:30 pm – 6 pm
Volunteers are needed for all 3 dates. Please contact Mary Esther or John if you would like to help. John and I are so grateful for those who filled in for us while we were down with Covid. We could not have opened the pantry without your help.
Mary Esther Anderson
From Mother's Day to Father's Day
> Take a baby bottle found in the gathering area
> Fill with change, paper money, or check (which is just as good as money)
> Return to church office.
Funds used to help young families, mothers and babies.
Dear Families,
We are so thankful to spend this time with your children. Over the next 13 weeks, children will experience ways to seek God together. Through Bible stories, prayer, crafts, games, and other activities, children will see how much God loves them and wants to spend time with them. You can help your children continue to grow in their faith by doing some of the activities listed here.
Make a Space
Places are important in the Bible. When people met God in the Old Testament, they would often mark it with a stone altar, or give it a special name. Create a special place in your home where you and your child can pray together and read together. Use blankets, pillows, a candle, a certain chair, or other special items to make a space, set aside as a place to meet God through prayer, Bible reading, or thoughtful silence.
Serve Others
One way we seek God together is by serving together. Find a way that your family can serve others, such as doing some extra cleaning or organizing at your church, or volunteering at another organization that serves your community.
Read the Bible
Read the Bible together as a family. Read one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) to learn from the life and teachings of Jesus. Or, use Shine On: A Story Bible, reading one story at a time, and sharing what part of each story surprised you or got your attention. Ask questions and model the desire to learn more as you read the Bible together.
God is good and has blessed us in many ways. Find ways to celebrate God’s goodness together as a family. Make a poster where you can write or draw pictures of blessings in your life. Put on worship music and sing or dance along. Invite friends over for a celebration meal and have each person name something for which they are thankful to God.
~The Education Team
Church of the Brethren Denominational News
Denominational news and information is always available by visiting
Church of the Brethren
Newsline Digest - June 2022
Concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and church operations:
Rates of covid are on the rise once again in our region, so please take precautions as you are so led. The church policy is that face coverings for our gatherings are optional for all attendees. So long as local case rates are low, we believe that we can gather safely and worship fully as usual. Please be aware of those around you that are most vulnerable to disease and operate out of regard for the well-being of all.
Worship will be live streamed on our YouTube channel and recorded each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM indefinitely for those who are unable to be present, but it is not intended to replace physical attendance long-term.
Thank you all for understanding and for your faithful participation in our life together. Please do your part to prevent the spread of contagious disease, as conditions may change in the future, as a holy expression of loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Since 2011 our Witness Team has sponsored the Cash for Causes program by selling Giant & Weis gift cards. The church receives 5% of sales to support various ministries. For 2022 the gift card sales will support The Lehman Center (Children’s Aid Society), New Community Project, Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, and LifePath Christian Ministries (formerly York Rescue Mission). You may purchase the cards in amounts of $100, $50, $25, or $10. The cards make great gifts, especially at holidays. Consider donating cards to the Food Pantry or using them yourself any time you shop at Giant or Weis.
I plan to attend our in-person worship services and will have the gift cards available
for your purchase before or after the service. However, if you will not be attending our in-person worship services, I will continue to send cards in the mail if you want to support this outreach ministry. Send your check to Becky Wenger, 3011 Bedford Pl, York, PA 17408. The Giant or Weis cards will be mailed to you. Make your check out to York First Church.
Thank you for supporting this program - Becky Wenger, Cash for Causes representative
Lehman Center "Wish List"
Items for donation to the Lehman Center are being collected in the basket in the
Gathering Area. Due to changes in the food pantry operations, these must be collected separately from food pantry supplies. Here are some items that are needed at Lehman Center.
Instant pudding (chocolate, banana)
Instant jello (orange, blue, green, grape, cherry)
Can fruit (pears, pineapples, fruit cocktail)
Applesauce (individual or jar)
Can vegetables (lima beans, peas, green beans)
Baby food - all stages
Baby snacks
Ezekiel 37:1-14
“God only knows”
Pastor Joel Gibbel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM to noon, and usually well into the afternoon as well. Afternoons and evenings may be set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for pastoral counseling by appointment.
If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is
(717) 318-5442, and his mobile number is (717) 271-4888 . You can also email him at Note that laws prevent hospitals from contacting a pastor without your permission when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
Our Mission Statement:
“People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
Our Vision Statement:
“To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”