9:00 AM - Sunday School Classes for all ages - click
for more information
10:30 AM - Worship, Sanctuary
October 20, 2019
Luke 18:1-8
2 Timothy 3:12-17
“Persistent Inspiration”
This Week
Upcoming Events
Children's Ministry Schedule
J.A.M. Choir News
Online Giving
Thank You
Directory Changes
Notes from the Console
Last Week
Contacting the Pastor
Camp Eder FALLFEST & Live Auction -
Saturday, October 19, 2019, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM -
Live Auction with Larry Schwartz, pit roasted pork & turkey meal - Adults $12. Kids (12 + under) $ 8., 4 + under free, silent auction, apple butter, Strawberry Hill Nature Center, vendors, Eder's Fallfest Fries & Sandwiches, kid's games & prizes, candy treasure hunt & bounce house, food court & bake sale, live music with Werner Family Bluegrass Band, face painting by Elizabeth, Michael Peluso glass demo, bee keeping demo, fiber arts demo, and more.
Come on out, support Camp Eder, and enjoy a beautiful autumn day outdoors!
Trick or Trunk -
October 23, 2019, 5:30 PM -
Come join us for this annual community event!
Volunteers are needed to decorate your trunks and distribute candy/trinkets to the children, assist with light snacks in Fellowship Hall, direct cars and participants in the parking lot, and assist with cleanup. Signup sheets are available in the narthex.
Come on out, and invite anyone with children to join us!
There is a basket in the narthex for anyone who wants to donate candy.
CDC Sunday -
October 27, 2019 -
The last Sunday in October, we will welcome many staff persons, children, and families who are part of the Child Development Center to attend our service of worship. Expect to greet many visitors, and look forward to a special time of worship focused on the children and recognizing those who serve as teachers in the CDC. Some of the children will sing for us during worship, artwork will be on display, and more! Please plan to attend and greet the many people who are part of the CDC program. It will be a great day to celebrate all that they do!"
The following resources are available on the table in the Gathering Area:
- This week's e-news and the October calendar, which can also be viewed here
- October Church of the Brethren Newsline Digest
Click for Calendar of Events, Friends to Remember in Prayer, & Sunday School
SOUP KITCHEN - Nov. 8, 2019
Sign up in the narthex to make a casserole or to work at the Soup Kitchen on Friday, Nov. 8, 2019 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE add your name and number of casseroles, to the SIGN UP sheet, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
- Meet our summer staff, enjoy a great meal and awesome program! 9:30 Meet and greet with continental breakfast, 10:00 Morning Program, 12:00 Delicious Lunch, 1:00 Afternoon program.
Children's Ministry Schedule
Thank you to all who assist with Children's Ministry. Your time, energy, and dedication are appreciated. If you need to make a schedule change or would like to serve as a teacher or in the nursery, please contact Michele Gibbel (717)318-5442 or
Beginning in September, we have started a
second Sunday School class
for our children. This means that we are in need of additional teachers and helpers. We now have a class for
PreK-1st Grade
and a class for
2nd-6th Grade
. Ideally we would like teachers to serve several weeks in a row to allow for continuity and to provide the best for our children. Helpers can be that extra set of hands and eyes and could be part of a more rotational schedule. If you would like to teach or be a helper, please contact Michele Gibbel or Diane Gibble. Thank you!
J.A.M. Choir News
Singing this Sunday! Children ages 4 to 6th grade J.A.M. (Jesus And Me) Choir is practicing Sundays from 9:50 am to 10:10 am in the basement choir room. For those children in Sunday school you will be escorted to the choir room and return to the Sunday school room to meet your parents after practice each week. J.A.M. Choir is scheduled to sing in worship every 2nd Sunday of the month. We will be singing, moving, using puppets, and playing musical instruments. Join us every Sunday as we make music for our Lord!
Friends of Cross Keys Village - The Brethren Home Community
CHANGE FOR A DAY - is due Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019
- Please place your donation in the container in the church narthex that is marked "Change for a Day".
Thank you, Keyperson, Anna Miller
Parish Resource Center Events
Church leaders and anyone else who is interested - click below or visit their website at
g to view some of the many upcoming events through the Parish Resource Center in Lancaster - an organization that provides many class and study materials in addition to programs that serve to build up leaders and the church's witness. Take a look and see what may interest you or benefit us all!
Anyone interested in attending the below workshop at PRC and want to car pool
see Diane Gibble:
Children and Music Awesome Worship (Nov. 11- 7-8:30)
If you wish to begin contributing to the church using online giving, please visit our website at:
and click on the Online Giving link or go directly to the Online Giving website at:
For assistance setting up your account, call Donor Support at: 800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman if necessary, and thank you for your support!
Thank you to the ladies of the prayer shawl ministry for knitting 35 hats and 12 scarves for the children in transition at Bell Socialization.
If anyone is need of a shawl or would like to join this outreach group, please contact Barbara Wueschinski. 717-792-9860
I would like to thank everyone for the cards, kind words, concerns, thoughts, and prayers during my step-mom's passing. I really appreciated it. ~ Barry Stehr
P. 17 - John & Ruby Minnich's new address: 3470 Carlisle Road, Dover, PA 17315
Add Cell phone numbers: John’s Cell (717) 818-8911, Ruby’s cell (717) 968-0464
P. 22 - Carmon & Thessa Sollenberger's new address: 6460 Common Circle, Apt. 105,
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Notes from the Console," Article 13, By Mike Frock
The Most Famous Organ Piece That Almost Never Was
For the Prelude this Sunday, I will be playing Bach’s ‘Toccata’ from his “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.” As early as 1850 Bach’s authorship was questioned, mostly due to some characteristics in the piece that are unusual in Bach’s compositions. However, no one has been able to suggest another composer that would be more likely than Bach himself. There is no original manuscript by Bach, and it is unknown when Bach wrote the piece. Dates have been suggested from 1704 to 1750 (the year he died). The first extant manuscript was made by a student of a student of Bach, probably sometime between 1730 and 1760. This may have been the only manuscript of the piece for nearly one hundred years until Mendelssohn helped publish it in 1833 in a collection of “little known” organ pieces by Bach. It is hard to believe that what became the most recognized piece of organ music in the world only existed on one manuscript for almost one hundred years because one person just happened to write it down.
It was not until 1840 when Mendelssohn performed the piece in public, that the piece started to receive any recognition. In the last half of the 1800s, publishers began to publish the piece, but it still remained just a “regular” piece with no special significance. Even in Albert Schweitzer’s 1905 biography of Bach, the piece goes unmentioned. However, by Schweitzer’s 1908 revision of the biography he calls the piece “well known,” and by 1928 Schweitzer calls the piece Bach’s “best known.” The piece gained more recognition through several arrangements written for piano for two hands and piano for four hands. In 1927 Leopold Stokowski arranged the piece for orchestra and recorded it with the Philadelphia Orchestra. The piece had its first association with horror/villainy in the 1931 film version of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” One hundred years after it was first published, the piece gained near universal recognition after its use in the 1940 Disney film “Fantasia.” It was used in the 1954 film “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” and continued it association with horror in the 1962 film version of “The Phantom of the Opera.” Since then the piece has been arranged for violin, brass quintet, and other instruments such as flute and French horn, and was even covered by the rock band Sky.
Scripture Lesson:
Luke 17:11-19, 2 Timothy 2:8-15
“Remember and Give Thanks”
Worship Attendance: 110
Pastor Joel Gibbel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday - Thursday from 9:00 AM to noon. Afternoons and evenings are often set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment.
If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is
(717)318-5442, and his cell number is (717)271-4888 . You can also email him at Note that laws prevent hospitals from contacting a pastor without your permission when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
Our Mission Statement:
“People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
Our Vision Statement:
“To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”