In the Sanctuary and Online
Please See Below for Sunday School Class Information
August 30, 2020
Matthew 16:21-28
"Get Behind Me”
This Week
Sunday School News
Youth Group News
COB Newsline
Online Giving
Upcoming Events
Directory Change
Notes from the Console
Last Week
Contacting the Pastor
Out of the Wilderness... Confronting the Powers
This week in worship we will encounter two prominent stories from the scriptures: God calling Moses to confront Pharaoh in Egypt (Exodus 3) and Jesus naming his call to go to Jerusalem to confront his opponents there (Matthew 16). There are some clear parallels between these two accounts that illustrate God's advocacy for justice, taking the side of the weak and the oppressed people of this world. What might this mean for us today? Come and see.
Live Stream Continues!
Once again (and always, we hope) our worship service will be presented "live stream" through our YouTube channel. Click the link below shortly before 10:30 AM on Sunday to enter a time of worship with all who will do likewise this weekend.
The video will be available to view after the worship hour in case you miss the 10:30 time or wish to watch it again.
*Please note: if anyone is unable to view the videos online, we have DVD copies of the services that can be picked up in the church narthex any weekday. Sermon manuscripts are also available upon request. We hope no one is missing out!
York First Livestream/YouTube Instructions
Step #3 (optional but helpful): Download the YouTube app to your smartphone.
Step #4: In the Friday e-news, click on the upcoming worship service link. On YouTube, Click the ‘Set Reminder’ button. You will need to be logged into your gmail/youtube account. When we go live on Sunday morning (typically a few minutes before 10:30), you should receive an email notification and a smartphone notification if you have downloaded it to your smartphone and have the notifications set up. Then you can just click the link in the notification to view the live video.
If at any time you have issues accessing the link, please refresh the page or visit our YouTube Channel page.
10:30 AM, August 30, 2020
Organ Prelude ‘No. 13. Légende’ from
“24 Pièces en Style Libre”
Welcome and Invocation Prayer
Hymn "Joyful, joyful, we adore thee"
Children's Time
Call to Prayer
Joys and Concerns
Prayers of the Church
Invitation to Give
Offertory/Violin Solo: Nonie Detrick
"Melodie" by Gluck & Kreisler
Prayer of Dedication
Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:21-28
Message: "Get Behind Me"
Hymn "The church's one foundation"
Sending Prayer
Organ Postlude “A Psalm of Praise”
This Week: Gathering
*** Special Note: Due to building construction, our sanctuary seating space has been further limited permits less room for "distancing" than it has before. Take this into consideration when discerning whether or not to attend in person. ***
This Sunday once again, our church building will be open for worship attendance. Please view the video below from last week for more information related to expectations and guidelines for our safety, as well as the written portion further below entitled "Concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and church operations." This remains a "soft opening" and not any sort of grand return-to-normal, as many parts of this nation struggle with COVID-19 very much at present. Since rates are relatively low in our area, we trust that small gatherings can be done with a high degree of safety.
We encourage staying at home rather than attending in person. Those who wish to attend may do so, so long as guidelines are practiced and we all remain healthy. Thank you all for your patience, concern, and encouragement in recent weeks!
Sunday School News
Homebuilders Sunday School Class
The Homebuilders Class is continuing to meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:00 am by conference call. All are welcome to join. To be included, contact Mike Martin either by calling 717-840-4184 or by emailing, leaving the phone number at which you would like to be called. You will receive a phone call in the vicinity of 9:00 am. The class continues to examine lessons from the "Guide for Biblical Studies" curriculum.
Lamplighters Sunday School Class
The Lamplighters Class is planning to meet on Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 pm until
8:00 pm by zoom (video) conference. If you wish to be included and haven't received an email already, please contact Pastor Joel at, and he will forward you the link. (We will not share the login info publicly in an effort to prevent hacking). The class will be led by Diane Gibble.
Vine & Branches Sunday School Class
The Vine & Branches Class is continuing to meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:00 am by zoom (video) conference. If you wish to be included, please contact Pastor Joel at, and he will forward you the link. The class will begin studying the "Guide for Biblical Studies" curriculum, "Many Faces of Wisdom." This week's lesson is based on James 3 and 5, entitled "Two Kinds of Wisdom." Worldly wisdom is born of envy and selfishness, but divine wisdom is pure, peaceable, and patient. Come and discuss what this means to us these days.
Children's Sunday School Class
Children's Sunday School is now planned for 12:00 noon each Sunday via zoom, with a lesson lasting approximately 20 minutes. Parents may of course participate alongside, but the time will be tailored to children. For the zoom link and to be included, please contact Pastor Joel at Thanks, and we look forward to this special time together!
Please check out this new Church of the Brethren resource that provides daily devotions for the youth. "Good News! Youth Devotional" has a new and unique offering each day with scripture, commentary, prayers, and questions to consider.
For those of you working with our children at church:
After you complete the training please print your certificate and give it to Pastor Joel to keep on file. Thank you so much for helping care for our little ones at church. Thank you!
Demolition work in the new Gathering Area
Church of the Brethren Denominational News
Denominational news and information is always available by visiting
July/August Church of the Brethren
Newsline Digest
2020 District Conference
that was scheduled for
Sat., September 19, 2020
has been cancelled.
You may click on the link
below to access District
Conference Information
Click for Friends to Remember in Prayer
and Event Announcements
Although in-person worship gatherings and events are suspended for a time, the church's ministry continues in many important ways. Please continue to give as you are so led, whether by mail or through online giving. Thank you.
For assistance setting up your account, call Donor Support at:
800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving
Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman - Thank you for your support!!!!!
SOUP KITCHEN - Friday, Sept. 11, 2020 - Sign up by calling Audrey Ginder,
717-755-6785 to make a casserole for the Soup Kitchen on Friday, Sept. 11, 2020
(10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE contact Audrey to add your name and number of casseroles, so we can let the Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
Thank you!
Concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and church operations:
Since video live-streaming is fully functional and COVID-19 cases remain relatively low in our area, we believe that we can responsibly resume worship gatherings, so long as they are small and well-distanced.
That said, staying home remains the safest option, and we commend doing so to prevent spread of contagious disease. Worship will be recorded and live streamed each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM whether anyone is in attendance or not. We remain a committed body of Christ's faithful disciples whether we gather in person or not. We are simply allowing in-person attendance for those who desire to do so. Thank you all in advance for choosing wisely how and where you will worship.
No Sunday School classes will resume until a later date, and several elements of worship will be adjusted such as seating arrangements, no passing of offering plates, and restricted singing. Handshake greetings should be avoided and masks must be worn within the building. Sanctuary windows and doors will be open, so expect warm and humid conditions. Please know that all of these measures are for our collective wellness.
We have every intention of continuing to provide worship, teaching, and encouragement while maintaining “physical distance” for the safety and well-being of the vulnerable among us. The pastor and secretary continue to be available and in the office most of the week, so please feel free to call or email as you wish. We discourage in-person visits, however. Visitation to nursing homes and hospitals continues to be restricted, and pastoral visits will be minimal.
Please recognize that your church will require funds to continue basic operation of property and facility, fulfill pledged outreach giving, and maintain staff who will continue to minister whether in-person gatherings happen or not. Online giving is a simple and easy way to support your church and those it serves during this time, and it is accessible through our church website Mailing your gifts and offerings to the church office is also welcome. Thank you to all who have given generously! We have been able to maintain our many outreach commitments thus far this year, and for that we give thanks!
Look for other announcements on our website and facebook page, and as always you may read current and/or recent newsletters through our website for other updates (and past sermons if you have spare time). **Note that you do not even need a facebook account of you own to view the church's page there. If you do have a facebook account, please "like" our church's page to view updates there. The more you "like" and "comment" and "share" our content, the better it "travels" and will be seen by others. Do your part to freely spread our messages of ministry during this time. Thank you!!**
Concerning the spread of COVID-19, here is a good resource with helpful links to other sites as well: Be careful to pay attention to public health experts, rather than every news headline or comment from your neighbors. We must act responsibly for the well-being of all, not merely ourselves. This disease is real and a genuine threat to the lives of many.
Thank you all for understanding and for your faithful participation in our life together. Stay apart from each other in body but close together in spirit. Talk to each other often, by phone especially. Please stay home and do your part to prevent the spread of contagious disease. That is how we can best love one another for the time being. God's comfort and peace be with you.
We wish to thank everybody who came to the service this past Sunday to help our family Celebrate Peg’s Life. We also want to thank everyone for the cards, phone calls, personal contacts and prayers that we received as well as the contributions that were made to York 1st Church and The Brethren Home Foundation in memory of Peg.
Some people were not able to attend the service. We recorded the service and its now posted on you-tube for you to view. The address is posted below. There was a 20 minute picture collage of Peg before the service that was recorded. After the collage was shown, the celebration of life service began.
The Jay Crist Family
Prayer Shawl Coordinator Needed
After 15 years as leader of the Prayer Shawl Ministry it is time for new leadership. The ministry has made approximately three hundred and fifty shawls and numerous hats and scarfs.
I continue to believe this is a meaningful outreach of First Church.
We have willing knitters, but need someone with new ideas to oversee this program. I am willing to meet with and help anyone that may have questions when considering the coordinating position.
I am very thankful for the many, past and present, members of this group that have faithfully given of their time, talent and prayers.
God Bless, Barb Wueschinski - 717-792-9860
Embroidered Cotton Face Masks
Now Available through
Brethren Press
Three styles to choose from:
- Speak Peace
- For the Glory of God and My Neighbor's Good
- Peacefully Simply Not So Close Together
- Non-medical 4-ply face mask is made from 5.4-oz, 100% ringspun cotton
- Cotton straps are soft with natural give to adjust to different size needs
- Reinforced with hemmed edges
- Masks are washable and reusable
- One size fits most
- Size: 5-3/8" x 7"
Save 20% on purchases of 10 or more
Click on button for additional information
2 Sarah Dietrich
4 Lisa Striebig
4 Daniel Beuschlein
4 Alexander Baldwin
5 Ed Martin
5 Judy Richcreek
6 Leonard Stoner
6 Diane (Ginder) Goetz
7 Evan Brickner
8 Joann Klinedinst
If your birthday is in SEPTEMBER and is not on the list below or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office.
10 Ruby Minnich
11 Linda Horner
11 James Knaub
12 Bonnie Wetzel
13 Steve Jones
14 Michele Gibbel
16 Bernetta Kile
23 Arlene Martin
25 Hannah Taylor
26 Bob Drawbaugh
29 John Gibble
Directory Change
P. 16 - Rebecca McCracken
Add phone numbers: Home (717) 741-4955 and Cell (717) 332-0510
Since 2011 our Witness Team has sponsored the Cash for Causes program by selling Giant & Weis gift cards. The church receives 5% of sales to support various ministries. For 2020 the gift card sales will support The Lehman Center (Children’s Aid Society), New Community Project, Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, and LifePath Christian Ministries (formerly York Rescue Mission). You may purchase the cards in amounts of $100, $50, $25, or $10. The cards make great gifts, especially at holidays. Consider donating cards to the Food Pantry or using them yourself any time you shop at Giant or Weis.
Beginning July 12, I plan to attend our in-person worship services and will have the gift cards available for your purchase before or after the service. However, if you will not be attending our in-person worship services, I will continue to send cards in the mail if you want to support this outreach ministry. Send your check to Becky Wenger, 3011 Bedford Pl, York, PA 17408. The Giant or Weis cards will be mailed to you. Make your check out to York First Church.
Thank you for supporting this program - Becky Wenger, Cash for Causes representative
"Notes from the Console," Article 58, By Mike Frock
The minor problem with the organ was fixed this week, and I am glad to be back at the organ bench. The Postlude this week is “A Psalm of Praise” by Chester Nordman. The Prelude this week is ‘No. 13. Légende’ from “24 Pièces en Style Libre” (“24 Pieces in Free Style”) by Louis Vierne. This is the third piece that I have played from this collection by Vierne (1870-1937). He was the legally blind organist at the Notre Dame Cathedral. This piece is a bit infamous. While it may sound easy, this piece is a mental workout because of the F# Major key signature (six sharps). Also, because of the “advanced harmony,” there are 23 written double sharps (not counting the double sharps that carry through a measure). For those of you who may never have run across a double sharp, it is an accidental (like a flat, sharp, or natural sign) that looks like an “x” in front of the note head which tells the performer to raise that note two half-steps. E.g. If the performer sees an “x” before the note “G,” the performer will go up two half-steps and play an “A.” Why didn’t the composer just write “A?” Music theory reasons.
I saw the phrase “advanced harmony” recently, and it is my new favorite phrase to describe a lot of twentieth-century music. The term “atonal” has been incorrectly attributed to much of twentieth-century music, and I am guilty of this generalization too. This piece, for instance, is not atonal. It focuses around the tonal center of F# or F# Major. However, it uses some twentieth-century compositional techniques like parallel motion of all the notes. This yields series of chords which do not conform to what would be considered normal chord progressions when analyzing music from earlier eras. Like the last Vierne piece that I played, even if you do not “like” the piece, hopefully some of you might find parts of this piece relaxing. And like the last Vierne piece, this piece is very quiet, requiring only six stops over three divisions. Those of you tuning-in from home may have to raise your volume. The piece is about 3’15” long. Therefore, I will try to start around 10:27 to be finished around 10:30/10:31. If you turn up your volume, remember to turn it back down after the Prelude!
Scripture Lesson:
Matthew 16:13-20
“On Earth as it is in Heaven"
Pastor Eric Landram
Pastor Joel Gibbel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday - Thursday from 9:00 AM to noon. Afternoons and evenings are often set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for Pastoral Counseling by appointment.
If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is
(717)318-5442, and his cell number is (717)271-4888 . You can also email him at Note that laws prevent hospitals from contacting a pastor without your permission when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
Our Mission Statement:
“People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
Our Vision Statement:
“To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”