Classes for All Ages
In the Sanctuary and Online
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September 29, 2024
1 Kings 19:3-9, Psalm 13:1-6
“Your Story Isn’t Over”
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Love Feast Sunday, October 6, 2024
Please join us for Love Feast on Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024, World Communion Sunday. We will be gathering in the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 PM for this most sacred time of worship, sharing the Agape Meal, feet washing, and communion together. All are welcome - childcare will be provided. If you need transportation, please contact your deacon or the church office.
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Saturday, September 28
10:00 am Food Pantry Open 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Sunday, September 29
9:00 am Combined Sunday School Class – New Community Project Presentation
10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary
Tuesday, October 1
4:00 pm Food Pantry Open 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Wednesday, October 2
9:00 am Staff Meeting – Multi-Purpose Room
Thursday, October 3
6:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal – Sanctuary
Sunday, October 6
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary
4:30 pm Love Feast – Fellowship Hall
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Click on this button to view the full calendar
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Click for Friends to Remember in Prayer
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Additions and updates for prayer list or calendar of events are welcome by contacting the church office.
Special note for all Ministry Teams: Please notify the church office with any upcoming meetings or events for your team so we can add these dates to the calendar.
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In addition to this prayer request list contained within each Friday's e-newsletter, we also have a "prayer chain" email list. We occasionally send immediate prayer requests to those who have opted in to receive the prayer chain and are committed to praying for each concern as they come. If you would like to be added to the prayer chain list, please notify the church office by email at or by phone (717) 755-0307. If you have a prayer request and desire it to be sent to this group, feel free to contact the church office anytime. Thank you! | |
Children's Sunday School Classes
9:00 AM in Rooms 151, 152, and 155. Children grades PreK (age 4) and up will have class lessons. Children ages 3-4 and younger are welcome to attend nursery care.
Combined Adult and Youth Session
9:00 AM in Rm 154. Dianne Hollinger will share her experience with the New Community Project.
Homebuilders Class
Mondays - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM by conference call. To join, contact Mike Martin at
717-840-4184 or and leave a phone number. The class studies lessons from the "Guide for Biblical Studies" curriculum.
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Children's Ministry Schedule | |
Friday-Saturday September 27-28 - Disaster Relief Auction, Lebanon Expo
Sunday September 29 - New Community Project Presentation, 9:00 AM
Sunday, October 6 - Love Feast, 4:30 PM
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held at Lebanon Valley Expo 80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon, PA 17042
Friday & Saturday, September 27 & 28, 2024
Auction booklets with complete information are located in the gathering area. Please click on the button to view the events for both days.
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OUR DAILY BREAD/SOUP KITCHEN - Friday, October 11, 2024
Sign up by calling Sandi Bowser at 717-825-7203 to make a casserole for
Our Daily Bread/Soup Kitchen on Friday, October 11, 2024 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
PLEASE contact Sandi to add your name and number of casseroles,
so we can let Our Daily Bread/Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
The pans are located in the church lounge. Thank you!
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Youth and School Age Children join us for Dodgeball fun!
Please feel free to invite friends and neighbors as you wish.
Sunday at 4:00 pm from Oct. 13 to Nov 17 in Fellowship Hall
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Camp Eder Needs You
Our 46th Annual Fall Fest is camp’s biggest fundraiser of the year. The proceeds go to our camp’s monthly expenses, summer camps, programs throughout the year and most importantly camp scholarships (for those children whose families cannot afford to send them to camp to hear Gods’ word.)
Camp Eder Fall Fest Auction is being held at Camp Eder on Sat., Oct. 19, 2024, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Silent Auctions: 10:00-10:45 & 11:00-11:45, Live Auction: 12:00 Noon
Turkey & Pork Lunch: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, Food Court: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Fall Fest is quickly approaching and we need your help to make it a success. Your attendance and donations to the auction are two of the best ways to help raise $$ for camp. We will again we accepting donations for gently used or new items as well as basket donations to be sold at the silent and/or live auction, (see your church office for a basket suggestion list with ideas.) If you are a designer of furniture, art work, quilts, wood products, etc., or know someone that is, please consider donating one of your creations. Please drop off all donations at Camp Eder before Thursday, October 17th.
If you need to have any items picked up, please call me.
Thank you for your support, Deona Schmittel (717) 451-3797
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Do you appreciate your worship experiences and lovely sanctuary at York First Church? Would you like to contribute to the value and significance of meaningful worship without attending any meetings? Do you have an interest in creating beauty within the sanctuary? Then we would warmly welcome you to join our Worship Center Committee, a sub-committee of and supported by the Worship Ministry Team. This committee cares for the Worship Center (in other denominations known as altar, communion table, etc.) as well as the choice of wall hangings and other decorations within the sanctuary for special church holy days and seasons (we have many resources).
If this peaks your interest or you feel a tug (by God or others), please contact the church office or Kim Witkovsky, Worship Ministry Team Chair ( or
814-599-7055), for questions, more details and/or to volunteer your time and creativity.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and we look forward to hearing from you very soon!
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Church of the Brethren Denominational News | |
Denominational news and information is always available by visiting
Read news updates by clicking the link below
You may also subscribe to receive Newsline via email if you wish
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Online Giving is safe, easy, and convenient. Sign up by going to our church website at: and click on the Online Giving Link or go directly to the Online Giving website at:
For assistance setting up your account,
call Donor Support at: 800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman - Thank you for your support!
NOTE: Online giving can be used for regular weekly or monthly offerings, special offerings, and capital campaign contributions, as well as many other specific outreach ministries that we sponsor.
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Located at the coat rack outside the Fellowship Hall
If you are missing something and can't find it, please take a look at the items that were found in the church and has been here for a long time. But don't delay because any items not claimed in a few weeks will be donated.
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01 Diane Gibble
02 Christopher Logue
07 Jarret Stehr
08 Winnie Fickes
11 John Anderson
14 Terry Wueschinski
14 Marty Reigle
15 Marcus Carey
15 Michael Carey
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If your birthday is in OCTOBER
and is not on the list below or is listed
incorrectly, please contact the church office.
17 Anna Elise Stoolmaker
19 Helen Stoner
21 Marjorie Schardt
21 Jared Beuschlein
23 Barry Stehr
25 David Gibble
26 Cathy Carson
28 Pat Gibble
29 Dylan Sauder
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Since 2011 our Witness Team has sponsored the Cash for Causes program by selling Giant & Weis gift cards. The church receives 5% of sales to support various ministries. For 2024 the gift card sales will support The Lehman Center (Children’s Aid Society), New Community Project, and Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry. You may purchase the cards in amounts of $100, $50, $25, or $10. The cards make great gifts, especially at holidays. Consider donating cards to the Food Pantry or using them yourself any time you shop at Giant or Weis.
If you’d like to support this program, please see Becky Wenger before/after worship service OR mail your check (paid to York First Church of the Brethren) to 3011 Bedford Pl, York, PA 17408 and your cards will be mailed to you.
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September 22, 2024
Tobit 4:5-11, 8:15-18
“The Bible in Brief: Apocrypha”
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Click on the image to view the service. | |
Pastor Joel Gibbel can be reached in the church office most weekdays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Some afternoons and evenings may be set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for pastoral counseling by appointment. | |
If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his mobile number is
(717) 271-4888. You can also email him at Note that laws prevent hospitals from contacting a pastor without your permission when you are admitted, so you will need to contact the church if you desire a visit or to request prayer.
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Our Mission Statement:
“People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
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Our Vision Statement:
“To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”
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