Please See Below for Sunday School Class Information
In the Sanctuary and Online
November 28, 2021
Psalm 25:1-10,16-21
“I Wait for You”
This Week
Prayer Requests
and Calendar
Sunday School News
Children's Ministry Schedule
Online Giving
Upcoming Events
COB News
Thank you
Directory Changes
Last Week
Contacting the Pastor
Waiting with Hope:
A Prayer for Preservation
This week in worship we being the season of Advent, lighting the candle of Hope as we anticipation the coming of the Christ child. Our lesson from Psalm 25 will remind us how we might pray - both for ourselves and for others - with a humble willingness to be taught and formed by God's goodness and mercy. We all wish to preserve what is beneficial our life together, including our faith community itself. However, we must be open to fresh perspective, wise counsel, and a return to our first love. As we look to ways in which we must move as we grow, let us resolve to "not be afraid" of what the future will bring.
Please join us this week for worship, as it is the central practice as a church that keeps our attention on God and holds us together as a body of faith. Let us commit to seeking God's instruction this season, seeing that the message of Christ exceeds all other "voices" that seek our attention. Let us find true hope, peace, joy, and love in the Lord alone.
Advent Decorating Saturday
Tomorrow! Anyone who wishes to help with some sanctuary and Gathering Area decorations is welcome to come to the church building starting at 9:00 AM to assist with decoration in preparation for the Christmas season. We look forward to this time together for and appreciate all who join.
Live Stream Worship
Although many of us are gathering in person, our worship services will be presented "live stream" through YouTube for those who wish to join that way. Please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already for simpler access to previous videos. Click the link below shortly before the service begins at 10:30 AM on Sunday to join with us in worship.
The video will be available to view after the worship hour in case you miss the 10:30 AM time or wish to watch it again.
*Please note: if anyone is unable to view the videos online, we have DVD copies of the services that can be picked up in the church lounge any weekday. Sermon manuscripts are also available upon request.
10:30 AM, November 28, 2021
First Sunday of Advent
Prelude “Coventry Carol”
Welcome And Announcements
Advent Candle Lighting
Unison Invocation Prayer
Hymn “Come, thou long-expected Jesus”
Children's Time
Call to Prayer
Hymn “There is a place of quiet rest”
Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Anthem “Angel’s Advent Carol”
Offering Invitation
Offertory “The Road Home”
Offering Response “God, whose giving”
Offering Prayer
Scripture Lesson: Psalm 25:1-10,16-21
Message: “I Wait for You”
Hymn of Response “Lord, I am fondly, earnestly”
Sending Prayer
Postlude “Oh How I Love Jesus”
Listening Assistance Devices are here for those worshiping in person!
You may use your own smartphone and download the iPhone app here or the Android app here and bring your own headphones. Please note, you need to be connected to the church wifi (SimplePeace2gether) to listen. You may also see the AV person in the AV booth for a device as well.
Click for Friends to Remember in Prayer
Click for Weekly Calendar of Events
Additions and updates for prayer list or calendar of events are welcome by contacting the church office.
Special note for all Ministry Teams: Please notify the church office with any upcoming meetings or events for your team so we can add these dates to the calendar.
Children's Sunday School Class
Children's Sunday School meets at 9:00 AM each Sunday, in-person, in the classrooms just past the nursery. Children grades PreK and up will have class lessons, with singing mid-hour as well. Children ages 4 and younger are welcome to attend nursery care, which may include a brief lesson in addition to playtime. All children are welcome!
Homebuilders Sunday School Class
The Homebuilders Class is continuing to meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM by conference call, planning to remain holding class remotely for the time being. To be included, contact Mike Martin either by calling 717-840-4184 or by emailing, leaving the phone number at which you would like to be called. You will receive a phone call in the vicinity of 9:00 am. The class continues to examine lessons from the "Guide for Biblical Studies" curriculum.
Lamplighters Sunday School Class
The Lamplighters Class meets Sunday mornings in-person at 9:00 AM in their classroom, Room 145. The class is studying “The Essential Commandment: A Disciple’s Guide to Loving God and Others” by Greg Ogden in collaboration with Compelling Vision. Beth Anne Bahn will be teaching.
Vine & Branches Sunday School Class
The Vine & Branches Class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM, in-person, in the room near the Gathering Area. The present lesson series engages with Richard Rohr's "The Universal Christ" - exploring a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God's constant, unfolding work in the world. Come and join us this season as we work through this exciting material. Pastor Joel will be leading discussion.
Jr and Sr High Youth Sunday School Class
This class will start Sunday Jan. 2, 2022 at 9:00 AM in the Youth Room.
Teachers are David Witkovsky, John and Diane Gibble, and Deb Klinedinst.
We hope to see you there!
Upcoming youth events are:
Camp Eder Winter Camp January 28–30. Sign up through Camp Eder
District Youth Retreat the weekend of March 18-20. Let an adviser know if you are interested.
Children's Ministry Schedule
A Process of Discovery and Growth
A big thank you to all who attended the event on Sunday November 7th at 4PM, in which we worked on a congregational timeline with Pastor Greg Davidson Laszakovits, our facilitator and consultant working in cooperation with the VITAL Team. In case you were not able to attend, a recording is available below. We had a lovely time together, and there was a great deal of opportunity for sharing from all participants!
The next step in this process involves Greg entering further conversation with many of us through interviews, opportunities to share one-on-one your experiences with our congregation, where it excels, and where we stand to grow. Please sign up for a time slot in the Gathering Area for your chance to share, and some of you may expect a phone call requesting time for an interview. Be assured that this is important and necessary next step in our process, and we hope to hear from very many of you!
Here are upcoming dates for interviews. Please be prepared to sign up for a 30-minute spot within the following blocks:
Wednesday December 1, 8-11AM
Monday December 6, 10AM-5PM
Tuesday December 7, 5-9PM
Thursday December 9, 10AM-5PM
“Do Not Be Afraid” by Angela Finet
“In the Gospel of Luke, angels proclaimed, “Do not be afraid,” to Zechariah, to Mary, and to the shepherds keeping watch over their flock by night. As we revisit these timeless texts, may the words that envelope this holy story reassure us in times of anxiety and darkness. Emmanuel. God with us.”
The advent books are available for pick up in the Narthex.
Please take one per household and let it guide you this Advent Season.
**UPDATE: Only a few devotional books remain, and unfortunately all print copies are sold out by the publisher, Brethren Press. If you did not get a booklet, electronic copies can be purchased for immediate download at the following links:
Jolene Zeigler will begin taking orders for poinsettias this Sunday.
This is the last Sunday to place your order. You may purchase them “in honor, in memory, or in appreciation of ” someone if you wish. The cost is $ 12.00 each for a red 6" poinsettia. You may also email or call the church office to place your order.
There are a limited number of York First Church of the Brethren burgundy shirts available for purchase at $20/ea. They are polo style burgundy, wrinkle free shirts. We have ladies sizes, small, medium, large and x-large and four men’s large shirts available. Deb Klinedinst will have the shirts available this Sunday and if you need to contact Deb email her at
Nov. 30 - Cookies for Truck Stop Ministry & short lesson - Lounge
Dec. 7 - Christmas Luncheon together:
The Blue Heron, 3320 E. Market St.
Dec. 14 - Bible Study - the last on the study of Esther
Dec 21 & 28 - No Class - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
See you all after the new year.
Prayer shawl group will not be meeting in December.
Next meeting time will be third Thurs. in Jan. 22 from 1-2 PM in the lounge.
For assistance setting up your account,
call Donor Support at: 800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman - Thank you for your support!!!!!
November 27 - Advent Decorating - Saturday 9:00 AM
December 5 - Advent Breakfast - Sunday 9:00 AM
December 12 - Caroling Outdoors following Sunday worship
December 12 - Dallastown High School Choral Ensemble - Sunday 3:00 PM, Sanctuary
December 19 - Choir Cantata during Sunday worship
December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Friday 7:00 PM
Tomorrow! Saturday, November 27 - 9:00 AM
Advent is fast approaching and it is time to decorate the
narthex and sanctuary for the Christmas season.
We are inviting anyone who would be willing to have
fun and share your decorating skills join us on
Saturday, November 27th at 9:00 AM.
First Church cookie bakers are needed to put their talent to work because we are again packing homemade cookies for the truckers which will be handed out to them during the month of December at the Carlisle Truck stops. The Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry chaplains will do so.
Please put your freshly baked homemade cookies on the table in the church lounge by Monday, November 29th. They definitely MUST be there by 9:30 AM Tuesday morning, November 30th. The Ladies Bible Study group will pack them in the decorated bags that morning.
Thank you so much for helping to brighten a truck driver's day!
We will gather at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a breakfast dish or fruit to share. The Fellowship & Hospitality Team will have drinks and some hot casseroles available. Enjoy a time of fellowship with others during the Christmas season. No sign up is needed.
Children's crafts and activities will be provided by the Education Team.
OUR DAILY BREAD/SOUP KITCHEN - Friday, December 10, 2021
Sign up by calling Sandi Bowser at 717-825-7203 to make a casserole for
Our Daily Bread/Soup Kitchen on Friday, December 10, 2021 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE contact Sandi to add your name and number of casseroles, so we can let
Our Daily Bread/Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect.
The pans are located in the church lounge. Thank you!
Come and join us for an evening of family festive fun at Camp Eder! The woods will be illuminated with lots and lots of Christmas lights, warm fires, hot cocoa and children activities will be happening each night. This is a beautiful festival you most certainly will not want to miss!
Friday & Saturday, December 10 & 11, 5pm - 9pm
● Christmas Lights & Music
● Hay Rides Friday & Saturday Night 5-8pm
● Tree Decorating Contest
● Delicious Turkey Dinner & Soup (per donation)
● Luminary Garden (honoring our loved ones)
● Decorated Trees
● Warm Drinks and Lots of Cookies (free)
● Bake Sale
● Kid's Activities
● Cozy Fires
● Live Music
Click on button below to view
the Sponsorship Form for the
Christmas Tree Festival
Christmas Caroling - Sunday, December 12, 2021
We will be Christmas Caroling after worship on Dec. 12th on the corner of Kingston and Sundale. All are welcome to join us as we spread Christmas cheer to our neighbors. We will sing for about 15 minutes. Please dress warmly. Afterwards those who would like to sing a few songs outside the windows of Ruthie Bahn (Beth Anne Bahns mother in law) and Nancy Gibble (John Gibbles mother) will drive to Kingston Court. If you have any questions please contact Diane Gibble.
Men's Spiritual Leadership Summit
Saturday - February 19, 2022
Unity and What it Means for the Church
Guest Speaker: David Sollenberger 2022 Church of the Brethren Annual Conf. Moderator
Location:Mechanicsburg Church of the Brethren, 301 Gale St., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Registration Deadline: Monday, February 1, 2022
Click on the button below to view the brochure and information.
This information will be posted on the bulletin board in Narthex area.
Church of the Brethren Denominational News
Denominational news and information is always available by visiting
Church of the Brethren
Newsline Digest - November 2021
You can help shape the future of the church!
Each member of the Church of the Brethren is invited to recommend possible nominees for the 2022 Annual Conference ballot. As you pray about this, who comes to mind? Whom will the Lord prompt you to nominate? We encourage you to talk with the person you are planning to nominate, to gauge their interest, but more importantly to talk with them about the gifts and skills you see in them, to encourage them to prayerfully consider the call, and to encourage them to fill out the information following your nomination. The nomination isn't complete until they have responded.
The “Request for Nominations” document (PDF - click below) will help clarify position that need to be filled. We need nominees from every part of the church.
Submit all nominations by December 1, 2021. The earlier, the better!
Thanks for all who saved used stamps this past year and placed them in the stamp box in the lounge at church. The Brethren Home Community at Cross Keys is still using them to buy needed supplies for residents at the home.
Keep them coming in. Thank you! ~ Keyperson, Anna Miller
P. 16 - Jackie LeGrand - New email address:
P. 13 - Add Catherine Carson, 2417 Cambridge Road, York, PA 17402
02 Melinda Carlson
04 Haley Grace Yingling
04 Paige Noelle Yingling
07 Brynleigh McCracken
08 Todd Plymire
10 Barbara Rollman
12 Bob Stoolmaker
12 Tim Beckwith
14 Peggy Metzger
14 Christina Deitch
14 Kelly Boogher
If your birthday is in DECEMBER and is not on the list below or is listed incorrectly, please call the church office.
15 Dave Bradfield, Sr
16 Brad Shenk
17 Jon Beuschlein
17 Linda Min
18 Eric Brickner
18 Julie Ilyes
21 Lindsey McCracken
23 Dave McCracken
24 Matthew Klinedinst
26 Emma Stoolmaker
29 Stephen M. Hoover
Concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and church operations:
The church Leadership Team has approved updated policy on face coverings for our gatherings: following with CDC guidance, masks are now optional for those who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. For those not vaccinated, please continue to wear a mask indoors. We are on the honor system and are trusting all attendees to respect this policy. All are welcome, as always, and we hope for further updates moving forward.
Staying home remains the safest option, yet we commend and affirm in-person gatherings as the ideal. Worship will be live streamed on our YouTube channel and recorded each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM indefinitely, but it is not intended to "replace" physical attendance long-term. So long as you are comfortable being near others, please plan to join our services of worship, classes, and other events.
Most Sunday School classes have resumed meeting in person. Check the class information above for weekly updates.
We have every intention of continuing to provide worship, teaching, and encouragement while maintaining some “physical distancing” for the safety and well-being of the vulnerable among us. The pastor and secretary continue to be available and in the office most of the week. Visitation to nursing homes and hospitals continues to be restricted, although Pastor Joel is open to home visits as requested.
Please recognize that your church will require funds to continue basic operation of property and facility, fulfill pledged outreach giving, and maintain staff who will continue to minister whether in-person gatherings happen or not. Online giving is a simple and easy way to support your church and those it serves during this time, and it is accessible through our church website Mailing your gifts and offerings to the church office is also welcome. Thank you to all who have given generously! We have been able to maintain our many outreach commitments thus far this year, and for that we give thanks!
Look for other announcements on our website and facebook page, and as always you may read current and/or recent newsletters through our website for other updates (and past sermons if you have spare time). **Note that you do not even need a facebook account of you own to view the church's page there. If you do have a facebook account, please "like" our church's page to view updates there. The more you "like" and "comment" and "share" our content, the better it "travels" and will be seen by others. Do your part to freely spread our messages of ministry during this time. Thank you!!**
Concerning the spread of COVID-19, here is a good resource with helpful links to other sites as well: Be careful to pay attention to public health experts, rather than every news headline or comment from your neighbors. We must act responsibly for the well-being of all, not merely ourselves.
Thank you all for understanding and for your faithful participation in our life together. Please do your part to prevent the spread of contagious disease, as a holy expression of loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Since 2011 our Witness Team has sponsored the Cash for Causes program by selling Giant & Weis gift cards. The church receives 5% of sales to support various ministries. For 2021 the gift card sales will support The Lehman Center (Children’s Aid Society), New Community Project, Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, and LifePath Christian Ministries (formerly York Rescue Mission). You may purchase the cards in amounts of $100, $50, $25, or $10. The cards make great gifts, especially at holidays. Consider donating cards to the Food Pantry or using them yourself any time you shop at Giant or Weis.
I plan to attend our in-person worship services and will have the gift cards available for your purchase before or after the service. However, if you will not be attending our in-person worship services, I will continue to send cards in the mail if you want to support this outreach ministry. Send your check to Becky Wenger, 3011 Bedford Pl, York, PA 17408. The Giant or Weis cards will be mailed to you. Make your check out to York First Church.
Thank you for supporting this program - Becky Wenger, Cash for Causes representative
Psalm 132:1-18
“My Resting Place”
“Jesus in the Neighborhood”
LifePath Christian Ministries
Pastor Joel Gibbel can be reached most mornings in the church office Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM to noon, and usually well into the afternoon as well. Afternoons and evenings may be set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for pastoral counseling by appointment.
If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is
(717) 318-5442, and his mobile number is (717) 271-4888 . You can also email him at Note that laws prevent hospitals from contacting a pastor without your permission when you are admitted, so you will need to let hospital staff know that you would like the hospital to contact your pastor.
Our Mission Statement:
“People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
Our Vision Statement:
“To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”