Volume 6 Issue 1: January 9, 2025

A Message from Pastor Tom Hallberg

Dear HUMC Family,

Happy New Year 2025! As a church, we accomplished a lot in 2024, and I'm looking forward to the ways in which we can continue on this path of discipleship together in 2025!

New Years are a great time to make resolutions, take up new challenges, and recommit ourselves to a cause - Recommitting ourselves to God is vitally important!

At the roots of our Methodist heritage is a Prayer penned by John Wesley. He adapted the words of this prayer from a prayer in the Puritan tradition.

Many of you have probably read and prayed this prayer in prior years. Maybe this prayer is new for you. Can we all commit to taking just a few moments, praying this prayer with sincerity, and looking forward to the ways God will work through (or in spite of) us?

“I am no longer my own, but thine.

Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.

Put me to doing, put me to suffering.

Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,

exalted for thee or brought low for thee.

Let me be full, let me be empty.

Let me have all things, let me have nothing.

I freely and heartily yield all things

to thy pleasure and disposal.

And now, O glorious and blessed God,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.

And the covenant which I have made on earth,

let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.”


Pastor Tom

Rev. Tom Hallberg - Pastor Contact Number: 252-414-8737


Church Announcements

Join us this Sunday, December 22nd for Sunday School

9:00-9:30 AM in the Crusader Classroom

Sunday School Schedule:

  • January 12 - Sunday School will resume - Please read Chapter 10 in Liturgy of the Ordinary
  • January 19 - Please read Chapter 11 in Liturgy of the Ordinary
  • January 26 - New Sunday School Topic - The Bible in a Year

Beginning on January 26, we will begin reading the Bible over the course of the year, and we will discuss our readings during Sunday School. We always welcome new participants!

The United Women in Faith will be having their Super Bowl Chili event again this year to support their scholarship fund. There will be a limited amount of chili available so order early as we will stop taking orders when we reach our quota We are only offering the football (hamburger) chili this year. The cost is still $15 for a quart. Each quart will also have 2 pieces of cornbread.  Someone will be in the back of the church on Sundays to take orders. You can also contact any circle member to place an order. There will be a bake sale at the church on February 9 between 11-1 which is when the chili pick up is scheduled. All orders must be made by February first or before the cutoff.

Outreach Opportunities

Here are some ways you can share God's love

Good afternoon!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday. It's hard to believe we are soon approaching 2025! Last year around this time, I sent a year-end breakdown of assistance given via the Community Care Collaborative (CCC) program. I believe it's important for donors who generously support our mission to see these numbers and understand how their contributions are being used in the community.

Due to your generous donations of $500 per year since 2022, allow me to give you an update on how that money was used in Perquimans County specifically. 

In December 2024, we assisted four families in Perquimans County with a total of $2,900 in direct assistance. Two families received past-due rental assistance, one received help with utilities, and the fourth received assistance with a security deposit to move into a new home. Year to date, the total amount given for Perquimans County residents in various crisis situations was $32,180.31, reaching 156 individuals in 72 families. We truly appreciate your giving and ongoing support.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that our program, despite being a one-time assist per 12 months, consistently exhausts our monthly funding allotment every month of the year. In an effort to aid everyone who qualifies, we increased our monthly cap from $15,000 to $17,500 in April 2024 and as of January 1st of 2025, we're stepping out in faith to increase our monthly cap once again to $20,000. With that increase, we will require additional funds to ensure financial stability. 

While we are regularly searching and applying for grant funding, we rely on the generous support of churches like yours to help bridge the gap between local resources to assist our neighbors in need. We would be incredibly grateful if you would consider increasing your monthly support. Additionally, if you would like me to schedule a visit to your committee or parish, please feel free to contact me. I would be more than happy to speak with your members.

Thank you again for your support! Have a Happy New Year! 

Kind Regards,

Alexandra Lekki

Community Care Manager

A new round of "Ready, Set, Read" will go from the Beginning of February to the Beginning of April. If you could give about 30 minutes to read to a 3rd Grader at Hertford Grammar School, please see Mark Sherrill or Lynne Raymond


We are thrilled to announce that Hertford Grammar School has invited our church to sponsor the children’s monthly birthday parties for the 2024-25 school year! This is a fantastic opportunity for us to connect with the children and support our local school community.

If you choose to sponsor a month, you’ll need to recruit 2-3 volunteers to help distribute cupcakes and drinks to the children on the day of the party. As the sponsor, you’ll be responsible for picking up and paying for napkins, drinks, and cupcakes. Outreach will handle ordering the cupcakes from Food Lion, so all you need to do is pick them up. The cost for the cupcakes is approximately $35, plus the cost of drinks, cups, and napkins. Please remember that drinks should be low sugar!

All parties will take place on Wednesdays from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, so be sure to arrive early to set up. August will feature a combined party for July and August birthdays, and May will combine May and June birthdays.

This is a great way to engage with the children, support our local schools, and provide valuable community service. The joy on the children’s faces as they celebrate their special day is truly rewarding!

To sign up, please visit the Outreach Team Bulletin Board outside the church sanctuary. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lynne Raymond at 203-394-7062.

Let’s work together to make these birthday parties special for the kids!

District and Conference News

Click on the link for a Pastoral Letter Addressing the Plight of Migrants, Immigrants, and Refugees in the U.S. by Bishop Connie Shelton and the NCCUMC Cabinet

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Volunteer opportunities

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[Phone: 252-426-5467]  [humcoffice@hertfordumc.org] [hertfordumc.org]

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