June 20, 2019
Picture of  the Week!

This Sunday we remember
St. Alban.
Hear our Summer Seminarian, Maryann Younger preach.
Thank You to all who donated baby food this morning to the  
Essentials Pantry
Readings of  the Week
The Lessons Appointed for Use on
the Feast of
June 23rd
Sermon of the Week  
The Rev. Tim Boggs  
Sermon from Trinity Sunday June 16th  
Worship Schedule

  • 8:00 am Quiet, spoken and traditional 
  • 9:30 am Holy Communion with choir and children's programs
  • 5:30 pm Celtic
    Eventide...contemplative, musical and prayerful
  • 5:00 pm Centering Prayer
Clergy and Music
 This Sunday .
  • The Rev. Tim Boggs will be celebrating at 8 am and 9:30 am and 5:30 pm
  • Summer Seminarian, Maryann Younger will be  preaching  at 8 am and  9:30 am
  • The Rev. Holly Hoffman will be assisting at 8 am and 9:30 am and reflecting at 5:30 pm
  • Joel Pierce is at the organ bench.
Meetings & Events  

6/22       Consecration of Bishop  
6/26       Yoga
7/2         Essentials Pantry  
7/3         Yoga 
7/4         July 4th / Office Closed
7/8         2nd Monday Lunch
7/10       Yoga 
7/15       Camp Begins
7/21       Blood Pressure Clinic
7/21       Family Service   
7/24       Yoga
7/29       Bluehill Bach Concert 
7/31        Yoga 
8/6         Essentials Pantry
8/7         Yoga  

All Are Welcome

Overview of Children and Youth Programs

Children's Chapel
Ages four through sixth grade! A space of welcome, music, and prayer before lessons in our age groups. 9:30am, downstairs in Godly Play.

Nursery : During 9:30am worship for babies and toddlers.

Godly Play : ages 4- grade k
Wonder and storytelling with inviting object lessons.

Our Place : grades 1st- 4th
A rotation based program of Bible exploration.

Connect : grades 5th -6th  
God's story meets our story with games, artwork and fun!

Rite 13 : grades 7th- 8th  
Focusing on God at work in our lives through service and formation.

Debbie Fisher, Director of Children and Family's Formation 
Youth Group
High School Youth Gatherings
Our second meeting of June will be going to a diocesan youth event on Saturday, June 22 in celebration of the consecration of our new bishop. The diocese has put together an amazing experience: watch party, fun and games, "lock in" (meaning overnight), and then worship on Sunday to hear our Presiding Bishop preach live at Ocean Park (Yes, he's the preacher from the Royal Wedding!).
  Our usual meetings for fun, food, fellowship, and prayer are on the first and third Sundays of each month at 3:30 - 5 pm.
The adults involved with leading the high school youth group are the Rev. Holly Hoffmann, Anne Sedlack, and Peter Durgin.  
If you would like to be added to our email list to learn about upcoming high school youth events, please contact the Rev. Holly Hoffmann at hhoffmann@stalbansmaine.org.   
St. Alban's Gives Back
Summer is here! Please take a St. Alban's Clynk bag for your returnables to your home or camp to support St. Alban's youth. Money collected through the Clynk bags from St. Alban's go to support the High School Youth Pilgrimage in the Summer of 2020.
How it works
: When the bags are full, bring them directly to a Hannaford Grocery Store, scan the bag's tag, and know your donation is then credited to our Clynk account.
(Please do not bring full Clynk bags to the church.)

If you have questions, please see our Associate Rector and high school youth group leader The Rev. Holly Hoffmann hhoffmann@stalbansmaine.org
Health Ministry

Wear sunscreen every time you go outside .
A reminder from the
Health Ministry
Sign up today for the  
July classes
Wednesdays July 3, 24, 31 and August 7th , 9:30-10:45 am 

All Levels Yoga is suitable for continuing and beginning students. Our focus will be on cultivating a clear, intelligent and balanced practice of postures, breathing techniques and relaxation.  Class size is small and props are used to individualize student's needs / abilities. The yoga props will be provided. If you own a yoga mat, please bring it with you.
To sign up, email ktucker@stalbansmaine.org  and then bring a check payable to St. Alban's for $60 to the office at St. Alban's. Note in the memo line that the check is for yoga class.  
  Like me on Facebook

There are so many people in the long history of St. Alban's Parish whose ministries and presence have had an enduring impact.
Anita Samuelsen, who died in the spring of 2018, is a particularly wonderful example of this truth.
Because Anita's ministry was one of radical hospitality, often expressed right at the front doors of the church, your Vestry has unanimously voted to dedicate our entryway foyer in her name. This Sunday we will unveil a delightful wall plaque designed and installed by friends of Anita.
Anita had a consciousness of the power of connectedness, a personal wholeness...inward and outward. This came to life in her heartfelt welcomes, week after week, month after month, year after year. And also in so many other ways, particularly in fostering our vital Health Ministry.
We are, as she believed and lived, designed to be made whole.
She understood wholeness to be a living into the truth that the sinews of life we've been given lead one to another. She knew that our emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual centers of life are... at their best...deeply connected within and without.
She saw this sacred wholeness as a grace...an interior coherence to be outwardly shared.
I know this because she taught me about it! But I'm not a very good student, so she taught me again and again; and then, of course, she showed  us all how to grasp the value and the truth of wholeness in the action of life.
Please plan to be in church this Sunday our St. Alban's Day to honor this leader of the Church and friend indeed.
The Rev. Timothy Boggs
Our new Bishop of Maine
Planning to watch the live stream of the ordination and consecration of the Reverend Thomas James Brown, the tenth bishop of Maine on Saturday?

Here are the links you will need to test your system on Thursday or Friday and to connect on Saturday morning:
Primary YouTube Test Thursday at 5:30 PM:
View link: https://youtu.be/Dkw_y65oQI8
Primary YouTube Test Friday at 2:30 PM:
View link: https://youtu.be/Grt4bDEeMgM
Primary YouTube Stream Saturday at 10:15 AM (Service procession begins at 10:52 AM)
View link: https://youtu.be/ecpU2vkDFTM
Back-up stream:
(Only active if primary stream goes down)

View link:
Video of the week is a joy!
Make Way for Maine Ducklings. One of our parishioners, Elise Seavey and the staff at Parker's Restaurant helped save a mom duck and her babies. Click here for the full heart warming story.
Our new Music Director
Although a young man, Joel Pierce comes to us with decades of experience making and leading music. With a passion for the organ and choral singing, Joel brings an energy and creativity to our worship. Having led a large church choir and assisted with community chorus, as well as teaching and collaborating, Joel knows the power of a dynamic music program in a parish and in the community. He plans to be with us for a long while as the Spirit of Music takes even deeper root at St. Alban;'s
Welcome, Joel! 
The Spirit of Music
Get Your Tickets Now!
On -line or by email!
Camp St. Alban's
Registration closing soon,  space is limited, please visit our website for more information  
and to sign up.
More Summer Fun

With the arrival of summer comes the arrival of Summer Fun Days at the 9:30 am service.

Each Sunday from June 16th-August 25th, we'll delight children ages 4 - rising 6th grade with outdoor fun & games, creative art projects, and perhaps even a friendly soccer match. We're looking for one or two families to host each Sunday - we'll help with ideas (seashell picture frames, sand art, life-size Noah's Ark) or provide your own! 
Hosts needed on June 30th, July 7th and August 11th .
  Contact Debbie Fisher at dfisher@stalbansmaine.org to sign up.

Lemonade On The Lawn!
Lemonade on the Lawn is hosted by us all!
Would you like a turn?
Your help would be most welcome!

Hosts make lemonade (supplied by the church), provide cookies, coffee cake or something similar, cream, and their time on the scheduled Sunday morning.

Detailed information is provided to hosts well in advance.

We now use this link to schedule coffee hour! Simply click this link to find an available Sunday that fits your schedule.
Welcome To St. Alban's
To all our newcomers and our returning summer season folks welcome, we truly are so glad you are here.
An Invitation
An invitation to Confirmation for
Adults and Teens!
St. Alban's is preparing for summer Confirmation classes for those adults and teens who wish to:
  • deepen their belief,
  • engage more fully in the Episcopal tradition, and
  • freshen their commitment by a renewed understanding of  Christian faith.
Associate Rector the Rev. Holly Hoffmann and Seminarian Maryann Younger will lead this series of classes this summer.
Confirmation is an expression of mature commitment, through study, prayer, and dialogue. Confirmation is a sacred offering of the church and is blessed by the bishop's prayers and hands. Confirmation is also for those who have been confirmed in another Christian denomination and wish to join more fully in the Episcopal understanding. Those from other denominations are "Received" into the Episcopal Church through the confirmation study. They, too, are blessed by the bishop. The date for the service of Confirmation has not yet been set.
If you are not baptized and are interested in being baptized, please let us know. This Confirmation class may be for you. Baptism and Confirmation are not just for young folks! You are welcome and there's room for everyone!
To sign up, please RSVP to Maryann at myounger@stalbansmaine.org by June 16, speak with one of us, or sign up on the clipboard in Bonoff Hall to get your name on the class list.
We are looking forward to walking with you as your faith deepens, your knowledge increases, and your affirmation of faith is confirmed.