January 2023 Newsletter


Sunday- “The Mystery of the Mundane” 2 Peter 3:3-13. This message will offer you a specific prayer for the ordinary days of the New Year.

“You heard it first here”…..during the Coffee hour today, Bob Chicken will talk about the new employee handbook.  

Adult Study with Pastor, 10 am, meets every Sunday morning.


Prayer Group, 10:00 am. Meets every Tuesday

Afterschool Arts, 4:00 pm. Meets every Tuesday afternoon.

Adult Study with Doyle Hardy Meets every Wednesday.

Elders Meeting, meets every 1st Tuesday of the month.

Ministry Council Meeting, Jan. 26, 10 am.

Friday, January 27th, at 1:00 pm in the sanctuary, we will be having a hymn sing a-long. Bring the name of your favorite hymn and a little history about the words and the music and we will have lots of fun singing our favorite hymns.


Vision Council Meeting, Feb. 2, 10 am.

Drum Camp, Feb 6th-10th, 3:30 –7:00 pm.

Second Sunday Series, Feb. 12, 2 pm.

Heart to Heart Program, Feb. 15, 10 am.

Dawn on vacation, Feb15th -24th


A special THANK YOU to all of you from Herb Schmidt for all the wonder birthday cards, wishes and the special birthday party in his honor. (Herb Schmidt)


After School Drum Camp is right around the corner. A volunteer sign-up sheet is on the welcome table in the narthex. Come be part of the fun!

Next time you are at the church check out the bulletin board in the hallway near the library. It showcases many of the exciting activities of 2022 for young and old here at Englewood. 

If you would like to see what's happening at After School Arts just visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064304000531

Check out our website to see more details of our upcoming Drum Camp coming in February.

Drum Camp

Adult drum classes

Learn African Drumming. Adult drum classes are available during After School Drum Camp. Englewood Church members are invited to learn Marimba, Djembe and North African Tabla during the evening class sessions. No experience is necessary and we will have drums and marimbas here to use. 

We will celebrate Black History Month through learning rhythms, songs and culture from North, West and South Africa. This is a great opportunity to study with accomplished drummers and cultural educators right here at Englewood. 

Please spread the word to others outside of our congregation who might be interested. You can find descriptions of the classes and registration information HERE.


Coffee Hour In January

Jan, 1 - Nancy Thompson and Curtis Young

Jan. 8 - Sue & Bob Scott

Jan. 15 - Connie and Jim Harwood

Jan. 22 - Kathy and David Helseth

Jan. 29 - Kay and Jim Hartshorn

Quarterly Elders Schedule: 

January February March

January 2023

1st    Sue & Bob Scott

8th    Becky Buell & Dennis Boyd

15th   Pam & Herb Schmidt

22nd  Connie & Jim Harwood

29th  Sue & Bob Scott

February 2023

5th    Becky Buell & Dennis Boyd

12th  Sue & Bob Scott

19th  Becky Buell & Dennis Boyd

26th Joyce Cowin & Shari Lovell

March 2023

5th   Connie & Jim Harwood

12th Pam & Herb Schmidt

19th Jane & Roger Finch

26th Joyce Cowin & Shari Lovell 

 Newsletter Contributions....

Please send Dawn your contribution for the monthly newsletter no later than the 25th of each month.

Thank you
