Please note: The Board of Directors meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18, not February 25. | |
Adult Ed Lunch ‘n Learn: “Woke Antisemitism” with David Bernstein
Saturday, February 1 at 12:15 PM
Join us for a Lunch 'n Learn following Shabbat services on the topic of "Woke Antisemitism" with David Bernstein based on his recent book, Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews. Rav Shai will be interviewing him. Bernstein is the Founder and CEO of the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values. He is past President and CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and former executive director of the David Project. $10 per person. Learn more and register here. 12:15 PM.
Purim Shpiel Rehearsals
Beginning Wednesday, February 5 at 7:30 PM
This year, Rav Hazzan Glantz will be leading the congregation in a shpiel written by Charles and Frances Davidson z"l called "The Story of Purim in Song and Verse." It was first performed in 1958. If you would like to be in the shpiel, contact Rav Hazzan Glantz at or 215.635.6611, ext. 122. Rehearsals will continue on Wednesday evenings at AJ until March 5.
Seudah Shlishit and Presentation of Rav Hazzan Glantz's Recent Trip to Israel
Saturday, February 8 beginning with Minhah at 4:30 PM*
After minhah, there will be a seudah shlishit, followed by a slide show and discussion of Rav Hazzan Glantz's most recent trip to Israel with his daughter Rory.
*Minhah will begin at 4:30 PM, not at 5:10 PM as in the printed calendar.
Kabbalat Shabbat with Strings Attached with a Tu B'Shvat-Inspired Oneg
Friday, February 7—Service at 6:15 PM; Oneg at 7:45 PM
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat with Strings Attached, and then join us for a Tu B'Shvat-inspired fresh vegetarian oneg presented by L'olam. We will have a Tu B'Shvat table set for folks to see and ask questions about! Attendees will go home with ideas and resources to create their own Tu B'Shvat seder at home. Please register for Strings Attached using the February Online Service Registration Form. (People who have already registered for the Tu B'Shvat-inspired meal will be refunded.)
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Adult Ed Brunch ‘n Learn: “A Constant Tension: The Business of Journalism Confronts Journalistic Ethics
and Jewish Ethics,” with Rabbi and Professor David Teutsch
Sunday, February 9 at 10:00 AM
The free press has been under unprecedented scrutiny and strain in our current political climate, and there is concern that serious, ethical and responsible journalism may be in decline. Rabbi David Teutsch, Professor Emeritus and former President at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, and subsequent Director of the Center for Jewish Ethics, will offer his insights into this difficult and controversial topic. $10 per person. Learn more and register here.
Adult Ed Series: About Zion, Part 3
Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30 PM (in person at AJ and via Zoom) ***Note change of date***
This six-part series led by Rav Shai takes a deep dive into the history of the relationship between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel. This session will be a discussion of the Enlightenment. 7:30 PM. At AJ and via Zoom. Please register here. Remaining dates are March 23†, April 27†, and May 22*. (*Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM; †Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM; Sunday morning sessions will include brunch.)
L'olam Screening of Feeding Tomorrow
Wednesday, February 12 at 7:45 PM
Join us at AJ on Wednesday, February 12 at 7:45 PM when the L'olam Committee will celebrate Tu B’Shvat by screening the film, Feeding Tomorrow. In this documentary, farmers, nutritionists, and educators work to transform a broken food system. The film will be followed by a discussion about sustainable farming and eating led by Judith Rosenberg, Produce Manager and Manager of Farmer Relations at Riverwards Produce in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Learn more and register here.
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Refugee Shabbat Lunch 'N Learn
Saturday, February 15 at 12:15 PM
The Social Action Committee invites you to join us for a Lunch 'N Learn for Refugee Shabbat following services on Saturday, February 15. Our speaker will be Cathy Miller-Wilson from HIAS-PA. The cost of lunch is $10 per person. You can register using the February Service Sign-up Form or here.
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AJ Bereavement Group
Monday, February 17 at 7:30 PM ***Note change of date***
Rav Hazzan Glantz leads this monthly gathering specifically designed to foster a secure, confidential, and non-judgmental environment that encourages individuals to freely express their emotions. Irrespective of the time elapsed since one's loss, everyone is welcome to participate, as there are no qualifying or disqualifying criteria. A warm invitation is extended to everyone interested in attending these meetings. Feel free to contact Rav Hazzan Glantz in advance with any questions. Following evening minyan at 7:30 PM at AJ. No registration necessary.
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“Crossing Delancey” (comedy/love story)
Thursday, February 20 at 7:45 PM ***Note change of date***
Once a month this winter/spring, we will come together to watch a Jewishly-inspired movie. We’ll start by watching the film (popcorn included) and finish the evening with a discussion or Q & A led by Rav Shai. This month, it's comedy/love story Crossing Delancey starring Amy Irving and Peter Riegert. 1988 (United States), directed by Joan Micklin Silver. Learn more about the movie and register here.
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Adult Ed Lunch ‘n Learn: “Israeli Art Before Statehood” with Shirel Horovitz
Saturday, February 22 at 12:15 PM
Shirel Horovitz will be joining us once again — this time in person! — for a Lunch ‘n Learn about “Israeli Art Before Statehood.” You may remember her from when she joined us in January after 10/7 to discuss Israeli art after 10/7. Horovitz earned her BFA from the prestigious Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem (2007) and her MA (2015) from The Interdisciplinary Art program at Tel Aviv University. The cost of lunch is $10 per person. Learn more and register here.
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International Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration
Monday, January 27 at 5:30 PM at the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza
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On January 27 at 5:30 PM, there will be a special commemorative event at the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The event will include a brief program, candle lighting, and speakers. It is open to the public and will last approximately 45 minutes. Note that as the Holocaust Memorial Plaza is an outdoor space, the program will not take place in the event of extreme inclement weather, such as icy conditions or dangerously low temperatures.
This program is part of the Light It Up Yellow Initiative, led by 3G Philly, a dedicated group of grandchildren of Holocaust survivors who aim to continue the legacy of Holocaust remembrance. As part of this initiative, on the afternoon and evening of January 27, building facades across Pennsylvania will be illuminated yellow in recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Pennsylvania General Assembly will also pass a resolution on January 27 recognizing this important commemoration. If you would like to visit Harrisburg to hear the resolution read, please RSVP here.
The Associate Director of the Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation is Sophie Don, granddaughter of Shirley and Sidney Don z"l. Both Shirley and Samuel were survivors and active at AJ for many decades. Shirley spoke to teens candidly of her experiences and Sidney wrote a book, Prisoner 83571.
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Save the Date!
Mark Your Calendars for AJWA Sisterhood Shabbat on March 15!
Put March 15, 2025 on your calendars! That morning, AJWA Sisterhood will read Ki Tissa — the Golden Calf. It is particularly relevant to women, because the Mishnah says that women were granted Rosh Hodesh for refusing to give their gold and precious things to make that abomination.
if you would like to take a part in the service, please contact Mindy Goldstein at
We will be cooking on Wednesday, March 12 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and Friday, March 14 from 10:00 AM on, and will need help on those days and for the luncheon the day of the service. Please contact Karen Moses at if you would like to help.
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Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP) | |
Congregation Adath Jeshurun, dedicated to the Jewish value of learning for its own sake (Torah lishmah), has partnered with the Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP). If you register and can’t attend, a link will be sent after the event to a recording. There is also an archive of classes that you can view here. You can see January's classes here.
Ramah Day Camp is having an Open House for prospective families. It will take place on Sunday, February 2nd, at 1:00 PM, at camp: 7601 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027. They are asking folks to RSVP if they plan on coming, so they can account for numbers. Please RSVP here.
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Wearing masks is OPTIONAL for services. Up-to-date vaccinations and boosters are strongly encouraged but not required for entry. See updated protocols here.
Please continue to register for Friday evening and Saturday morning services by completing the February Service Sign-up Form. Your registration will help us to keep the building secure. Thank you!
January 31, February 1, 2025
3 Shevat 5785
Friday Evening
Kabbalat Shabbat
6:15 PM
Saturday Morning
Shabbat Morning Service
9:30 AM
Services will be followed by
an AJ Adult Ed Lunch ‘N Learn,
"Woke Antisemitism,"
with David Bernstein.
(For those who have registered)
You can download this weekend's
pew pamphlet here.
Saturday Evening
5:00 PM
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Sunday through Thursday: 7:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM
Monday and Thursday: 7:20 AM
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday:
7:30 AM
We have resumed sharing breakfast
after weekday morning minyans on Thursdays.
Through the Zoom platform, congregants can attend services virtually.
We have three Zoom links for AJ services: one for Friday evening and Saturday morning services, one for Saturday evening services, and one for all other services. You can find those links by clicking here to go to the service schedule page on the AJ website; then scroll down and look for links in the left column.
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COVID Guidelines
If you are planning to attend services or an event at AJ, you can find our current COVID-19 guidelines as of March, 2024 here.
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Lifecycle Notices
We are thrilled to announce the birth of Oscar (Ozzy) David Mazariego, grandson of our congregants, Amy and Mitchell Russell, son of Harry Russell and Irma Mazariego. Mazel Tov to the Russell and Mazariego families. Ozzy was born on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
We offer this list as a courtesy. If there is a lifecycle event you would like included, please contact the office at 215.635.6611.
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AJ Space for Families
Stay and listen, stay and pray, stay and play.
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We have spaces for you to step out of the pews when you need a short break. In the back of the sanctuary you'll find a family corner with a bin of books and small toys. We've also created a new family space adjacent to the main lobby. This space is designed to give families with young children a place to stretch or take a break without going far from the sanctuary. We welcome your joy and encourage you to come to services with your whole family this year! We can’t do this without you!
We thank Groovy Hues for donating their time and materials to paint the room! Please consider calling them if you need house painters! See their business card below.
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Teachers and Substitute Teachers Wanted!
Do you love children? We have a wonderful opportunity for you! Join our Early Childhood Staff as a teacher or substitute teacher! Make some extra money and have fun doing it. All you would need are clearances and a desire to make a difference in a child’s day. Our Early Learning Center serves children from 3 months to 5 years of age. Please contact Tracey Perchick, Early Childhood Director for more details at Reminder: All staff must have a complete background check to work alone with children. Please let Tracey know if you can help in any way. Thank you!
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Calling Out for Tutors!
The Cheltenham School District is looking for tutors to help students with basic skills in all subjects. Over the pandemic, many students lost a good amount of academics and are in need of additional support. Tutors should be 16 years and older. If you are interested or need more information, contact Tutoring Coordinator Toby Grubman at or 215.663.0657. Sponsored by Champions for Cheltenham.
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Earn Money for AJ by Shopping at House of Kosher!
For any amount that an AJ member spends, House of Kosher will give 2% of the sale to AJ! All you need to do is mention AJ's unique Shopper Code 6611 and the discount is immediately applied as a credit to your organization.
Any first-time customer that is a member of AJ will receive a 10% discount on your in-store shopping of over $100! House of Kosher is located at 9806 Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19115.
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Do you have a question about any of the events or announcements in this email? Call the synagogue office at 215.635.6611.
Do you have good news to share? We can always use it! Let us know and we'll include it in the weekly email.
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