Trinity Episcopal "Old Swedes" Church
February 19, 2020

This Sunday we hear the story of the Transfiguration, as Jesus takes Peter, and James, and John high up onto a mountaintop. There, they meet God and Jesus is transfigured before them. From the accounts, it's an awe-inspiring scene. Peter (my favorite impulsive disciple) asks to stay; to build structures and bask in the glory. It's not to be, and the group departs down the mountain after an overwhelming awe-inspiring encounter with God.

What have been the mountaintops in your life? Where have you seen God? The disciple's journey highlights for us the path of faith, dotted by mountaintops, but also containing vast stretches of valley. The unspoken question centers around how we use the high of the mountaintops to sustain us through the long stretches of life's valleys.

The good news is that we have a God who provides us with those mountaintops; who shows us powerful and sometimes overwhelming visions of what the Kingdom might look like. When we seek, God will take us to that mountaintop.
This Sunday is our multi-generational Forming Faith time after church at 9:30. All are invited to attend!

Shrove Tuesday
Sign Up
We're going to try something a little less labor-intensive for Shrove Tuesday (2/25) this year. In talking with the vestry, we'd like to meet at a restaurant or home for the meal. This will allow all present to take part in the fellowship of the meal.

We need to know numbers of who plans to attend so that we can plan things out. Please sign up here by 2/21 if you can join us.
Ash Wednesday

Our Ash Wednesday service will be at 7PM on February 26.

If you would like to receive the imposition of ashes during the day, please stop by the rectory (1208 King's Highway) for Ashes -to-Go from 8:30-11 on 2/26.

Greg will also be taking ashes to the Woolwich Police Department and Rowan University during the day.
Join us on Sundays at 9:30 AM for worship!
The Rev. Gregory M. Wilson, Priest-in Charge
856-467-1227 (office)