December 12, 2018
Kent Chinese Evangelical Friends Church celebrated Christmas and their 10th anniversary this past Friday! View the photo album on their Facebook page.
Cornerstone Friends Church in Madison, OH partnered with Project Hope to host "Hope Shoppe", which provides children affected by homelessness an opportunity to shop for free gifts. The event also included free food, cookie-decorating, a craft, photos with Santa, and a wrapping room. Pastor Mark Winner shared, "Hope Shoppe was a fantastic success. We helped 27 children affected by homelessness shop for free so they can bless their people this Christmas!" You can read the entire news article here .
1) The office will be closed December 24-26, and on reduced hours December 27- 28. Please leave us a message and we'll be in touch when we return. 

2) Upgrading your sound equipment? We are looking for good, used personal PA receivers from Williams Sound. If you have equipment you are no longer using, please call Julie Jenkins at the Evangelical Friends Headquarters at 330-493-1660.
Our deepest sympathy and prayers for Pastor Kolbi and Marnie Shartzer (Portsmouth First Friends Church) with the passing of Marnie's mother on Friday, December 7. The obituary is available here.
Voicu and Ana Marian - Pray for   opportunities to talk to students about the importance of Advent and Christ’s redemption. Please pray for energy and inspiration in teaching and wisdom to know how to love their young students. Pray for healing after a difficult operation for Petruta (pictured left petting the dog), who has Addison's disease and other health issues.
Visit the events calendar on our website at .

December 24-26  - Evangelical Friends Headquarters CLOSED.
December 28 - January 1  - Friends Summit 2018 in Denver, CO. Details available at .
* January 1 - Evangelical Friends Headquarters CLOSED.
* January 21-22 -  Church Health Team and Leadership Development Team meetings at the Evangelical Friends Headquarters (EF HQ).
* January 23-24 -  Multiplication Team meetings at the EF HQ.
* January 24 -  Finance & Administration Team meeting at the EF HQ.
* January 25-27 -  Youth Awakening Retreat at New Life Community Church in Ridgeway, VA. Find out more at .
* January 28 - February 1  - NAE Christian Student Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. Find out more and register at .
* February 12-13 -  Oversight Board meeting at the EF HQ.
Quote for the Week

"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel." - Isaiah 7:4 (ESV)
Julia McDonald, Editor | 1-800-334-8863 | [email protected] |

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