October 31, 2018
Bethel Friends Church in Poland, OH hosted their first Trunk or Treat event on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 (pictured right). Families enjoyed games, treats, and hayrides. All of the trunks were Bible-themed, and the children listened to a Bible story or verse at each stop. Children received a coloring book with pages from all of the Bible stories they heard. There were nearly 100 children plus parents who attended and heard the Word of God.
Persecuted Church Sunday - November 4 is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Please remember our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering for their faith (Matthew 5:11-12). More information and prayer resources are available at www.opendoorsusa.org/international-day-of-prayer-2018.
EFM - Please pray for Evangelical Friends Mission’s leadership and board members as they discern God’s direction and leading for future ministry at their semi-annual meeting November 1-2. Special thanks to Marva Hoopes (Canton First Friends), Matt Bradbury (Pelham Friends), and Tom Crawford (Morningside) who serve on the board. EFM’s  passion is to "fuel a worldwide movement of people who seek first the kingdom of God, planting churches that live and die to carry out the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment"  (Matt 6:33, 28:18-20). Find out more about the ministry of EFM at www.friendsmission.com .
David and Cindy Aufrance - Praise God as RiverGrace International HKEC celebrated its first anniversary of being an independent church on October 7 and the seventh anniversary since they started in 2011 as an English fellowship of their mother church. Pray for Cindy as she trains mentors in two prayer ministry classes starting November 5. One of the classes is very intensive as they meet all day for two weeks (Luke 11:1).
Abe & Diane Bible - Ukraine
Missions Focus Videos
Check out our brief videos to learn more about the work of these missionaries! You can download the videos from www.efcer.org/missions to share them with your church service, missions team, or small group. EFC-ER also has a YouTube channel where you can watch our videos.

A huge thank you to Tim Labrado, Director of Worship Arts at North Olmsted Evangelical Friends Church, for filming and editing the videos!
Visit the events calendar on our website at www.efcer.org/events.

October 31 - November 4  - EFC-NA/ EFM Fall Meetings in Wichita, Kansas.
November 9-11  - Youth Explosion 2018. Find out more at  www.yecle.com .
* November 22-23  - Evangelical Friends Headquarters CLOSED.
December 24-26  - Evangelical Friends Headquarters CLOSED.
December 28 - January 1  - Friends Summit 2018 in Denver, CO. More information available at  www.friendssummit.com .
* January 1 - Evangelical Friends Headquarters CLOSED.
* January 21-22 -  Church Health Team and Leadership Development Team meetings at the Evangelical Friends Headquarters (EF HQ).
* January 23-24 -  Multiplication Team meetings at the EF HQ.
* January 24 -  Finance & Administration Team meeting at the EF HQ.
* January 25-27 -  Youth Awakening Retreat at New Life Community Church in Ridgeway, VA. Find out more at www.facebook.com/NLCCYouthAwakening .
* January 28 - February 1  - NAE Christian Student Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. Find out more and register at  www.NAE.net/cslc .
* February 12-13 -  Oversight Board meeting at the EF HQ.
We pray for Pastor Ken and Lori Nichols (Rollin Evangelical Friends Church) and their family with the passing of Ken's father, Jerry Nichols, on Wednesday, October 24, 2018. You can view the obituary here.
Quote for the Week

"Neglecting proper biblical nourishment spoils the spiritual appetite, and the result is theological malnutrition. If we are to avoid this condition, we must have Bible-teaching pastors and Bible-reading congregations - men and women whose ready reception of the preaching is more than matched by their daily examining of Scripture." - Alistair Begg
Julia McDonald, Editor | 1-800-334-8863 | [email protected] | www.efcer.org

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