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September 16, 2020
Andy Stanley - Talking Points / Message Kit

As politics shapes our national dialogue about an increasingly wide range of topics, we Jesus followers need to talk.

“We have an unprecedented opportunity to model for our community—and maybe our nation—what it looks like to disagree politically and love unconditionally.”
—Andy Stanley, Talking Points

This is a free message series for those interested. Here is the link to download the teaching outline and graphics: click here

A New Read
Pastor Paul Hoffman of EFC Newport latest book is now available on Amazon.

"Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers”—but in our increasingly polarized communities and nation, where can a person of faith begin? In Reconciling Places, pastor and scholar Paul Hoffman introduces laypeople and ministry leaders to a “theology of reconciliation” that equips Christians to act as reconcilers and bridge builders, wherever they are and whatever issues divide their communities."

Check it out - click here
Ministry Team Meetings
Please pray for our ministry teams as they meet next week. Pray for the Church Health, Leadership Development, Multiplication and Finance teams as they strategize on ways to build healthy churches that make healthy disciples of Jesus Christ throughout Eastern Region.
May we each "be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer" to the glory of God. Rom 12:12 
Our Condolences
Doris Deane Morris

Doris Deane Morris passed away September 7 in Newberg, OR. Doris was preceded in death by her husband Jim, who served as director of EFM from 1980-1991. Jim and Doris both graduated from Cleveland BIble College (now Malone University) and served at churches in EFC-ER, Indiana YM and as missionaries for 30 years in Burundi, Africa with Mid America YM.  

Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. Isa 57:2

Prayer Request

Pastor Dieudonne' Ntibayazi of Stone Mountain Evangelical Friends Church (Central East African) applied for and received a $5,000 COVID relief grant from the Congregational Relief Fund. Half of the funds were used to finish renovations of a new prayer building; the rest was used to provide non-food items to families in need, including laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and a $100 gift card per family to help with bills. The Stone Mountain Friends minister to the refugee community in Stone Mountain/Clarkston, GA.
Please pray for Benson Sam and the pastors he oversees in Kerala, India. Benson reports that their churches have not been allowed to meet since March 15. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, it is also very difficult for the pastors to visit church members in their homes. Today marks six months since the churches have been able to gather for worship. 
Visit the events calendar on our website at www.efcer.org/events.

* September 21 - Church Health Team Meeting
* September 21-22 - Leadership Development Team Meetings
* September 23-24 - Multiplication Team Meetings
* September 25 - Finance & Administration Team Meeting
* October 2-3 - Malone Virtual Homecoming
* October 8 - Oversight Board Meeting
* October 9-10 - Malone University Board of Trustees Meetings
Quote for the Week
May God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and Peace.
-Ephesians 1:2