Weekly Family News

November 1, 2023

Where the River Divides

Hey FCC Family, if you joined us for the special showing of Where the River Divides, THANK YOU.

What an amazing night to hear from Dennis Okoth himself.

For those who would like to watch or share, here is a link to do so.

Click here

GRIEFSHARE - Surviving the Holidays

Saturday, November 4th 9:30am - 12pm

Help and hope as you navigate the holidays. Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? This seminar will help you learn: How to deal with the emotions you'll face during the holidays. What to do about traditions and other coming changes. Helpful tips for surviving social events. How to discover hope for your future.

If you are grieving the loss of someone, we offer a GriefShare support group that meets each Sunday from 12:30pm to 3pm in our Ironwood House.

For Questions and updated meeting schedule, email [email protected]

Love our Schools Day

Saturday, November 4th at 7:30am

Meet at FCCPHX

As part of our mission here at FCC, we love our schools and believe that serving our community is an integral part of our faith!

Meet us at FCCPHX on Saturday, November 4th at 7am for coffee, donuts and to carpool over to two schools we will be serving! See you there!

FCC Women is hosting a Soup Social

Friday, November 10th

6pm in Ironwood House

Bring your smiling face, favorite game and a soup, salad, starter or sweet to share: whatever you love to sup and snack on while we schmooze and strategize over your favorite games! Can’t wait to see you there!

Storyline Turkey Bowl

Saturday, November 18th


Turkey Bowl 2023 is happening on November 18th from 10 am to noon! All 6th-12th grade students are invited to gather together, eat some donuts, and play flag football. All abilities and skill are welcome! Come join us!

FCC Kids Christmas Party

December 16th

Parents, drop your kiddos off for a fun Christmas hang out while you go take nap, finish Christmas shopping, drink a cup of coffee that's hot ... whatever you do ... we are planning a fun afternoon for your kiddos (and for you 😆)

More information is coming!

The Gospel Spreads to Africa

Chuck Foreman

Teaching & Missions Pastor

Connection Group Notes
Sermon Notes

Ongoing Classes, Service Opportunities and Needs

I-Help at FCCPHX!

We're excited to bring back I help to the FCC campus. We are looking for volunteers to assist in various ways as we continue to serve those experiencing homelessness.

Our official start date is Thursday, July 13th!

Interested in providing a meal? Be part of the support team? Helping with set up/take down?

Click here to sign up!

24/7 Hour Prayer Initiative

We truly believe that we are better together and that revival in our community means every tribe and every tongue.

Join with us as we join the city-wide 24/7 prayer initiative. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, we will be praying for a full 24 hours.

Prayer points will be provided as we flood heaven with prayer for His kingdom to be here on earth.

Sign up for a time slot to pray - wherever you are!

Select a prayer time frame here!

Slope Church

Sunday's at 9am

Join us on Sunday mornings as we create a space for those experiencing homelessness to hear about the love of God at the Slope Church. A church specifically designed for our unsheltered friends. More info?

Email Jerome

FCC Recovery -

Sundays at 9am

Tuesdays at 6pm

At 9am on Sunday mornings and 6pm Tuesdays we gather to share in our common goal: recovery. In connecting with, and serving alongside, the Church we find healing and sustained recovery that can outlast the standard. Together, in Jesus Christ, we do recover!

More Info

FCCPHX Podcast

Catch up on the latest sermons, stay tuned for staff conversations. Click below on your preferred podcast site to subscribe:

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