Trinity High School

2023-24 Family Newsletter


Message from the President

Dear Parents and Guardians,

First block has positively flown by, and this past week your Blazers were really consumed with taking exams. While all is going smoothly inside the walls at Division and Lathrop, what we see in the rest of the world cannot be described the same.

At Trinity, following the example of our founders, the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, we begin each day with prayer, knowing we belong to a holy community. We pray for our world, community, classmates and ourselves. When facing uncertainty, turmoil, sadness and fear, we turn to God. When there are more questions than answers, when things seem dismal and hopeless, when we are wrapped in fear and sadness, we ask God for direction.

Our world and future are filled with uncertainty. We strive to keep at all times in our minds that we are educating young women who will go take on this world, so it is imperative that we pray to become the peacemakers the world needs.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. 

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.  Amen.  

May God bless you and keep you and your family in His loving embrace.


Laura M. Curley

Trinity President

Important Information

Block 2 begins: Monday, October 30 

Our second block of the year will begin on Monday, October 30. Students are expected to have all books and materials by Monday, November 6 by the very latest. 

Block 1 Grades updated: Friday, November 3 

Please note that access to Blackbaud is restricted to parents / guardians and students during final exams and while teachers are finalizing exam and block grades. Block 1 grades will be visible on the Blackbaud platform on Friday, November 3 at noon. Please log on to check your Blazer’s academic achievements. 

Scheduling Committee Updates: Student Survey to be administered on Friday, November 3. 

As part of gathering feedback from all constituencies regarding the strengths and areas of improvement for our current bell schedule, the Scheduling Committee has prepared a survey for students to complete in order to share their opinions. The survey will be taken by students on Friday, November 3. A similar survey will be sent to parents within the next few weeks.

Pre-IB / IB Progress Reports sent on Wednesday, November 8 

On Wednesday, November 8 teachers will inform students and parents / guardians of those students in Pre-IB or IB classes who are struggling to meet the course requirements. The Progress Reports, sent at the conclusion of the first block of a 2 block course via the Blackbaud grading platform, will provide students with strategies on how to improve their performance. If you do not receive a progress report for your Blazer, it means that she is meeting all course expectations.

Drop-off Instructions

Students may not be dropped off or picked up on Lathrop OR Division. This causes safety hazards for our students as well as traffic issues. The River Forest Police Department patrols the main entrance and will issue tickets. 

For the safety of our students and our mission to be good and respectful neighbors, please observe the following drop-off and pick-up pattern:

Block 2 Attendance Update

The work of empowering and educating women to be leaders of knowledge, strength and faith is predicated upon regular and consistent student attendance and we are grateful for your partnership with regards to this priority. Please read the following carefully as there are important updates to the Attendance Policies for Block 2 of the 2023-2024 School Year. Click here to read the letter.

Basketball Tryouts

Basketball tryouts for the 2023-2024 season are set for Monday. Freshmen and JV tryouts will take place from 3:30-5pm in the SMGAF followed by varsity tryouts from 5:30-7:30pm also in the SMGAF. For more information about tryouts, please contact Coach Kimberly Coleman at Prior to participating in tryouts, students must register for basketball online at and have a current physical (dated in the last 395 days) on file in the athletics office.

Annie the Musical at Trinity

Tickets are now on sale for Annie!

Performances are Friday, November 17th, and Saturday, November 18th at 7 pm, and Sunday, November 19th at 2 pm!

 Purchase tickets HERE

Walkathon Donations are due Tuesday!

Thank you for supporting your Blazer as they used their communication and philanthropy skills to raise money for their high school.  If your daughter still needs to turn in her required $175, please do so by THIS TUESDAY, October 31st!  You can send a check in to the Business Office with cash or a check payable to Trinity High School OR you can pay by credit card.  

Your Blazer should first click here, click "become a fundraiser" and enter their information to create their online account. This will allow you to pay by card and give them the proper credit! 

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Richard, Director of Special Events.

Parent Events

Blazer Boutique is THIS THURSDAY!

Get your Christmas shopping started early when you join us for the largest Mothers Club fundraiser of the year this Thursday, November 2nd from 5:30 - 9:00 PM. We will have more than 75 vendors in our gym, selling their handmade items, from wreaths to personalized Trinity ornaments, to candles to bed sheets.  Free admission and free appetizers all night long. Please join us and bring a friend.  

Click here for more details and a complete list of all vendors.

This year, you can become a VIP shopper! For just $20, you can begin shopping at 5:00 pm (30 minutes before doors open to the public) and receive: a free tote bag, premium parking spot, drink ticket, and 10 raffle tickets, already filled out for you. Click here for more information and to purchase your VIP pass.

Parents - looking for a place to donate extra chocolate after Halloween?

We are looking for treats to fill the dessert tables at this Thursday's Blazer Boutique. We would appreciate any leftover chocolates you are willing to donate - please send to Trinity's front office.

Blazers Need Your Voice!

A number of Trinity Families rely on the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship program to be at Trinity. This program is in danger, and these families request your help. Please click here and ask your legislature to renew the program.

Bal Dominique

On Friday, November 10, 2023, at Butterfield Country Clubthe Trinity community will gather for our annual gala ~ Bal Dominique. This year we are Celebrating Community Partnerships. We will honor two exceptional members of our Trinity community who support our mission through their lives, service, and dedicated support. Click here to join us.

Irish Fellowship Educational & Cultural Foundation Scholarship

Each year the Irish Fellowship Educational & Cultural Foundation of Chicago provides scholarship assistance to Catholic high school students, preferably of Irish descent. Check out the application here!  Applications and essays are due to Mrs. McGarry at no later than Wednesday, November 1st. 

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

ACT Prep Course: Attention all parents and guardians of Junior students!

Academic Approach is hosting a virtual ACT prep course for Trinity students. Check out all the information here that was sent out at the beginning of October. 

Blood Drive

Trinity is partnering with Rotary of Oak Park River Forest for a Blood Drive at Trinity on November 29, 2023, from 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Click here to register

Kairos - Classes of 2024 and 2025

Your student is invited to participate in a Trinity Kairos retreat this December. For many students and adult

volunteers around the United States, Kairos, and other retreats of the same model, have been an extraordinary and transformative experience. Students who attend will have opportunities to reflect upon and pray about their relationships with God, themselves, and others. They will hear from both peers and adult leaders, reflect on their own spiritual journeys, connect joyfully with their peers and be invited into prayer both communally and individually. Click here to read more.

Accommodation Requests

Please click this link for procedures regarding temporary mobility or attendance accommodations for medical reasons.


Click here to join Trinity's Mothers Club and Fathers Club.
Click here for Trinity's Website Calendar.

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