Trinity High School

2023-24 Family Newsletter


Block 2 grades: available online at noon on January 23

Grades for block  2 will be posted on Blackbaud at noon on Tuesday, January 23. Log on to check your Blazer’s academic accomplishments!

2024-2025 Course Selection

Course selection and registration for the 2024-2025 school year is approaching. The members of the Student Services Department will be meeting with students to discuss their academic plans and provide advisement as they select their courses for the upcoming academic year. The registration process will be reviewed with students during class meetings on Wednesday, January 24th and Thursday, January 25th. At this time, they will be introduced to next year’s Curriculum Guide, provided copies of their individual credit check form, instructions on making selections in Blackbaud, and the date of their 1:1 appointment with their school counselor.   Click here to read the complete letter.

Block 3 Attendance Update from Dean

The work of empowering and educating women to be leaders of knowledge, strength and faith is predicated upon regular and consistent student attendance and we are grateful for your partnership with regards to this priority. Please read the following carefully as there are important updates to the Attendance Policies for Block 3 of the 2023-2024 School Year. Click here to read the letter.

Save the Date: Second Semester Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thursday, February 15 from 1:00 to 8:00 pm 

Parents/guardians, please mark your calendars for our second semester Parent Teacher Conferences. They will take place virtually, via the Google Meets platform, on Thursday, February 15 from 1:00 to 8:00 pm. Students will have a noon dismissal from school in order to allow parents to have the opportunity to have brief video conferences with their Blazer’s Block 3 teachers. The conferences will be scheduled through a program called Pick-a-Time. A link to the scheduling program and full instructions will be emailed out to families in the last week of January.

IB Internal Assessments are well underway during the third block. Students will be completing orals, essays, lab reports, investigations, explorations, and case studies in each of their IB classes. These assessments comprise between 20-30% of students' overall IB grades in each course. Unlike the May exams, the internal coursework is completely controlled by the student with the guidance of their teachers. Students choose their own topics and work on them independently over the course of several weeks. The IA's are graded by the teachers and then submitted to IB examiners for final moderation and scoring. We wish our IB seniors and juniors much success with these important components.

Save the Date: On Monday, February 5, a special meeting for Pre-IB sophomores and their parents will be held in the library from 6:30-7:30 pm. We will discuss the course selection process and expectations for the official IB program during the junior and senior years. We look forward to seeing you for this valuable discussion that will help to guide the Class of 2026 in their academic journey.

College Counseling

JUNIORS: Save the Dates

Tuesday, January 23rd:

Intro to College Planning during late start (students only)

  • From 8:00am-9:15am
  • Juniors must attend this event. Please report to your homeroom classrooms. A member of the student services department will be leading you in an activity to help you explore potential career interests via Naviance. Please be sure to bring your charged devices and Naviance login information. 

Tuesday, January 30th:

College Planning Kickoff from 6:30-8:00pm (mandatory for students, families encouraged to join as well) in the Fox Auditorium

  • Juniors must attend this event, and their families are highly encouraged to join if they can! This is going to be the big kickoff to your college planning journey (YAY!). The college counselor (Ms. Denz) will go over resources, timeline, what colleges are looking for, and other helpful information to get you started thinking about the college search. 

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out! - Ms. Denz (

Cheer on the Blazers Basketball at Dominican University!

Your Trinity Blazers will face Fenwick High School this Tuesday, January 23 at 7 pm at Dominican University in the Igini Sports Forum. The parking lot is located off of Park Avenue. $5 general admission.

Parent Events


RSVPs are due Monday by midnight - sign up today!

Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, godfathers, brothers - any significant male figure is welcome to escort your daughter to this lovely evening!   Dinner, dancing, a professional photographer, candy bar and more!  

Blazers - wear your sneakers and get ready to dance! Contact Kelly Richard, Director of Special Events, with any questions.  Hope to see many Blazers on Friday night!

2024 Trinity Trivia Night Success!

Thank you to all who made our Mothers and Fathers Club Trivia Night a success! We had nearly 250 former & and current parents, faculty and staff, alumnae, and community friends competing in trivia led by our Trivia Master, Nicole Kawell ‘01. Congrats to our 1st place and repeat Trivia Champions, "Noel It Alls." There were some amazing food spreads and costumes! The best theme of the night went to "Can I Get A Clue?"... don't miss the Trinity performance of "Clue" March 8-10! It truly was a wonderful community friendraising night and we appreciate everyone who attended!

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Applications are now available for the 2024-2025 school year. The applications are available here. The deadline for completing the application is March 3, 2024.



Seeking Trinity Bus Driver for 2024-25 School Year

Trinity is seeking a driver for Trinity's multi-purpose vehicles for morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off for the 2024-25 school year. Interested candidates should contact Director of Marketing Patti Williams at 708.453.8342 or email

Drop-off Instructions

Students may not be dropped off or picked up on Lathrop OR Division. This causes safety hazards for our students as well as traffic issues. The River Forest Police Department patrols the main entrance and will issue tickets. 

For the safety of our students and our mission to be good and respectful neighbors, please observe the following drop-off and pick-up pattern:

Accommodation Requests

Please click this link for procedures regarding temporary mobility or attendance accommodations for medical reasons.


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