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From Our Senior Minister

Naples UCC Family,

On Sunday, I'll be preaching about God calling the Prophet Jeremiah. Some years ago, a Christian author by the name of Craig Keener wittingly remarked, "If Jeremiah sounds a bit paranoid, it 's because everybody really is against him."

Everyone really is against me. I'm outnumbered in my opinion. I'm taking a path that is not the majority. Standing for something different from any crowd is not easy; yet it's amidst this uneasiness that God's character emerges in our own lives. Such was the case for Jeremiah. Jeremiah's mission began with God calling him to speak an uncomfortable message. And what did Jeremiah learn from it all? That answering God's call was less about his ability and more about God's faithfulness. 

I look forward to sharing more about this on Sunday in a sermon entitled "Here I Stand" from Jeremiah 1: 4-10. Also on Sunday, we'll celebrate Holy Communion together. See you Sunday!

Pastor Mark

P.S. If you have not already submitted your pledge card for 2025, don't forget to drop it in the offering plate on Sunday. Our Stewardship Committee hopes to be halfway to our goal after this Sunday—250 pledges toward a goal of 500. Let's keep fueling the light! 

Sunday at Naples UCC

Worship Service at 9 AM & 11 AM

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Join us on Sunday as Rev. Dr. Mark Williams will preach his sermon titled Here I Stand based on Jeremiah 1: 4-10

Join in person or online!

Sunday Bulletin
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2025 Stewardship:

Fueling the Light Alive in This Place

We have joyfully launched our 2025 Stewardship Campaign, embracing the theme “Fueling the Light Alive in This Place.” Estimate of Giving cards will be available in the pews and at reception, ready for you to prayerfully consider your commitment to the work of this church. A letter from our Stewardship Chair, Roger Nolan, has been mailed, providing further insights into how your giving fuels our light. If you opted in for Giving Envelopes, be sure to pick them up in the Narthex this Sunday. Thank you for your faithful generosity and for keeping the light of Naples UCC alive and thriving!

In the first week of our stewardship campaign, we set a goal to receive 100 pledges. Through last Sunday, YOU exceeded that goal by 42. Our second-week goal ending this Sunday is the receipt of a total of 250 pledges... If we meet that goal we will be halfway to our total goal of 500. YOU are fueling at an exceptional rate!

Fueling the Light Alive in This Place; Which Lights Shine Brightest for You?

  • Perhaps it's an insight gained in sharing a book or the bonds that form as a result. If that’s the case you’ll find the light in Book Club or around the table at Men's New Chapters.

  • Maybe it’s the joy of giving hope and a helping hand to refugee families living in our midst. If that’s a ministry you’d like to support you can fuel it through the Refugee Task Force.

  • Perhaps it’s adding your needles to create a beautiful and warm prayer shawl.

  • Maybe it’s one of Pastor Mark’s bible studies covering the Sermon on the Mount.

Annual Meeting


Sunday, February 9, 2025, 12:15 PM, Sanctuary

Please make plans to attend the Annual Meeting of the membership of NUCC on Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 12:15 p.m, immediately after the second service in the Sanctuary. This is an important meeting of the congregation to elect officers and board and committee chairs and members for the next year and adopt the 2025 budget. Materials for the Annual Meeting were sent by email on January 21. Those members unable to attend the Annual Meeting in person will be able to participate through a secure Zoom webinar.  The link will be sent by email next week.  Proxy forms were included in the email with the Annual Meeting materials for those unable to participate in person or by Zoom. Proxy forms are also available from the Deacons at Sunday services. Please be sure to turn in completed proxy forms to the church office, put them in the offering plate, or hand them to a Deacon on a Sunday morning prior to the meeting.

Prospective Member Brunch

Sunday, February 2, 10:00 AM, N-104

We will hold a Prospective Member Brunch immediately following the 9:00 a.m. service only in Nelson Hall, room 104. This is an opportunity to meet our Senior Minister, hear about our theology, and ask any questions you may have. Walk-ins are welcome!

Joining Sunday Opportunity

On Sunday, February 16, Naples UCC will offer a special opportunity for those wishing to become members of our church. A public joining will take place during the 9:00 a.m. service, with a private joining offered at 8:30 a.m. You may join as a full member or as an associate member (for those who wish to maintain membership in a northern church).

If you’re interested in joining or have any questions, please contact our Membership Coordinator, Chelsea Godwin, at Chelsea@Naplesucc.org or call the church office at 239-261-5469. You can also sign up with Chelsea in the Gathering Place this Sunday. Please RSVP by Tuesday, February 11.

Baby Boomers: Potluck Party TODAY

TODAY, 5 PM, Pelican Marsh

Calling all Baby Boomers, or “Wanna-Be” Boomers; all are welcome! After the huge success of our spring “Boomer Parties,” we are back again this season for more revelry! Join us for an evening of delicious food, friendship, live music, trivia, and so much fun. You can bring any food dish or dessert to share and your own beverage. 

This month’s hosts are Tom & Linda Enright; please Contact Linda at (647)272-8712 or linda.enright@rogers.com to RSVP. Location: Pelican Marsh, Arielle Pool Cabana. (Enter via gatehouse off U.S. 41. OR, Airport Pulling Rd. Arielle community is directly off of Pelican Marsh Blvd. Lots of guest parking along Arielle Drive near the pool.) 

Volunteer Opportunity: Harry Chapin Food Bank

Wednesday, February 5, Various Times

Join NUCC volunteers for a fun day and help a worthy cause at the same time. Come participate at this Food Bank Packing Day on Wednesday from 8:30 to 11:30 AM or 12 to 3 PM. Please REGISTER HERE or sign up in the Gathering Place on Sundays. For more information contact Mike Conrad, at mikeconrad21@gmail.com.

(Harry Chapin, 3940 Prospect Ave, Naples, FL)

Unpacking History:

Black History in Collier Country Museums

Thursday, February 6, 3:30 PM, McSpadden Hall

Collier County Museums Director Amanda Townsend and Museum Managers Thomas Lockyear and Lisa Marciano will share knowns and unknowns of the Black history of Collier County; how the museum researches the past and works with community members to gather their stories; and the projects the museum is actively working on to ensure the important contributions of African Americans are memorialized in Collier County.

This program is brought to you by the Justice Committee at Naples UCC. Click REGISTER or view the flyer below to register your attendance to this free program in McSpadden Hall. All are welcome!

View Flyer

FREE Sanctuary Concert

Saturday, February 1, 3 PM, Sanctuary

When you thought it couldn't get any better...

Multitalented Alice Hong will join Naples' favorite pianist Dr. Alexandra Carlson and Naples Philharmonic principal cellist Egor Antonenko for Rachmaninoff trio Élégiaque No. 1 this Saturday, February 1 at 3 p.m. for a FREE unforgettable performance! Immerse yourself in captivating melodies and intricate harmonies that will leave you spellbound. A free-will offering will be graciously accepted.

Tuesdays @ Twilight: Concert Series

Tuesday, February 4, 7 PM, Beverly Hall

Join us for a captivating evening of music featuring Naples Philharmonic Concertmaster Zachary DePue and acclaimed violist Michael Strauss as part of our beloved Tuesdays @ Twilight concert series. These extraordinary musicians—founding members of The Indianapolis Quartet—have shared the stage for over 15 years, delighting audiences with their virtuosity, warmth, and engaging performances.

📅 Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2025

📍 Location: Beverly Hall, Naples United Church of Christ

⏰ Time: 7:00 p.m. (followed by a reception in the Gathering Place)

🎟 Tickets: $35 per person | Reserve yours at www.naplesucc.org/music or call the church office.

Don’t miss this unforgettable night of exquisite string music in an intimate and elegant setting. Secure your tickets today!

Book Review with Pastor Mark

Thursday, February 13, 9 AM, N-207

Come join Rev. Dr. Mark Williams for an engaging discussion of the thought-provoking book, Embodying Forgiveness: A Theological Analysis by Greg Jones, which will both deepen us and challenge us. Dr. Greg Jones will be our next distinguished speaker on February 16. Don't miss the opportunity to engage with his book prior to his visit!

All Day Retreat:

Finding Wholeness in a Fractured World

Saturday, February 8, 9 AM - 4 PM, N-207

Join others for an all-day retreat exploring the longing for wholeness in the midst of life that is so often a mixture of sorrow, loneliness, friendships, family, estrangements, joy and uncertainty. Ginny Gilmore and Rev. Katherine Mulhern will lead us as we reflect on the journey toward wholeness, seeking our own inner wisdom. Lunch will be provided but registration is required. The registration deadline is February 2.

REGISTER HERE, contact the church office or email Ginny Gilmore at ginnygilmore2@gmail.com to sign up.

12-Week Bible Study: The Sermon on the Mount

Wednesdays, from January 8 to March 26, 9 AM & 1 PM, N-207

Pastor Mark is leading a 12-week Bible study on Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s gospel (Matthew 5-7), emphasizing its meaningful, countercultural, and prophetic message. Join us for our next session this Wednesday. The study aims to evoke astonishment and challenge participants. Discussions will be open-minded, welcoming diverse interpretations. All you need to bring with you is your favorite Bible and an open heart. 

(Please note that at this time the March 5, 1:00 p.m. session will be in N-101.)

View All Study Questions

W.I.S.E for Mental Health

Thursday, February 6, 10 AM, N-104

10 a.m. - The WISE for Mental Health Team Meeting

11 a.m. - Educational programming will focus on Mental

Health Issues in Older Adults led by Jean Lemmon.

If you would like to be part of the WISE ministry at NUCC, please join us for the 10 a.m. meeting. You may choose to only attend the 11 a.m. educational program. (Zoom ID: 843 4648 4094 | Password: WISE)

Prayer Shawls - Knit with us!

Tuesday, February 4, 2 PM, Parlor

Whether you know how to knit or want to learn, no matter your age, gender, or walk of life, all are invited to make memories and help us preserve this universal and embracing ministry. The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Parlor, from 2 to 3 p.m. Please bring your own supplies. If you’d like to find out more, contact Janet Goodhart at (610) 420-7196. 

Sponsoring: Movies That Matter

Wednesday, February 5, 2 PM

The Justice Committee is a long-standing co-sponsor of Movies That Matter and would like to share this opportunity with our congregation. There will be a panel discussion on February 5 at 2 p.m. on the Spring 2025 films Gather and Waterborne.

Tickets are free of charge but registration is required. Links to view the films will be sent to those who have registered one week before the panel discussion date. For any questions kindly contact Program Director Katie Butte at Katie@HMCEC.org. View the flyer below for links and additional details. (Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center; 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd. Suite 108, Naples, FL, 34110)

View Flyer

Next Sunday

 Sunday, February 9 • 9 & 11 AM 

Rev. Dr. Mark Williams

What If It All Works

Luke 5: 1-11

Bell Choir • Lisa Sienkiewicz, director

Children & Youth Choir

Katherine Acosta, Erasly Isalgue, Grace Bigelow, Pamela Jimenez, soloists

Cesar Perez, piano

30 Good Minutes

Sunday, February 9, 10:15 AM, N-207

Join John Bachman as he interviews fellow NUCC member Alan Van Egmond about his service under 8 presidents, with leadership roles in Congress and U.S. agencies around the world. From 10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in Nelson Hall, room 207. If you are planning to attend the 11 a.m. worship service, come early at 10:15 a.m. to hear the presentation!

Caregiver's Support Group - Next Friday

Join us next Friday, February 7 at 2 p.m. in Nelson Hall, room 101. We will have a shortened support meeting, and then we'll be making Valentine's Day cards! Caregiver's Support Group meets every other Friday year-round to provide support for those who are caring for a loved one. We also welcome those who have been a caregiver or anticipate being one. We encourage you to bring a friend who might benefit from it. Church membership is not a requirement. All discussions are kept private within the group. For more information, please contact Joan Millon at joanmillon6@gmail.com.

Taste of Immokalee:

Super Bowl Snack Bundles on Sale

The students of Taste of Immokalee will be selling their snack bundles in the Gathering Place on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9. This student-created and student-operated corporation will be offering two types of snack bundles featuring two varieties of their brand of salsas, chips, and optional cinnamon pecans. Prices are $30 and $40. Stop by, meet the students, and stock up with game treats!

Distinguished Guest Speaker: Dr. Greg Jones

Sunday, February 16, 9 & 11 AM, Sanctuary | 3 PM Nelson Hall

Join us for a powerful day of worship and learning with Rev. Dr. Greg Jones, president of Belmont University and a renowned theologian, author, and thought leader. During worship, Dr. Jones will share his message, “Life in the Spirit,” exploring the transformative power of forgiveness.

At 3 p.m. in Nelson 207, he will present a lecture, “Embodying Forgiveness,” delving into the profound impact of forgiveness on our lives and communities. Known for his work in forgiveness, Christian ministry, and pastoral leadership, Dr. Jones brings unparalleled insights and inspiration. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with one of today’s most influential voices in faith and leadership!

NUCC Calendar of Events

To view all our upcoming events and ways to connect,

visit our online calendar here.

NUCC Calendar

Bloom Demo Work

Exciting work has started! Bloom Academy is beginning the demo work to prepare for their new occupancy in the Precious Cargo Academy building. Please note that there may be dumpsters in front of McSpadden Hall and in the playground during the week so use caution if you are planning to visit the church. Thank you for your understanding as we welcome our new tenants to our campus. 

Office Hours

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

NUCC Calendar
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Mission Statement: To love God and all our neighbors as God loves us.

Open and Affirming • Mission-Driven • Powerful Worship • Continuing Generosity

Caring Ministry• Hospitable Fellowship