A neighborhood church with a heart for the world

This Week at St. Andrew's


  • 8:00 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (spoken service)
  • 9:00 a.m.: All Ages Formation
  • 9:00 a.m.: Nursery Open
  • 10:15 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (with hymns) (livestreamed via our YouTube Channel)
  • 10:15 a.m.: Children's Chapel
  • 11:30 a.m.: Coffee Hour and Children's Choir


Five years ago, I was looking for another parish with my husband and my daughter and her family. St. Andrew’s was on our list of possibilities, and I was the first one to attend a Sunday service here. After one service, I was sure this was the place we wanted to be. It was Lent, the bulletin insert was full of activities, there were people of all ages in the pews, the worship was genuinely warm and welcoming, and there were children- lots of children – walking in procession behind the priest.  

I had told my family that I would ‘just go to church’ for a while, but Christian Formation is one of my favorite ministries, and Harper was already looking for VBS volunteers. I talked to her about helping out, and she included me on the team. Being an active volunteer has given me a chance to have some fun and be creative. Plus, I feel like I’m doing my small part to keep an important ministry alive for all the kids (including my grandchildren).  


St. Andrew’s is a family. That’s what drew me in, and it’s what keeps me here. 

-Robin Brady 



How will you help us grow the Body of Christ with gifts of your time, talent, and treasure? Pledge packets are available for pick-up in White Hall. You can also make your 2025 pledge online. Please submit your pledge by November 3.


THIS SATURDAY! Men's Fellowship is hosting an Oyster Roast on Saturday, October 26 from 4-7 p.m. at the Bellman's home (1300 West Princess Anne Rd). Open to all 21+ adults (bring friends!), this is a wonderful chance to come together for delicious food and wonderful fellowship. There is no charge for the event but free-will donations will be accepted to support the purchase of new tables and chairs for White Hall. Please RSVP here so we can get a headcount for food. We are also looking for help with set-up, oyster shucking and clean-up! Contact Jerry Butler or George Pegram for more information!

All Ages Formation Hour at 9 a.m. this Sunday in White Hall. Our fall focus are our sacred stories in the Old Testament. This week, we study “Abigail Prevents War” (1 Samuel 25: 1-35). Join us for coffee, juice, and light refreshments. Then at 9:15 a.m., all ages will be together to learn the Bible story of the week. We then will split by age so that our children share in an age-appropriate learning (teens are encouraged to stay with our adults). There is no attendance requirement from Sunday to Sunday – come as you are able!   

Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe’s Installation will be livestreamed on Saturday, November 2, and St. Andrew’s invites you to a watch party in White Hall. We’ll gather for donuts and coffee (come as you are or bring a snack to share) as we worship online with the wider Episcopal Church. Breakfast and prelude music begin at 10 am, and the installation is at 11. Please RSVP here.


Dinner Conversation Groups -- As a means of getting to know one another better, we're forming Dinner Conversation Groups. If you participated in a Foyer Group in the past, it's the same idea. Small groups gather for a meal either at someone's home or a restaurant and share in conversation. It's that simple. Break bread. Make friends. Love one another. If you are interested, please fill out this form. The Parish Life Committee will create the groups and hope to launch this ministry in January of the new year.

Theology Before Lunch meets on Thursdays on Zoom! YOU are invited to join this small group of St. Andrew’s parishioners and their friends that “gathers” on Zoom on Thursdays from 10:30-12. Our first book is Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence. If you’d join up contact Deane Sobol for Zoom information.


Bring a Picture of Your Loved One to Church for our Ofrenda – Our youth have created an Ofrenda on our Lady Altar. An Ofrenda is a way to honor those who have passed who are meaningful to us. As we prepare for All Saint’s Sunday, you are invited to bring photo, framed or unframed, of beloved family member or friend who you have lost but wish to still remember. There will be a basket next to the Lady Altar where you can leave your photo. We will be collecting photos from this Sunday, October 27 through next Sunday, November 3. Please make sure your name is on the back of the photo or frame. The photos will be added to the Ofrenda and be part of our worship service on November 3. When the Ofrenda is taken down, you will be able to pick up the picture of your loved one in White Hall. Questions? Contact Harper Bathel

All Saints' intercessory prayer list requests are due by October 28. All Saints' Sunday (November 3) is the day when we remember the names of all those who have been buried from this church since the last All Saints' Day. If you would like to list the names of others who have died, please send their full names to Allison in the parish office.

All Saints Flowers: We will continue our tradition of beautiful flowers given to the glory of God and in memory of the saints for All Saints Sunday. There is one arrangement in White Hall available for dedication and the cost is $100. Contact the parish office to reserve.


Flower Guild Activities for All Saints Sunday: We are rapidly approaching another flowering opportunity at St Andrews. Several arrangements will be created and placed in the church and White Hall to celebrate All Saints Sunday.

There are several opportunities for you to volunteer you time to help

  • Wednesday, Oct 30 – 9:30 am :Setting up tables in the church; cleaning/filling/labeling the flower buckets
  • Thursday, Oct 31 – 10:30 am: Conditioning and sorting flowers
  • Saturday, Nov 2 – 10:00 am: Arranging
  • Wednesday, Nov 6 -9:30 am: Tearing down arrangements

All are welcome. Please contact Debbie Goode-Jones at 757-407-5806 if you are available for any of these dates.

Trick or Treat! We need your help filling the red wagon with Halloween candy. On Halloween we’re inviting parishioners to come help us pass out candy to trick-or-treaters that come by the church. We’ll also have bathrooms available for anyone who needs them. Bring your candy any time between now and Halloween, and join us Halloween night in your best costume to spread some spooky (and holy) fun in the neighborhood.

A Post-Bazaar Half-Price Sale will take place this Sunday, October 27. All items marked with a "heart" label will be 50% off. Many giftable items will go for a song. This sale is not to be missed. We will have miniature Christmas Trees for sale in White Hall. They make great presents for those people who no longer want to deal with putting up and decorating a larger tree. We also have seasonal wreaths for sale, both autumn and Christmas. And, our best treat, dark chocolate peanut clusters will also be available in White Hall. For those who were unable to get to the bazaar or church last weekend, we still have a handful of pies left as well as 1 quart of our beef vegetable soup. The pies include Lemon Chess Pie, Cranberry Nut Pie, and Chocolate Pecan Chess Pie. All will make a delicious finish to a dinner.


To all those who brought us cookies and other delights in plastic containers, we saved them and they can be found on the back shelf over the card tables in White Hall.


A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED THE HOLIDAY MARKET BAZAAR SUCCEED! We had at least 112 individuals who took on jobs that helped get this event off the ground. We had people cooking before the bazaar as well as during the bazaar. And people cooked at home. Volunteers priced, packed, and beautifully arranged a huge variety of items for sale. They counted cash, packaged bought items, and made our customers feel at home. Some volunteers did multiple jobs from cooking to creating to cleaning. Some of our workers were church staff who set up the oh-so-many tables and chairs and who gave advice, permission, and support. And, let's not forget all of our vendors, many of whom are parishioners in our church. They brought beautiful handcrafted items to be sold. It may take a village to raise a child but it definitely takes a church to put on a great bazaar. We couldn't have done it without you!


EYC Carves Pumpkins -- Join us this Sunday, October 27 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. We will gather at Church of the Ascension (405 Talbot Hall Road, Norfolk) for fellowship, fun, and a night of fall activities. Dinner is provided. RSVP here so we can plan for food and materials

Fall Weekend at Chanco (open to grades 6 – 12): Join us on Friday, November 8 – Sunday, November 10 for a faith retreat led by your peers. Our students will experience a weekend of fun and fellowship as they explore what it means to embrace their spiritual gifts (Psalm 146). The EYC Board has begun to explore their spiritual gifts and looks forward to sharing with other youth at Fall Weekend.. Cost is $150. Scholarships are available, contact Harper. Driving arrangements will need to be made between families (Harper will assist with this). The gathering begins Friday at 7 p.m. until 11 a.m. on Sunday. Register here. Please plan to e-mail Harper to let her know you wish to attend.  

Our Nursery (infants to age 4) opens at 9 a.m. until after our 10:15 a.m. worship in our Children’s Center. Children are invited to participate. Your child’s time will include play inside and out, faith-based activities, prayer, coloring, and a simple snack.

Children’s Chapel at 10:15 a.m. in Auditorium: (ages 4- 10) Kids are invited to gather for a simple kid friendly offering which will explore our worship service. This week our kids will focus on the story of “Moses was found in the Bulrushes”(Exodus 1: 1-2:10). When you arrive, come to the Auditorium. Children will be brought back to their families in church after the Peace. 

Children’s Choir (open to our 2nd – 6th grade kids) is held after our 10:15 a.m. liturgy in our Auditorium. This is an opportunity for our children to explore their faith through music. They will learn music skills and music theory. Contact Richard Rigg to be part of this community.


Readers/Chalicers: JJ Jacobson (8:00), Deane Sobol (10:15)

Ushers: Leslie Hipps (8:00), Paul Sayegh and Becky Ruffin (10:15)

Acolytes: Doug Tillberg's Team

Altar Guild: Hunter Costas and Bev Bullock

Nursery: Caroline Dayton, Leslie Caughell, Kinsey Edwards

Children's Chapel: Robin Brady, Amber Pickrell and Lilly Rippel

Coffee Hour: Leslie Hipps and Laurie Caughell

Flower Arrangements: Debbie Goode-Jones

Flower Delivery: Volunteer Needed - contact Allison

Thank you to all of our volunteers!


It is important to know who to call when...

  • You are going to the hospital
  • You are faced with a death in the family
  • You desire a home visit or a clergy call

Contact the Rev. Charles Lane Cowen (254) 760-0434. the Rev. Connie Jones (757) 288-4515 or the Parish Office (757) 622-5530.


Please keep this information handy at home or stored in your cell phone!


Marti Drummond-Dale, Sharon Smith, Kat Viccellio, Marguerite Grace Bellman, Mavis and Lee Benz, Ginny and Bill Love, Delanty Family, Christine Hebert, Chauncey Klingensmith, Susan and Dean Rogis, Patty O'Neill, Richard Nuzzo, Bob and Chris Miller, Temple Perrotta, Beverly Pope, Joshua Bowers, Meredith Stokes Connor, Elena Pickel, Andy Thornhill, Bettie Kane, Mary Kate Peene, Steve Antonucci, John Upton, Edward Oast, Essie Woods, Darlene Rawls, John Chenault, Robert Blancett, Mary Rish, Adam Lauer, Tom Washburn, Blaire, Wyatt and Erin, Elisabeth Yar Jok, Connor Marr, Anne and Rey Luna, Neil Vining, Jerry Kuykendall, Sarah-Ann Mccallum, Leandra Burke Hull, Anne Ward Platt, Caroline Ballard, Anne Coyner, Charles McGinnis, Paul Creighton, Clark Firgeson, Marselas Family, Joan De Coster, Wendy Passman, Anne Grunden, Jenn Murff, Tom Mitchell, Barbara Hale, Wrenn Norrell family, Steve Gordon, Carrie Boxer, TJ Lynch and family, Lily Phillips, Cathy and Josh Cook, Michael Ruen, Clay Schreiber, Claire Leugers, Cutter Family, Barbara Causey, Matthew Benz, Miriam Reid Drummonds, Elise Chard, Matthew Harper, Sarah Bangs

*Please note: The online list can differ slightly from the names printed in the Sunday bulletin depending on when information is received by the office.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is a vibrant, inclusive parish, formed in the fellowship of Christ. We strive to be a place of hope for all people, to reach beyond ourselves, and to manifest God’s love in the world.

Our Contact Information:
1004 Graydon Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
Mail to: 1009 W. Princess Anne Road, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
 Phone: 757-622-5530 | Fax: 757-622-0812 |