A neighborhood church with a heart for the world | |
This Week at St. Andrew's | |
- 8 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (spoken service)
- 9:00 a.m.: All Ages Formation
- 9:00 a.m.: Nursery Open
10:15 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (with hymns) (livestreamed via our YouTube Channel)
- 10:15 a.m.: Children's Chapel
- 11:30 a.m.: Coffee Hour/Children's Choir/Pageant Rehearsal
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Christmas Eve Eve Store Bought Potluck on December 23, 4:30-6 pm: Skip the cooking two days before Christmas and join your St. Andrew’s family for a potluck dinner of store bought or take out delights. Get everyone fed just in time for the annual tree lighting at Graydon Park at 6 pm.
All Ages Formation Advent Retreat on Sunday Morning: Be Still and Know God through Music at 9 a.m. Join Fr. Charles, for the Fourth Sunday in Advent as he reflects on the importance of music during the season. We will gather in White Hall. Light refreshments provided.
Save the date! Our Women’s Intergenerational Bible Study will kick off Thursday, January 9 at 7 pm in White Hall. We will meet once a week from 7:00 to 8:30 and we will be studying the gospel of Luke using a study guide by N. T. Wright. All are welcome to join us. If you want to find out more, sign up, and/or put your name on the list for a book, contact Ann Gwathmey (540-878-8332) or Cynthia Jones (757-332-4393).
Christmas at St. Andrew’s
Tuesday, December 24
4 p.m.: Children’s Christmas Pageant with Eucharist
9:30 p.m.: Festal Choral Eucharist
Wednesday, December 25
10:15 a.m.: Christmas Day Eucharist
Sunday, December 29
8 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:15 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II
Sunday, January 5
5:00 p.m: Feast of Lights
The parish office will be closed Dec. 25-26 and Jan. 1. We will be open 9am-12pm Jan 30-31 and Jan. 2-3. Normal weekday hours resume Jan. 6.
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Laundry Love Christmas Celebration – Our last Laundry Love event of the year will be held on Thursday, December 19, at 5:30 p.m. We’ll be sharing some Christmas cheer with our neighbors at the Soaps and Suds Laundromat on Colley Avenue. We’ll have music and cake, and we’ll give away books and gift cards. All this is possible because of your generous donations of dryer sheets, prepackaged snacks, books, and money to support this important ministry. Many thanks!
Emergency Coat Drive for Local Elementary School Children: This holiday season, we are collecting new or gently used coats size 4T to 8 for children in need within our community. Coats are needed ASAP but we will accept donations throughout the winter. There is a drop-off bin outside the church office. Questions? Contact Jamie Kanell-Barry (310) 593 3296
The Church Mouse Little Shop in White Hall is having a 25% off sale. Get some great stocking stuffers and other Christmas decor at give-away prices.
Winter Shelter will begin in February. It is time to finish up any scarves and caps and drop them off in the Winter Shelter box outside of the church office. We have received many hats but could do with some additional scarfs. They should be about 5 feet or more in length. The yarn can be colorful but should not be pastel.
St. Andrew’s will host the Norfolk Winter Shelter the week of Feb.2-9. During that week we will provide a safe overnight refuge for up to 55 homeless men and women from the cold winter streets. The shelter opens its doors at 6pm, and guests depart at 7am. Our guests will receive a hot supper and sleep on mats and blankets on the floor of White Hall, and we’ll give them a cold breakfast to send them on their way in the morning.
Operating the shelter nightly takes about 15-20 volunteers to prepare and serve meals, set up the mats and blankets, staff the registration table and (most important) keep watch overnight to ensure our guests have a safe and secure environment.
If you are interested in joining the St. Andrew’s Winter Shelter committee to help with planning and executing the program, please contact Jim Rhodes at email jrhodes@jimsgems.net, mobile 757 753 1238. We will have a sign-up table for volunteers in White Hall on Sundays starting the first Sunday of January.
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Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal, Lunch & Costume Pick Up (children and teens, ages 3 – 18) this Sunday, December 22, join us for pizza in the Auditorium at 11:45 a.m. Then we will have a dress rehearsal (no formal costume needed) for all ages. Those who haven’t gotten their costume yet, we ask for you pick it up this Sunday. Plan to wash your costume on a gentle cycle.
This week’s pageant happenings:
- All cast members for the pageant are asked to meet on this Sunday in the Auditorium from 11:45 a.m. until around 1:15 p.m. for a Dress Rehearsal.
- The children’s choir will continue rehearsing with Mr. Rigg.
- Little Angels are asked to meet in the Auditorium to practice their songs and parts for the Pageant.
- Stage Crew please set up the stage right after the 10:15 a.m. service. Gather at the church ramp.
Questions or to sign up, contact Harper Bathel or Amber Pickrell, Pageant Director.
Children’s Chapel at 10:15 a.m. in Auditorium: (ages 4- 10) Kids are invited to gather for a simple kid friendly offering which will explore our worship service. This week our kids will focus on the story of The Shepherds visit the Baby (Luke 2: 16). When you arrive, come to the Auditorium. Children will be brought back to their families in church after the Peace.
Our Nursery (infants to age 4) opens at 9 a.m. until after our 10:15 a.m. worship in our Children’s Center. Children are invited to participate. Your child’s time will include play inside and out, faith-based activities, prayer, coloring, and a simple snack.
*Please note: Our children's programs will be off Sunday, Dec. 29 and resuming January 5.
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Readers/Chalicers: Candice Dettloff (8:00), Sarah Frauenzimmer (10:15)
Ushers: Hunter Costas (8:00), Paul Sayegh and Phil Modisett (10:15)
Acolytes: Dave Branch's Team
Altar Guild: Hunter Costas, Bev Bullock and Lori Kuhn
Nursery: Caroline Dayton, Reilly Gallagher, Clara Murphy and Casey Beeghly
Children's Chapel: Savannah Longest, Laura Gwathmey and Lilly Rippel
Coffee Hour: Kristan Burch
Eucharistic Visitor: Kay Dahl and Karen Mitchell
Thank you to all of our volunteers!
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It is important to know who to call when...
- You are going to the hospital
- You are faced with a death in the family
- You desire a home visit or a clergy call
Contact the Rev. Charles Lane Cowen (254) 760-0434. the Rev. Connie Jones (757) 288-4515 or the Parish Office (757) 622-5530.
Please keep this information handy at home or stored in your cell phone!
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Daniel Tobin, Mike Whitehurst, Speach Family, Marti-Drummond-Dale, Sharon Smith, Kat Viccellio, Marguerite Grace Bellman, Mavis and Lee Benz, Ginny and Bill Love, Delanty Family, Christine Hebert, Chauncey Klingensmith, Susan and Dean Rogis, Vincent Guillen, Ruth Butler, Casey Williams, Ellen McDonald, Kylie Schneider, Matthew Constantinides, Patty O’Neill, Richard Nuzzo, Bob and Chris Miller, Temple Perrotta, Beverly Pope, Joshua Bowers, Meredith Stokes Connor, Elena Pickel, Andy Thornhill, Bettie Kane, Mary Kate Peene, Steve Antonucci, John Upton, Edward Oast, Essie Woods, Darlene Rawls, John Chenault, Robert Blancett, Mary Rish, Tom Washburn, Blaire, Wyatt and Erin, Connor Marr, Anne and Rey Luna, Neil Vining, Jerry Kuykendall, Sarah-Ann Mccallum, Leandra Burke Hull, Anne Ward Platt, Caroline Ballard, Anne Coyner, Charles McGinnis, Paul Creighton, Clark Firgeson, Marselas Family, Joan De Coster, Wendy Passman, Anne Grunden, Jenn Murff, Tom Mitchell, Barbara Hale, Wrenn Norrell family, Steve Gordon, Carrie Boxer, TJ Lynch and family, Lily Phillips, Cathy and Josh Cook, Michael Ruen, Clay Schreiber, Claire Leugers, Cutter Family, Barbara Causey, Matthew Benz, Miriam Reid Drummonds, Elise Chard, Matthew Harper, Sarah Bangs
*Please note: The online list can differ slightly from the names printed in the Sunday bulletin depending on when information is received by the office.
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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is a vibrant, inclusive parish, formed in the fellowship of Christ. We strive to be a place of hope for all people, to reach beyond ourselves, and to manifest God’s love in the world. | |
Our Contact Information:
1004 Graydon Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
Mail to: 1009 W. Princess Anne Road, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
Phone: 757-622-5530 | Fax: 757-622-0812 |
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