A neighborhood church with a heart for the world

This Week at St. Andrew's


  • 8:00 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (spoken service)
  • 9:00 a.m.: All Ages Formation and Nursery Open
  • 10:15 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (with hymns) (livestreamed via our YouTube Channel)
  • 11:30 a.m.: Coffee Hour and Children's Choir


Please RSVP -- Everyone is Invited! Back in May, St. Andrew's officially called Charles to be our 7th rector. We will mark this milestone event on Thursday, September 26th at 6:30 pm when Bishop Susan, the clergy of the diocese, and (most importantly) you will come together for a Celebration of New Ministry and Installation. This worship service will include glorious music, a renewal of our baptismal vows, and a Eucharistic feast in thanksgiving for all that God is doing at St. Andrew’s. Following the service, we will have a festive reception in White Hall. You do not want to miss this major milestone in our parish’s history. Please RSVP by Sept. 16!


Building on the success of last year’s All Ages Christian Formation, we’ll continue offering Sunday School for every age at 9 am in White Hall beginning this Sunday September 15th. Gather for coffee, juice, and a snack, and we’ll read a Bible story appropriate for all ages before splitting out into small groups to discuss. No preparation required – show up with a willingness to learn and share! 

Children's Choir Returns to St. Andrew's this Sunday! The Children's Choir will resume our weekly practices following the 10:15 liturgy each week, ending at approximately noon...just enough time for parents to spend time at coffee hour. We will work on our musical skills and learn a variety of songs to share with the 10:15 congregation at various times through the year. This is a great way to expand your child's understanding of and participation in our shared Christian faith. We're looking for any child from age 5 to 11 with age-appropriate reading skills. No specific musical background is needed, just a desire to sing and have some fun with other children each week. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Rigg (Associate Music Director). We hope to hear all the talented young voices singing soon.

Women of the Way, our book discussion group, will meet on Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 p.m. in White Hall. With the long summer break, they have been reading The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. If you are interested in joining, please contact Karen Mitchell. Everyone is invited!


Theology Before Lunch. YOU are invited to join this small group of St. Andrew’s parishioners and their friends that “gathers” on Zoom on Thursdays from 10:30-12. Our first meeting this fall will be on September 19th. We read a book in bite-sized portions, and have a wide-ranging, discussion about what we’ve read and whatever unpredictable subjects that come up. There are usually no “right answers.” Connie Jones leads the group and reminds us that the Episcopal Church has been called “a both/and church in an either/or world.” Our first book is Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence. If you’d join up contact Deane Sobol for Zoom information. Connie’s SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW FOLKS – the first two who join up will get free (ok, slightly pre-enjoyed) copies of the book – write Deane to claim yours.

You are invited to join the St. Andrew’s team for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Community Walk on Saturday, September 28 at 10 am at Mount Trashmore, Virginia Beach. Walk in solidarity with those who have lost loved ones to suicide or have struggled themselves. You can register to join as a member of our St. Andrew’s team in person or as a virtual supporter here: https://supporting.afsp.org/team/336473

The music ministry of St. Andrew's will be holding its fall kickoff party at the home of Doug and Karen Mitchell, 7701 Argyle Avenue in Norfolk, on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 5:30 p.m.. If you are thinking about joining one of our music programs, choir, handbells or Gospel Lights, this is a good opportunity to meet and talk with other participants. Please RSVP to Karen Mitchell.


Homemade Goodies Needed for Bake Sale on October 19th. One of the outstanding features of the Holiday Market Bazaar is the bake sale. We depend upon you to help fill out tables with home-baked goods. There are some rules, however, to keep the Health Department happy. First, we need your baked goods identified with your name and address. That is for our information only and will not be put on the packaged goods that are sold. 


Submitted baked items must be those which can be stored at room temperature. Please bring: Breads – quick breads and yeast, Cakes (except cheesecake or cream filled/iced), Cookies, Bars, Muffins, Candies, Dried fruits, herbs and spices, Cupcakes (except cream-filled/iced). Please do not bring: Any baked item that contains a filling/icing made with eggs, cream, sour cream, cream cheese, milk (including evaporated or condensed milk), or meat. This includes cheesecakes, pumpkin, pecan, cream, chiffon, or custard-based pies, or items like pepperoni rolls. You may sign up on the table outside of White Hall and an online sign-up will be coming soon.


The Bake Sale is on October 19th. Baked items may be brought in on the Thursday or Friday before the sale. More information will be published as we get closer to the date.


An additional note: there will be no pre-orders this year for the pies and soup. They will go on sale on the day of the bazaar and will be available until supplies run out. So mark the date of the bazaar on your calendar, October 19, and come purchase your favorites!


EYC Kick Off & a Mission Project for CHKD (open to grades 6th – 12th) will gather next Sunday, September 22 from 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Auditorium and White Hall. Join us for lunch, fellowship, prayer, and a mission project as we connect for a new fun and faith filled year!

Children’s Chapel is at 10:15 in the Auditorium. Kids are invited to gather for a simple kid friendly offering which will explore our worship service. This week our kids will focus on the story of “Noah Built an Ark” (Genesis 7: 1a). When you arrive, come to the Auditorium. Children will be brought back to their families in church after the Peace. 


Our Nursery is open from 9 a.m. until after our 10:15 a.m. worship in our Children’s Center. Children (infants to age 4) are invited to participate. Your child’s time will include play inside and out, a bible story, prayer, coloring, and a simple snack.


Readers/Chalicers: Candice Dettloff (8:00), Christiane Fontaine and Susanne Councill (10:15)

Ushers: Bruce Martin (8:00), Tiffany Crawford and Paul Sayegh (10:15)

Acolytes: Doug Tillberg's Team

Altar Guild: Ryane Reese and Charlie Hinsch (1 teen volunteer needed - contact Harper)

NurseryCaroline Dayton, Savannah Longest and Carl Larsen

Children's Chapel: Ryan Reese and Charlie Hinsch

Coffee Hour: Volunteers Needed! (Contact Allison)

Eucharistic Visitor: Karen Mitchell and Kay Dahl

Flower Delivery: Volunteers Needed! (Contact Allison)

Thank you to all of our volunteers!


It is important to know who to call when...

  • You are going to the hospital
  • You are faced with a death in the family
  • You desire a home visit or a clergy call

Contact the Rev. Charles Lane Cowen (254) 760-0434. the Rev. Connie Jones (757) 288-4515 or the Parish Office (757) 622-5530.


Please keep this information handy at home or stored in your cell phone!


Sharon Smith, Kat Viccellio, Marguerite Grace Bellman, Mavis and Lee Benz, Jerry Butler, Ginny and Bill Love, Delanty Family, Christine Hebert, Chauncey Klingensmith, Susan and Dean Rogis, Temple Perrotta, Beverly Pope, Joshua Bowers, Meredith Stokes Connor, Elena Pickel, Andy Thornhill, Bettie Kane, Mary Kate Peene, Steve Antonucci, John Upton, Edward Oast, Essie Woods, Darlene Rawls, John Chenault, Robert Blancett, Mary Rish, Janet Billenstein, Adam Lauer, Tom Washburn, Blaire, Wyatt and Erin, Elisabeth Yar Jok, Connor Marr, Anne and Rey Luna, Neil Vining, Jerry Kuykendall, Sarah-Ann Mccallum, Leandra Burke Hull, Anne Ward Platt, Caroline Ballard, Anne Coyner, Charles McGinnis, Paul Creighton, Clark Firgeson, Marselas Family, Joan De Coster, Wendy Passman, Anne Grunden, Jenn Murff, Tom Mitchell, Barbara Hale, Wrenn Norrell family, Steve Gordon, Carrie Boxer, TJ Lynch and family, Lily Phillips, Cathy and Josh Cook, Michael Ruen, Clay Schreiber, Claire Leugers, Cutter Family, Barbara Causey, Matthew Benz, Miriam Reid Drummonds, Elise Chard, Matthew Harper, Sarah Bangs

*Please note: The online list can differ slightly from the names printed in the Sunday bulletin depending on when information is received by the office.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is a vibrant, inclusive parish, formed in the fellowship of Christ. We strive to be a place of hope for all people, to reach beyond ourselves, and to manifest God’s love in the world.

Our Contact Information:
1004 Graydon Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
Mail to: 1009 W. Princess Anne Road, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
 Phone: 757-622-5530 | Fax: 757-622-0812 |