Check out what's happening this week
at FBC Indian Trail!
Join us this weekend for our LIVE services on campus at FBCIT. There are 2 opportunities to worship together in our Blended Service:
We also have 2 opportunities to worship at The LIFT - our contemporary service:
- Sunday 9am
- Sunday 11am
You can also join us for online worship at
Midweek Worship - Wednesday Evenings, 6:45-8:00pm, Room B207. Join us on Wednesday nights for a time of worship, fellowship and a brief message. *Midweek will NOT meet on December 30.
Discovery Membership Class Discovery is a one-session event that is a prerequisite for church membership. Discovery is held on the 2nd Sunday of every month in Room B205 from 9:00am-11am. Participants must register at *The next Discovery class will be on January 20.
Jumpstart: January 3, 9:00am in room C230 - JumpStart is a class for children and their parents who are asking questions about salvation and/or baptism. It is also for children who have recently accepted Jesus, been baptized or joined the church by letter. To register for Jumpstart, visit Register by Wednesday, December 30th.
5th Grade Bible Study: January 10-March 21, 5-6:30pm. Come join our 5th grade girls and boys as they begin a Bible study entitled: A Girl After God's Own Heart and A Boy After God's Own Heart. The cost is $10 which includes the book, *but you must register by December 30*. To register, visit For more information, contact Deanna at
Walk Thru the Bible, February 28, March 7, and March 14 at 9am in the Kidz Theater. For our Kindergarteners through 5th grade. Step into the story and learn 40 hand-signs to help you understand the big picture of the Old Testament. No registration is needed. For more information, contact Deanna at
Centrikid Camp "The Discovery": June 14-18, 2021. Attention completed 3rd-5th graders (by the end of this school year)! Centrikids Camp online registration is now open. Before February 5th, Early Bird Registration is $314. After February 5th, the cost will go up to $340. For more information or to register - visit or contact Deanna at
Destination Dig: July 12-15, 6:15pm-8:15pm Preschool and 6:00pm-8:30pm Kindergarten-5th Grade. Coming this Summer! VBS 2021 is headed to present-day Israel where discovery awaits at Destination Dig. *Registration will open soon!
Connect Camps - Save the date! Connect Camps will be here July 26-30. It's going to be BIG! Connect Camps is a one-week day camp experience filled with non-stop fun, engaging activities, daily faith-based lessons, and the chance to make lasting friendships. It's an unbelievable week coming right here to FBCIT! Registration opens March 7th.
We will NOT have Midweek service this Wednesday. We will resume Wednesday, January 6th at 6pm in the JWAC.
Sunday Life Groups will meet this Sunday morning at 9am & 11am in the JWAC.
TRIBEnight: March 5-6, 2021. Online registration coming soon!
TRIBEcamp: June 14-18, 2021 Registration is open online:
TRIBEwknd - November 5-7, 2021
Student Night - We will not have Student Night this Wednesday. We will resume Wednesday, January 6th at 6:30pm in the WPAC.
Sundays Life Groups will meet this Sunday morning at 9am or 11am in the Student Center.
The Point Summer Camp to Awanita - June 14-18, 2021. Online registration opens Monday, January 4, 2021.
Thursdays: Worship Gathering - Dinner starts at 6pm in Modular C and then we gather for our weekly Worship Gathering at 7pm in the Student Center.
Sundays: Young Adult Life Groups! Life Groups are back and offered at 8am (Romans Study) & 9:30am (Nehemiah Study) in the Field House.
Rekindle (Ridgecrest, NC) - August 6-9, 2021: Registration coming soon!
Thursday Morning Worship will resume after the holidays on January 7. You can watch the service here. Contact Melody Richardson for updates or reminders at 704.893.2644
316 Sports 2021 Winter Registration - Middle School registrations are available. Log on to For more information, please contact Melody at
The weekly Life Group lesson premieres each Friday on our First Baptist Church Indian Trail Facebook page at 10am - click here to watch. You can also watch the lesson on our Family Resources page via the FBCIT website by following this link.
GriefShare, Sundays Beginning January 3, 2:30pm, Room B207: GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. You'll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. The cost is $20 per person. For more information or to register, contact Marla at 704.560.7320.
Celebrate Recovery - We will not have CR this Thursday. We will resume Thursday, January 7th at 6:30pm in the Sossamon Chapel. Childcare is available upon request. If childcare is needed, please request by 4pm on Wednesday: or call the church office: 704.882.1005
Adopt a Teacher: There are still teachers who need adopting! Help us reach our community by adopting a teacher and his or her family! Please go to our website for more information: (look for the GO NOW tab) OR contact Rick Brown or Kimberly Worsnop at the church office: 704-893-2663.
G2 Women's Mentoring Ministry: Coffee Connection, Sunday, January 17: 2-4pm, Sossamon Chapel. G2 is a one-on-one Women's Mentoring Ministry. We do our mentoring through weekly Bible study, usually over lunch, dinner, or coffee. After the first initial Coffee Connection, you will be paired with someone who will be your mentor or mentee. Each pairing meets independently at a time and place that works for both of them. For more information, contact Melody at
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