December 4, 2024

View the December Newsletter Here

Christmas Eve Schedule / December Events Flyer

See the Christmas Eve Worship Schedule and December Events Flyer Here.

Sunday's Services


Prophecies of Christmas

Sunday’s Message:

“The Path of Peace” 

Luke 1:68-79

Christmas is a joyous celebration with a deeply prophetic history. In the Bible, a prophecy is a message that God delivers through a human vessel. As the single greatest prophecy fulfilled, the birth of Jesus as Messiah was foretold long before it happened. In this Advent sermon series, we will explore prophecies that point to Christ’s birth on Christmas. In uncovering the ancient story, our understanding will shed new light on Christmas and illuminate our faith. 

9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Services

In case you missed 

last week's worship, 

you can watch here.

Lessons & Carols

Sunday, December 15 

at the 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. services

Be sure to join us on December 15 as we prepare to remember our savior's birth and look forward
to His second return through a service of Lessons and Carols. Using Holy Scripture, congregational song, choir anthems, and instrumental music, we will recall the prophecies and the fulfillment thereof through Christ our Lord.

Adult Education

“The Glory of God in the Season of Advent”

Sundays, December 8-22 at 10:30 a.m. in Stewart Hall Led by Pastor Steve Kellough


The season of Advent is a wonderful time to explore the glorious attributes of our triune God. A. W. Tozer in his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, writes: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” In this series, we will be exploring biblical texts describing just a few of God’s many divine qualities.

Master Plan Town Hall Meetings

Town Hall Meeting Dates:

Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m.

following The Table

Sunday, December 15 at 11:30 a.m. following the 10:30 service

You are invited to attend one of two Town Hall Meetings to hear an update on the master planning process. Church and ministry leaders have made good progress on the master plan and it’s time to have our discoveries and opportunities shared with the congregation. You will learn more about how we can meet our ministry needs and fulfill our mission. There will also be time to ask questions and tour the facility. We look forward to your attendance and participation.

Gingerbread Nativity Night

Friday, December 6

6:00-7:30 p.m. in Stewart Hall

Kick off the Christmas season at our Kids Ministry Gingerbread Nativity Night! Kids are invited to wear Christmas pajamas or other festive outfits for this cozy family event.

• Family gingerbread nativity building • Crafts • Santa’s Toy Walk • Holiday dance floor • Christmas photo booth • Sweet treats • At the end of the night, we'll grab a hot chocolate and settle in for the story of the very first Christmas

We will also be collecting diapers and baby wipes for Christmas Sharing. Donations are optional and are very much appreciated. Sign up here.

The Table

We look forward to seeing you for a catered, buffet-style meal starting at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. You’ll enjoy seeing old friends and making new ones around the table. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, are led in song, and have a brief teaching. There are also activities for children and a Toddler Corner for kids two and under.

RSVPs are requested by the Sunday prior to each Wednesday gathering.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Wednesday, December 18 – 5:30-6:30 pm

in Stewart Hall


Join your church family for a celebratory Christmas Dinner! All generations are invited to enjoy the celebration, sharing a delicious meal, Christmas carols and a teaching. There will be activities for children and a Toddler Corner for kids two and under. Feel free to wear your craziest Christmas sweater! Cost: Adults $15 / Children ages 4-12 $5 / Family Maximum: $40

RSVP here by Sunday, December 15 or by contacting the church office.

Winter Concert

Let's close out the year 2024 with the sacred sounds of the season as we welcome the Stephen Lynerd Group back to First Pres, this time in concert. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this free concert as we conclude this year's installment of our concert series, 5th Sundays at First Pres. 

Christmas Sharing

2024 Christmas Sharing is Saturday, December 14

Christmas Sharing will again be held at First Pres Wheaton in the same format as last year (with no collection of used goods.) First Pres has set a goal to provide for 175 families and pray the congregation will be able to fully support the effort in providing for District 200 families in need. 

New Items Most Needed (for drop off between December 8-13):

  • Twin / Queen / King sheet sets.
  • Gifts for children age 12 and up (athletic balls, bluetooth headphones, bluetooth speakers $20 or less)
  • Empty sundry boxes and content lists are available for pickup in the Rotunda. Filled boxes should be returned from December 8-13.

All volunteer help is needed and appreciated! Sign up to volunteer here.

  • Volunteer to distribute boxes: Sundays through December 8 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Volunteer at church the week of Christmas Sharing: December 9-14

Financial donations can be made here, using the Christmas Sharing drop down.

Questions can be directed to Sharon Carroll

Christmas Giving Trees

Christmas Giving Trees

Through Sunday, December 8

As part of the mission ministry of the church, our congregation will be sharing Christmas joy with the annual Christmas Giving Trees. Gift and monetary donations toward the Giving Trees support Homeless Veterans, Marklund (individuals with disabilities), the DuPage Care Center (long and short-term rehabilitation), and children of the Outreach Community Center.

The trees are on the ramp near the Rotunda, where you can select a tag from a tree, purchase a gift, and return it UNWRAPPED under the appropriate tree. Or, you can make a monetary donation online by selecting “Giving Trees Mission.” Gifts and donations are due by December 8. Contact Pastor Kat or the church office with questions. Thank you for your generosity!

Poinsettia Dedications

Poinsettias adorn our chancel each Christmas. To dedicate a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one, please submit a form no later than Wednesday, December 18. Your dedication will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin. You may also pick up your poinsettia following the last service on Christmas Eve or during office hours the week after Christmas.

An online form to make your dedication in the amount of your choice can be found here. Or you may make a donation by completing the Poinsettia Dedication form, which can be found at the Welcome Desk, Narthex, and the church office.

DuPage PADS – Christmas Donations

We have special holiday requests for items to give to our PADs families during our December 20 meal service date:

1. We are looking for bakers to make homemade cookies so each family will have a dozen to enjoy during the holidays (approximately 50 dozen are needed). If you are able to bake cookies, please email Kathy Paradise to let us know the quantity, so we can keep a count.  

2. Donations of activity books, markers, crayons, etc. for the elementary school aged guests.

3. New Socks – any age or gender

Drop off cookies or other items at church by noon on December 20, or email for a pick up. Many thanks for your continued support to the PADS community. First Pres meal service dates are the third Wednesday of each month. Help is always needed and appreciated. Contact the church office for additional information.

Women's Christmas Gathering

Women’s Christmas Gathering

Sunday, December 8  

4:00 p.m. at the home of Betty Joseph

All women of the church are invited to a Christmas gathering! Please bring a table-ready appetizer and/or a bottle of wine. Dessert and non-alcoholic beverages provided.

Men's Christmas Breakfast

Men's Christmas Breakfast

Friday, December 13

7:00-8:00 a.m.

All members and friends of First Pres Wheaton are welcome to join us for the Men’s Christmas Breakfast. Make plans to be a part of this morning of fellowship and hear a message planned especially for the men of our church and community. The breakfast is FREE, but please RSVP by registering or contact the church office by email or phone.

All are welcome! Bring a friend. RSVP here or by calling the church office by Tuesday, December 10.

Kids Ministry

Sunday School is for children age 3 through 5th grade during the 10:30 service.

  • Preschool 3's and 4's meet in LL102
  • Kindergarten and 1st grade meet in LL105
  • 2nd and 3rd grade meet in LL106
  • 4th and 5th grade meet in LL107 Childcare is available during both services in LL103 for children ages 3 years and younger. For more information, contact Stacey Chvatal.

Youth Ministry

• Genesis Middle School Ministry meets on Sunday

mornings at 10:30 in The Attic.


WF High School Ministry 

Sunday, December 8 – WF Progressive Dinner: 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Calendar and Office Hours

Check the First Pres calendar regularly for updates.


Regular Office Hours

Monday through Thursday – 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Friday – 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon

First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton
Phone 630-668-5147  
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