Weekly News
July 27, 2022 / 28th of Tamuz, 5782

Parashat Matot-Masei:  Numbers 30:2-36:13
Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:4 · 26
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Renew Your Commitment to JRC!
If you need any help completing your form, please reach out to Micky Baer. She is happy to help!

If you are not yet a member and would like to be, Micky can help you with that as well.
JRC's 5783 High Holidays Bring the Return of Old and New Traditions
JRC Returns to "Our Church" to Celebrate the High Holidays Together
September 17: Selichot
September 25: Erev Rosh Hashanah
September 26: Rosh Hashanah
September 27: Rosh Hashanah
October 4: Erev Yom Kippur, Kol Nidre
October 5: Yom Kippur

Join JRC for our community High Holiday experiences, to reflect on this past year and gather strength and hope for the next. Experience the beauty of our social justice values tangibly woven into thousand-year-old liturgy for contemporary times. Engage in ways that feel meaningful to you, whether that is through prayer, nature, community, art, song, meditation, or contemplation.

These 5783 festivals of Selichot, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur will include new-found traditions like our Erev Rosh Hashanah Shofar Walk along Evanston's Lakefront, and will remind us of our deep roots as we return to the First United Methodist Church, affectionately called "our church", with live streamed services for those who are unable to attend in person. In the coming weeks we will share a full schedule of High Holiday services and activities.

Whether you are a JRC member, friend, or family, or if you are looking for a spiritual community that feels like home, we welcome you to spend these High Holidays with our wonderful congregation. For information about registering as a non-member, please email JRC's executive director, Micky Baer.
Kvelling Corner
Yasher koach to Rabbi David Eber who was selected by the organization, T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights to write a D'var Torah that was shared with their national membership of over 2000 rabbis and cantors and published online. Both Rabbi David and Rabbi Rachel are proud local chapter members of T'ruah. The organization brings the Torah’s ideals of human dignity, equality, and justice to life by empowering rabbis and cantors to be moral voices and to lead Jewish communities in advancing democracy and human rights for all people in the United States, Canada, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories.

Click here to read Rabbi David's thoughts on the the Torah Portion of Matot-Masei and encouragement of building places of refuge for vulnerable communities in his own backyard.
Welcome in Shabbat Surrounded by Nature
Shabbat Picnic and Lakefront Shabbat Service
Friday July 29
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Bring a picnic dinner from 6pm-7pm
Enjoy Kabbalat Shabbat service from 7pm-8pm
Elliot Park, (Lakeshore Blvd at Hamilton St) Evanston

Join Cantor Howard Friedland with JRC member, Fred Weinstein's percussion accompaniment, for a peaceful evening filled with joy and song! Enjoy JRC's beautiful Lakefront Shabbat services set against the backdrop of the shores of Lake Michigan. Our relaxed, camp-like service is a lovely, welcoming space for both long-time members and those who are exploring our community for the first time, so invite your friends! Bring your blankets and chairs before services and enjoy a picnic dinner. Masks are optional.

Following services, JRC members, David Morck and Matt Simonette will host an Oneg in honor of their anniversary.

Services will be livestreamed on the JRC Facebook Page for those preferring to join us virtually.

Upcoming Lakefront Shabbat Dates
Friday, July 29
Picnic Dinner 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Service 7:00 pm - 8:00pm

Friday, August 5
Picnic Dinner 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Service 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday, August 12 (This evening will be held at Noah’s Playground in Evanston - Sheridan Rd at Central St, next to Lighthouse Beach.)
Shabbat Littles at the Lakefront 5:30 pm - 6:00pm
Explore Kehillah: Family Education Gathering 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Picnic Dinner 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Service 7:00 pm - 8:00pm

Friday, August 19
Picnic Dinner 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Service 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday, August 26
Shabbat Littles at the Lakefront 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Explore Kehillah: Family Education Gathering 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Picnic Dinner 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Service 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Explore Kehillah: JRC's New Learning Community
What is Kehillah?
Kehillah is JRC's new learning community for youth and families, launching on Shabbat mornings this fall.

Mission Statement:
Kehillah: JRC's Reconstructionist learning community for Pre-K - High School, empowers, nourishes, supports, and launches families into engaged, meaningful Jewish life.

Unique Program Features:
  • Classes for Pre-K - 6th grade meet once per week on Shabbat mornings

  • 1:1 weekly Hebrew lessons for 4th - 6th grade, with remote or in-person options and flexible scheduling

  • Experiences that cultivate personal connections with Judaism leading to meaningful b'nai mitzvot in 7th grade and throughout Derech, our 8th - 12th grade teen community

  • Project based & experiential learning

  • Shabbat services, chances to connect, parent coffee lounge, and frequent lifelong learning sessions for adults

  • Monthly interactive family education

For more information or to register your family for Kehillah click here
Opportunities to Learn about Kehillah at Lakefront Shabbat
Friday, August 12 at Noah’s Playground
Friday, August 26 at Elliot Park
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Pizza Picnic Provided by JRC!

Kids and their families are invited to join Rabbi David to experience the joy of Kehillah through hands-on programs that showcase the varied ways to celebrate Shabbat. Join us at 6pm to create a Shabbat inspired craft and enjoy a pizza picnic prior to lakefront services. Geared towards children ages 5-13 and their grownups, Rabbi David will be available to share information and answer questions about Kehillah, JRC's new Learning Community for youth and families. No registration for Lakefront Shabbat is necessary, all are welcome.

Friday, August 12 - Menucha (Rest) - Decorate a “cell-phone sleeping bag,” or a pillowcase to help you rest on Shabbat!
Noah’s Playground, (Sheridan Road at Central St, next to Lighthouse Beach.) Evanston

Friday, August 26 - Hakarat Ha’Tov (Gratitude) - Make your own blessing jar to collect moments of gratitude. You can collect as an individual or for your whole family.
Elliot Park, (Lakeshore Blvd at Hamilton Street) Evanston
Mark Your Calendar for Shabbat Littles at the Lakefront with Guest Preschool Teacher
Shabbat Littles at the Lakefront
Friday, August 12
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
*Different Location* - Noah’s Playground in Evanston - Sheridan Rd at Central St, next to Lighthouse Beach

JRC's Early Childhood Center presents a very special Shabbat Littles at the Lakefront as we welcome one of our star preschool teachers who will be on hand to answer questions about JRC's fall program for 2-5 year-olds. If you are looking for a warm, loving environment for your child, there's no comparison to the individualized care at JRC's Early Childhood Center.

Get a taste of JRC when you join us to celebrate Shabbat! Together Rabbi Rachel Weiss and Cantor Howard Friedland lead a program filled with a joyful mix of liturgy and fun. It's a magical experience for 0-5 year-olds and their grownups. Wear your comfy clothes, get on the ground to sing and dance. JRC's Shabbat celebration is perfect for those who call JRC home and for those seeking a Jewish community.

For more information about our preschool including; 2022/23 school year dates, pricing, and to register click here.
Summer Buy-In Party Blitz!
JRC's Buy-In Parties are festive, out of the ordinary events planned and hosted by fellow JRC members (and clergy!). Each week, we will feature a different event and share the experience of a JRC member who attended in the past or reveal enticing nuggets of NEW information regarding what's in store this year!

***Summer BBQ***
JRC Member Hannah Shearn, who attended the BBQ in 2021 reflects on last year's enticing menu and experience. “Truly family friendly BBQ with delicious food from smoked chicken to the best chocolate cake, with lots of time to catch up with fellow members before summer ends.” 

Although the menu this year is top secret, it will surely be a one of a kind culinary adventure! Click below to sign up for any Summer experience!
***Summer BBQ***
Saturday, August 13
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday, August 14
4:00 pm
Saturday, August 27
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturday, August 27
6:00 pm
"SNAPGap" Program
Interfaith Action Evanston’s “SNAPGap” Program To Support The Needy In Evanston
Collection Times:
Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Beth Emet, The Free Synagogue
1224 Dempster St.
Evanston, IL 60202
(Cut off date for collection is Monday, August 8 at 5pm)

JRC is a proud member of Interfaith Action Evanston (IAE), which operates the “Producemobile” once a month, distributing food to Evanston’s families experiencing food insecurity. IAE has recently added a new dimension to the distribution of food: the “SNAPGap” program. SNAPGap collects and distributes items that most of us consider necessary but are not eligible for purchase with federal benefits, such as toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, or shampoo. IAE identifies 1-3 items for distribution each month.

The items IAE will be distributing in August are bar soap, body lotion and shampoo. If you purchase these items in bulk for donation, you can drop them off at the SNAPGap donation site listed above for this month.

The other option is to purchase the items on line on this Amazon Wishlist.

If you purchase the items on line, please have them delivered to Beth Emet, The Free Synagogue, address above. Please note that the faith community coordinating SNAPGap will change each month so the delivery location will change in the future.
Rosh Hodesh Av Celebration
Rosh Hodesh Av
Sunday, July 31
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Via Zoom

Rosh Hodesh, translated as the “head of the month”, is a time to mark the start of a new month in the Jewish calendar. Historically, it is a minor holiday where women would refrain from work. Each month we gather to explore a variety of relevant topics in a creative and thought-provoking celebration. All adult JRC members or individuals considering membership (13 years and older), who identify as women, are welcome to participate.

Av is a month of dichotomies. To welcome the month, JRC member Diana McNelis will help us explore balancing the good and terrible of Av. If you need additional information and accessibility request, please contact Linda Mathias Kaskel at

Meeting ID:858 8713 7650
Password: 016478
Call-In: 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
Celebrate Shabbat with our JRC Community
Shabbat Shaharit Minyan
Saturday, July 30
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Via Zoom

Join the JRC Minyan for Shabbat Shaharit (morning services) this Saturday. This service lasts about 90 minutes and includes the opportunity for Mourners' Kaddish and Healing Prayers as well as chat time after the service. Ben and Diane Melnick
will be co-leading the service, Betsy Fuchs will be giving the D'var, and Ben Melnick will be chanting and translating Torah.

The role of Zoom Gabbai is still needed for this week's Shabbat Minyan. Sign up for a role here.

Meeting ID: 880 5387 3162
Password: 183672
Call-In: 312-626-6799 (Chicago)
Summary of JRC's COVID-19 Protocols
  • Programming indoors at JRC: proof of vaccination is required and masks must be worn when not actively eating or drinking or leading from the bima. Food will be served in a separate area than services
  • Outdoor programming: masks are optional 
Dates At A Glance
If you need an accommodation to fully participate please contact JRC Executive Director, Micky Baer at or on her cell: 847-409-1432.
Wednesday, July 27

Thursday, July 28
Via Zoom

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 897 8977 3296
Passcode: 405397

7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, July 29
Elliot Park, Evanston (Lakeshore Blvd at Hamilton St)
Join us for a 6:00 pm picnic followed by a 7:00 pm service. This camp-like service is a beautiful way to welcome Shabbat surrounded by nature and community.

Saturday, July 30

Sunday, July 31

Monday, August 1

Tuesday, August 2
5:00 pm Weekday Minyan
Via Zoom

Wednesday, August 3
The weekly announcements feature events hosted at or sponsored by JRC, approximately two weeks in advance or less. Announcements are sent out on Thursdays and items to add should be submitted no later than 5pm Monday.
Reconstructionist Congregation