Happy Thanksgiving

to everyone along the Wine Road

Weekly Member Memo - Nov. 26, 2024

You're Invited

Wine Road Member Holiday Bash

Thursday December 5th / 4:00-6:30pm

Francis Ford Coppola Winery

Tasty Appetizers, Plenty of Wine, Games, Prizes, Camaraderie, and some

Wine Road News!


Please RSVP by the end of TODAY (Nov. 26)

We are excited to have 2 new winery members...

J. Cage Cellars: 9086 Windsor Road, contact: Roger Beery 707-318-6323

Oak Tree Winery: 9086 Windsor Road, contact Michael LeComte 707-608-5474

As you can see, they are in a shared space...the sign outside the building says, Tasting Notes in downtown Windsor.

We just mailed Winter Wineland postcards to the participating wineries, in time for you to have them out this holiday weekend.

Help spread the word.

If you are participating, share on social. Tool Kit Here

WINTER WINELAND ~ we've sold out first 420 tickets.

Anticipated ticket sales 1800

Reimbursement, up to $250 for food, music, or decor.

We also mailed signs to the wineries participating in the LOCALS ONLY offer. The winery list is now online. Go ahead and get the sign displayed ASAP.

If YOU want to be listed, let me know.

We will do some radio interviews in December to officially kick this off, then continue to promote via targeted social and digital ads - heavier after the holidays. We will do paid local radio in 2025 and we have mailed signs to larger Sonoma County employers.

The clock it ticking to promote this event. One of our members just sent their newsletter out and included a link to this event,...339 people clicked

on the link to tickets and 179 click for more info.

That is what we need everyone to do, to promote our events.

We have only sold 20 tickets at this point, with a goal of 100.

WIN EXPO - Dec. 5th - Register Now

Registration is open for the 12th Annual North Coast Wine Industry Trade Show & Conference (WIN Expo), scheduled to take place at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa, CA, on Thursday, December 5th, 2024.

WIN Expo is the largest trade show and conference focused exclusively on the Lake, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma wine regions. The event is set to include nearly 300 exhibitors showcasing the latest products and services as well as outdoor exhibits, trial tastings on the trade show floor and a robust educational conference.


Thank you to our partners along the Wine Road for their financial support.

Wine Road Northern Sonoma County | Wineroad.com

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