25 November 2021
A Note from the Pastors
Greetings, Everyone. Happy Thanksgiving!
Advent Unexpected

We all have great expectations for the Advent season. We make special plans for our families and return to favorite traditions. We expect to hear the stories of angels coming to Mary and Joseph with life-changing news, and we expect them to be comforting in their familiarity.

This year, in worship, we will be hearing the same story, but looking at it with unexpected eyes. From the Magi in the East who set off on their journey with expectations of a different kind of king to Zechariah and Elizabeth who find ways to celebrate their personal joy under the shadow of a greater gift being given to the world. From King Herod's fear to the shepherds' wonder, our Advent will be energized by a new look at familiar characters and a deeper awareness of the blessings of the unexpected in our own lives, preparing us to celebrate Christmas with renewed faith and hope.

November 28th - “Hope Unexpected”
The Wisemen - Scripture: Matthew 2:1-2, 9-12

December 05 - “Love Unexpected”
Elizabeth and Zacariah - Scripture: Luke 1:39-45

December 12 - “Peace Unexpected”
King Herod - Scripture: Matthew 2:3-4, 16-18

December 19 - “Joy Unexpected”
The Shepherds - Scripture: Luke 2:8-20
Pastor Jaekuk & Pastor Susan
Editor's Note: IF YOU USE GMAIL, the application sometimes clips the bottom
of these email messages, and you don't see the entire email, which includes
more announcements, address info, opt-out, and unsubscribe links. 
At the bottom, if you see the words, "[Message clipped]  View entire message" please click the link to see the complete email message. (This is a function of gmail and cannot be changed.)
Sunday, November 28th - Advent Begins!
Worship at 10:00am

Sermon: Hope Unexpected
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-2, 9-12

If you won't be attending in person, we hope you will
join the live-stream worship at 10am on our website.

We will continue to have you sign in at the door to keep attendance.
Remember, masks are required when you're in our buildings - to protect each other.
Notice from the Trustees:
Gas Service & Building Heat

PG&E came out to replace some gas line equipment and we found we will have to replace the gas lines in the main building. The gas is turned off until this project is complete (expected within a couple weeks). Since the Sanctuary, Offices, Wesley Room, & Library are heated by gas, you will want to dress warmly for worship and/or meetings in the Sanctuary and main building.
Kohlstedt Hall is heated by a different system and will be toasty warm for our Coffee & Fellowship time AND for Sunday's Church Charge Conference.
Watch this space for updates about the return of the heat!
Church Charge Conference
THIS Sunday, 28 November, 3:30-5:30pm

We will hold our annual Church Charge Conference
safely in-person in Kohlstedt Hall THIS Sunday, Nov 28th.
Our District Superintendant, Rev. Samuel Hong
will conduct the conference.

At the Church Charge conference we report & discuss the annual business of the church. In addition to reporting on our ministries and finances, there will be leadership elections, recognition of membership changes, discussion of endowment distributions, and sharing of our ideas for the church going forward into 2022. All are invited to attend!
Celebration Unexpected
Christmas Eve Sunday School Program 2021

Something is happening in Bethlehem, and it is disrupting the innkeeper’s night. Join us as we tell about the birth of Jesus from the point of view of a frazzled innkeeper. There is hope and joy for all in the events unfolding this Christmas eve – but the party is anything but traditional.

Choir: All of our Sunday School children become the Christmas choir. Rehearsals begin this Sunday, November 28 at 10:50am and each Sunday (at the end of Sunday School) til Christmas Eve. A practice playlist link will be available from Pastor Susan (CDs upon request).

Cast: Auditions for acting and speaking roles will take place on Sunday, December 5 at 1pm. The auditions* will be held workshop-style as we work together to create the drama for Christmas Eve.

*All parents of children interested in auditioning must attend a brief
parents’ meeting at the beginning of our audition time.
Holiday Office Closure

The office will be closed on Thursday & Friday,
November 25-26 for the holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Christmas Giving Tree for 2021
for Amigos de Guadalupe &
the Family Giving Tree

Our Giving Tree tradition will provide a merry Christmas to families in need in our community. This year, we'll be supporting Amigos de Guadalupe which operates Casitas de Esperanza where we've been serving since last spring. Our Giving Tree gifts will go to houseless families in their transitional hotel program and SafePark communities. We'll also support Family Giving Tree.
Pick up a gift tag from the tree display at Fellowship time,
or sign up for a specific gift wish at givingtree.wgumc.org

Purchase a gift for the Family Giving Tree
Each gift should be purchased and delivered unwrapped to the church by Dec 5th. Please attach card with Zone# & ID# for each gift along with your name on each gift.
Purchase a gift for Amigos de Guadalupe
Each gift should be purchased, wrapped and delivered to the church by Dec 12th. Please attach a gift tag with name of the recipient & your name (or church name).
If you purchase gifts on Amazon - please shop at smile.amazon.com
and your purchase will also generate a donation for WGUMC!

You can bring gifts to the Preschool during school hours
or to the church during Sunday Service/Fellowship or office hours.
All Giving Tree gifts are due early in December to give time for them to be delivered before Christmas. Thank you for sharing with others during this holiday season. What a wonderful way to surround others with joy and love!
UMW General Mtg & Holiday Gathering
Sunday, December 5th, 11:45am

The Heart and Hand UMW Circle is hosting a Christmas ornament exchange at our general meeting. All women in the church are United Methodist Women and we would love to see you for some simple holiday fun. Plan to bring a wrapped Christmas ornament for the exchange.
We will meet in the Wesley Room following fellowship time in Kohlstedt Hall.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
5:00pm in the Sanctuary
and Streaming Online
Additional seating available in Kohlstedt Hall

Our Christmas Eve worship is designed for worshippers of all ages, focusing our hearts on the awaited gift of God's son. Our praise band and other music teams will lead us in familiar and contemporary Christmas carols. Our children will sing some special Christmas music of their own and share the good news of Christ's birth with energy and hope and peace. The hope of the world comes to us through the familiar words of scripture, the beauty of music, rituals of light, and the reflection of our hearts.
Join in the Fellowship after Worship

We hope you'll join in with your WGUMC family after Worship each week; visit & share a beverage or snack.
Did you sign up to host Fellowship after Worship services?
Prayer Requests

Please send your Prayer Requests to [email protected]
as we send out the Prayer Chain email each week.
You may also subscribe to the email by sending
a message to that address.
Give to WGUMC while Shopping at Amazon!

AmazonSmile is also available in the Amazon Shopping app on
Apple iOS and Android mobile devices! 
You can support Willow Glen United Methodist Church in the Amazon shopping app on your Android device! Open the app, go settings & select AmazonSmile.

If you are shopping online in a browser on your computer or other device, please start at smile.amazon.com. (works on your mobile browsers too!)
Browser Instructions:
Instead of going to amazon.com, go to smile.amazon.com
Choose WGUMC from the list of charities (you only need to do this once).
Now every time you start your shopping at smile.amazon.com,
a percentage of your purchase price will be donated to the church!

As our facilities are now open for rentals, our regular (and new) outside groups are again using our facilities on a regular basis.

PLEASE, when using a room, area, or when using items for your meeting, please return the items and ensure the room is picked up, clean, and ready for use by the next group. We've been (& continue to be) a bit lax about this due to many groups not meeting, but we must all now ensure we are picking up behind ourselves and making spaces ready for the next group. Thank you!
Giving your Offerings

We've all missed worshiping in person during the shut-down. But you can still give your offerings - find out the many (and easy) ways you can give here:

You can make donations or update electronic pledges anytime at: give.wgumc.org.
We thank you most sincerely for your support during this time of uncertainty.

Also, please remember if you're shopping online at Amazon,
be sure to use smile.amazon.com - find more details below and here.
Church Finances

Thank you to all those who have stayed current on your pledge to our Church. We hope you will prayerfully consider increasing your pledge for 2022. 
We continue to be under budget in our giving, so please, if you can give a little more we ask you to go to www.wgumc.org/give and update your pledge. And if you still are not up to date on your current pledge we ask that you catch up as soon as you are able.

Thank you for all you do for the ministry of Willow Glen UMC.
~ Your Finance Team
Faith Development Opportunities
(some mtgs online, email office for more info)

Monday:       Christian Meditation - 12:30pm
(Woodhaven) Contact: Ingrid Quigley

Tuesday:      Women's Prayer & Study Group -
10:00am (Wesley Room)
The Heart of Men - Men's group - 7-8:30pm (Offsite/online)
                  Contact: Curt Moore
Wednesday:  Wednesday Early Bible Study (WEBS) - 7:30am - Zoom Mtg
All welcome! Contact: Tom Farrow or Jane Vivian.
Thursday:            Bridge Group - 9:00am-Noon (Wesley Room)
Contact: Ruth Granfors.
Thursday Morning Bible Study - 8:00am - Zoom Mtg
Contact: Tom Farrow.

Email the office to obtain contact info for any of the meetings.

View the Church Calendar.

Friendly Reminders
  • Church Calendar: View the complete calendar of events at WGUMC.
  • Joint Youth Ministry calendar: To view the JYM calendar, click here
  • Submittals for Willow Weekly Message: If you'd like to submit content for the weekly e-mail communication, please forward the information by 12pm on Wednesdays to [email protected]. You can also "reply" to this email message. The e-mails generally go out Thursday mornings.
  • Follow and interact with us on Facebook and on YouTube.
  • Visit the Willow Glen United Methodist Church website.