Weekly Messenger - February 25, 2022
Making and nurturing disciples of Jesus Christ to serve the community and the world
Endings and Beginnings
Throughout the Perfectly Imperfect Preaching Series, I've been writing these posts about the Perfectly Imperfect Church. As we end the story of David there is a certain dour-ness to David's story. My sermon title is Not So Happy Ending and while...
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Sunday Worship Service - February 27, 2022
Pastor Rob Hamilton Preaches, Not So Happy Ending
David is in his old age. He doesn't go out to fight in battle anymore. His third son Absalom, by Bathsheba is quite the young man. He’s handsome and cocksure like his dad, but he doesn’t follow after the Lord. He murders his half brother to in an act of vigilante justice; he organizes a revolt that sends his aged father to flee the city. Absalom then dies in a tragic accident. To the affectionate, chivalrous heart of David, the loss of his son, worthless and treacherous as he was, brought grief that more than outweighed his own safety and restoration. Trigger warning: this story references sexual assault and murder.
Our Services are in-person and livestreamed
This week's blessing tables themes include kid's games, Early Bird Men’s Study Group led by Jim McConnell, Creation Care Team round table, and a general conversation table.
If anyone has a hobby or if anyone wants to highlight a church activity or committee just email Keith Bowgren at kbowgren@gmail.com and we will get you plugged in. New and different tables every Sunday with Children & Youth games each week.
If you have a busy day, but still want to practice the tradition of Ash Wednesday you can pull up to the west parking lot doors off Hamilton Street. One of our Pastors will greet you in your car and offer you ashes on your forehead or hand and you can be on your way faster than you can go make your way through a drive-thru!
Ash Wednesday Worship Service - March 2, 2022 at 7:30pm
Our Ash Wednesday worship will help us to reflect on our relationship with God as God's children of dust, but also as children made in God's image. We will offer ashes to people symbolizing our mortality, and we will offer anointing to folks symbolizing our sacredness as God's children. Come and remember you are dust, and that you are holy! --and renew your relationship with God who gives you birth, and who gives you sacred, eternal worth! Pastor Cory is our preacher, designed our worship for this evening with Pastor Lisa.
Ash Wednesday Service is in-person and livestreamed
Our UMCG kids will be hosting a community Easter Egg Hunt and Earth Day craft project at Wheeler Park (by the playground) on Saturday April 16 from 1-2 pm. Join us for our Earth Day and Easter Celebration! Bring your Easter baskets! No registration required.
Tri-City UMC Youth Ministry Snow Day this Sunday. Due to the weather not quite cooperating with us, we have moved this event indoors. It will be held at Baker Memorial UMC from 10:30 am-12:00 pm on Sunday, February 27, and both Baker and Batavia youth groups are participating with us. Activities will include an indoor “snowball” fight, miniature snowman and igloo building contests, snowball target competitions, and some legit fake snow. If you plan on coming, then please sign up here tinyurl.com/tricityyouthsnowday
Chocolat Series for HS Sunday School
Another MOVIE series in High School Sunday School - Beginning on Sunday, March 6, we will kick off Lent by diving into a 4 week series of watching and discussing the spiritual themes in the movie Chocolat. This is a great movie and the discussion should be rich. High School Sunday School is at 9:00 am in the youth room in the lower level of the church.
College Care Packages Prep
College Students - We Want to Know: The youth ministry is planning on packing and sending out care packages later this Spring to all of our UMC Geneva students who are in college across the country. If you are a college student or if you are the parental guardian unit ;) of a college student, then please send the name of the student and the name of college/university to mike.crain@ministryarchitects.com. Use the subject line “College Student.” In fact, email this to Mike right now. It will take 30 seconds.
Our church has volunteered to work a build day for Habitat for Humanity in Batavia on March 12 from 9am-4pm. There are a variety of jobs perfect for every level of skill. Their staff provides on-site training and all-day guidance, as well as all of the tools and materials needed to complete the tasks at hand.
You need to be at last 16 years of age to volunteer.
The Health Team has updated our COVID Safety Guidelines
Please click on image for full document
Brief Synopsis
- Sunday Worship and & Sunday School: Masks required until Easter
- Masks strongly encouraged, but not required for other gatherings.
- Effective March 1, coffee, refreshments, food service and kitchen use may continue.
- HVAC circulation needs to be in use when using rooms at the church.
- If COVID transmission rates change, these guidelines will be adjusted.
The Committee on Missions/Church in Society will be holding a food drive for the Salvation Army Food Pantry on March 6. Salvation Army Food Pantry needs for March are spaghetti sauce, dry pasta, canned soups, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, and canned fruit. Any non-perishable items are welcome and “Helper” meals, cleaning supplies, and diapers are always needed. Donations can be made throughout the month.
It's time to order Easter flowers. Look for this order in our bulletins in a few weeks and you can also pick one up in the church office. You can also open this form, fill out save and email to Debbie Sampiller.
The Rummage sale is scheduled for the weekend after Easter this year and is the same weekend as the Geneva City-Wide Garage Sale.
For questions, please call Bobbi Alderfer 630-272-9445, Jenean Larsen 847-707-6598 or Wendy McKeehan 630-310-9861.
Sunday, March 13 -- Women's meeting 10:15 am
Wednesday, March 23 -- UMC Cluster Luncheon. It's a great chance for Baker, West Chicago, and UMCG to meet with other ladies in the area. This year it is at Baker Memorial UMC in St. Charles beginning at 11:30 am.
Geneva ladies are asked to bring salads. The speaker is Bruce Strom, President and CEO of Administer Justice. We will have a sign up sheet in fellowship hall.
Week of April 18-23. RUMMAGE SALE!! Details will be forthcoming.
Did you know you can find updates about our Adult Small Groups on our Website?
Pastor Rob’s Lenten Book Study and Sermon Discussion of The Walk by Adam Hamilton will take place during Adult Sunday School Class time on Sundays 10:30am-11:30am. Please order your own copy The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life from your favorite bookseller or contact the church office and we can order a copy for you. First session begins Sunday, March 6. Please read the introduction and chapter 1 before the first session. Click here for the Zoom sign-in link.
Click on image to view video introduction.
Please join the Tri-City Methodist Churches (Batavia UMC, Geneva UMC, and St. Charles Baker Memorial UMC) as we prepare to experience Good Friday in a deeper way. We are offering a Zoom Lenten study which will be meeting on Tuesdays March 8-April 12 from 7-8pm. Pastor Mary Zajac of Baker Memorial UMC will be the facilitator and we'll be utilizing the book Witness At The Cross by A.J. Levine. We will not be utilizing all of the information from the book each week, so books are optional. They can be purchased from Cokesbury or Amazon. Sign up at: tinyurl.com/tricityLentStudy22
The Early Bird Men's Fellowship will be also be studying this book starting March 10. Join them on Thursdays at 7:00 am at Colonial Restaurant on the corner of Route 64 and Tyler Road in St. Charles. For more information, contact Jim McConnell.
Spirits & Studies is taking a break until we begin our Lenten Study, Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America. This study will begin on Tuesday, March 8 at 6:30pm. This study will be led by student pastor Cory Nordine. For more information contact Rev. Mary Gay McKinney
Spirited Women are studying Brian Mcclaren's book: We Make The Road By Walking. The study discusses Spiritual Formation, Reorientation and Activation for Christians seeking an active faith.
Join us for lively discussions on Wednesdays from 9:15 to 11 in the parlor or via Zoom.
Huge thanks to my church family for their prayers, positive thoughts, cards, emails, texts and visits. I felt God’s everlasting arms around me through your support, and believe me I leaned on them.
The cards from the Sunday School were pleasant surprises, and as always, the Spirited Women were out in full support. I am so happy to be home and look forward to seeing you all back at church.
Sharon Reed
Prairie Central eNews is here
The NIC weekly eNews is here.
The NIC Reporter for March is available here.
UMCG has a hidden page on the website for our church family to access called the Document Center. This includes our committee roster, communications submission forms and in the future, our committee agendas, reports and minutes.
Submit information each week by Wednesday at 12pm for inclusion in Bulletin Announcements or the Weekly Messenger. Please use the submission form. This form can also be found on the sign-ups page on our website. You may also send them to communications@genevaumc.org. Information sent to this email goes to Carolyn, Debbie, and Lorie.
Watch Online Worship Services
211 Hamilton Street
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: (630) 232-7120
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