Weekly Messenger - November 19, 2021
Making and nurturing disciples of Jesus Christ to serve the community and the world
Can we visualize lament?
A few weeks ago, at the start of our Good Grief series that wraps up this Sunday, I got an email with an interesting video of Martha Graham performing a liturgical dance titled Lamentations.
Even though this decades old video is grainy and the color is old, I found it powerful and moving against the piano music in the background. There were times where it seemed as if Martha was being swallowed alive by the fabric surrounding her and I was moved to see...Read the rest of Rob's message here.
Sunday Worship Services - November 21, 2021
Join us for our Worship Services
Indoor worship service in our sanctuary at 9:00 am
Our service are livestreamed at 9:00am
“Losing Traditions and Milestones” -
When we can’t celebrate traditions and milestones with all the full joy and celebration we’d prefer, we are forced to adapt. To find that which is the intended purpose or pure reason to celebrate and find a way to lift that up. We don't have to be happy about our changed or lost traditions, but we are not without hope and can find a way to celebrate while also being honest about our grief. It’s ok that the approaching holidays are not always the hap-happiest season of all.
This advent year the Children of UMCG will participate in making donations to the World Relief Chicagoland Refugee Welcome Kits. The children's ministries will supply a family with the Standard Food Items and Cleaning Items on the kit list. There will be a small tree with tags of the items and a sign-up sheet in the children's classroom hallway beginning Sunday 11/21. Please consider donating for this great cause that will definitely have a direct impact in a family's life!
The Children of UMCG will also be performing the Christmas Carols they are learning in Sunday school on Sunday 12/12 at the 9am service during the Children's time. There will be a repeat performance at 2pm at the Interactive Nativity that same day at Engstrom Park in Batavia! Mark your calendars!!
Upcoming Events
Christmas Movie Youth Sunday School: From November 21 - December 19, both the middle school and high school Sunday classes will be watching the classic Christmas movie Home Alone during Sunday school in their respective classes. You will be surprised how much this simple movie can spark conversations about faith.
Join your family for worship on November 28 and for the Cantata on December 12. (No Sunday School)
Christmas Cookie Decorating Contest: We will be having our second annual youth ministry Christmas Cookie Decorating Contest from 2:00-3:30 via Zoom. All 6th-12th graders are invited to participate, and the cookie mix and cookie cutters will be provided for you by our youth ministry. Check the Weekly Messenger for additional details leading up to December 11.
Pen and Paper, Saturdays from 6:00-9:00 pm: Every Saturday night a group of youth gathers to play a Dungeons and Dragons-esque role-playing game called Mutants and Masterminds. They meet in the UMC Geneva library. All youth are welcome to attend, though the current regulars are primarily high schoolers. There is no cost or no sign-up necessary. Pen and Paper will not meet on November 27, December 18 and 25, and January 1.
Please take note of Messenger & Bulletin Announcement Deadlines during the holiday weeks:
Monday, November 22 for Nov. 26 Messenger and Nov. 28 Bulletin
Monday, December 20 for Dec. 24 Messenger and Dec. 26 Bulletin
Monday, December 27 for Dec. 31 Messenger and Jan 2 Bulletin
Casting Call for Live Nativity - Looking for two groups/families from our church to volunteer!
We are looking for individuals or families who can coordinate a live nativity display on December 12 from 2-4pm at our TriCity Methodist Advent event in Engstrom Park in Batavia.
The live animals, 'baby' Jesus and the set will be provided. Your group needs to pick a 20-minute time slot and show up dressed for the part and the weather. Modern bathrobes, sheets, or towels to be a shepherd or members of the holy family are encouraged. You can also check with your church education department on the availability of any costumes. The minimum size of the group would be two (for Mary and Joseph) but can be larger and can include any nativity characters or dress-up animals. Click this link to sign up.
Save the Date for our Annual All-Church Conference. Tuesday, November 30 at 7pm via Zoom
Rev. Lisa Kruse-Safford will be the Presiding Elder for our conference this year. Let us celebrate our ministries, worship and conduct the critical business to the mission of UMCG for 2022.
Our Memorial Communion service on Thursday, December 2 at 7:00pm acknowledges the grief that gets accentuated during the holiday season. Loved ones who were at our tables and joined us for special events are missing. While we send letters to those whose loved ones have died in 2021, we invite any and all who find the holidays difficult to join us. Please phone the church office, 630 232 7120 to let us know you will be in attendance and how many are coming with you.
Please continue to bring in items to help help people in dire need. Click the Welcome Kit Graphic for more information or go to our website.
The NIC Board of Global Ministries with the Midwest Mission Distribution Center is organizing a fall collection drive from November 29 - December 7 to support recovery efforts from the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season and the devastating earthquake in Haiti. UMCG is a designated collection drop-off location. A list of relief items requested can also be found on our website. Please drop off your donations underneath the coat racks in the Atrium.
Coffee, tea, jelly, (not grape), and snack items (pretzels, popcorn, Triscuits, Wheat Thins, etc) and pancake mix.
ANGEL TREE GIFTS - We still have Angel tags left
- Pick a tag and sign your name and contact on the sign-up sheet
- Shop for any of the suggested items (you don’t need to purchase all items listed – these are suggestions and sizes of items)
Bag unwrapped gifts and attached Angel Tag
Return to church no later than December 5
A gift box will also be located in Fellowship Hall available for collection of donations of gift cards (or money and we will purchase cards). Checks should be made payable to UMCG. What is collected will be distributed to Salvation Army, Kane County CASA, and the 2 homeless shelters we support – Lazarus House and Hesed House. Suggested range $10-$20 from Target, Walmart or Meijer. Gas cards are always welcome and teens love fast food or movie gift cards.
Questions – Contact Carolyn Sprawka 630-222-4150 or Heather Pleus 630-452-2139
Your Committee on Church in Society
The Salvation Army is looking for bell ringers from Nov. 8 - Dec. 24. Scan the QR code in the flyer or go to RegisterToRing.com to find times and locations to sign up.
They appear to have 2 hour shifts so if that’s more than you think you can do – find a buddy and split between the two of you for 1 hour each.
You can also Contact Lt. Scott Smith at 630-377-2769, Ext 205.
All monies collected stay right here in the Tri-Cities.
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to the charitable
organization of your choice. Just select United Methodist Church of Geneva as your charity.
Every quarter, UMCG will be sent the amount earned from all of our purchases.
- Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Support UMCG by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com
Register for ASP June 11 - 18, 2022!
Register for ASP 2022! Please fill out this quick google form to be added to our contact list, even if you're not 100% sure you can go! Our first meeting is January 23 at 3 pm. We can't wait to serve with you!
Meet friends and build fellowship during this Advent season. Please sign up to volunteer to help with the Advent Coffee on Sunday, December 5 or Monday, December 6. Set up, coffee servers, and clean up needed Many hands make the work go faster. Sign-up sheets are posted in Fellowship Hall.
Women’s Ministries is donating the following books to women in our congregation who are turning 90. We are donating Words of Life, Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today by Adam Hamilton (232) in honor of Marie MacKenzie’s 90th birthday November 23. We are donating In The Grip of Grace by Max Lucado (248.4) in honor of Millie Rackmyer’s 90th birthday, December 1. Both of these books will be on display on the table in front of library available to be checked out November 21
The Steeple Walk is SOLD OUT! They are still looking for two volunteers to sit at a table in the Atrium from 2-2:30 pm on Sunday, December 5 to help take tickets and pass out programs. Volunteers can see the concerts for FREE. Please contact Kent Gallagher if you are able to help.
The UMCG Neighborhood group worked with TriCity Family Services adopting two families for Thanksgiving as their November service project. Together we are helping a total of 92 families this year! Families participating were: Debbie Karr, Pastor Lisa and Rodney Telomen, Bruce and Diane Kelsey, John and Julie Eifler, Colleen and John Fasbender, Keith and Jean Eakins, Steve and Nancie Lillie, and Vicki Shaffer.
Their December service project will be to adopt a family thru TCFS for Christmas.
Thanks to Howie Pribble for spending the time and donating parts to start setting up Zoom computers for the church. He set up the Library this Tuesday for hybrid meetings! Don't worry Parlor users, we are working on a solution for you. - Carolyn Burnham
Each Wednesday our Rev. Mary Gay McKinney posts a devotional message to our Facebook Page at 12 pm. They are also available on our Website.
Check out our UMCG Friday Music Feature at 12pm on Facebook!
Prairie Central District Prayer Initiative
Our congregation is invited to participate in a season of prayer for the 70 United Methodist Churches in the Prairie Central District over 7 weeks. Personally, each day we pray for one of the 7 churches and then congregationally, each week in worship our congregation will pray for one of the churches and their prayer concerns.
Sunday: United Methodist Church of Geneva
Monday: Elgin: Journey of Hope UMC
Tuesday: Naperville: Wheatland-Salem UMC
Wednesday: Bensenville: First UMC
Thursday: Elmhurst: First UMC
Friday: Naperville: North Central College Campus Ministry
Saturday: Cary UMC
Congregational prayer focus for the week of November 21 - Cary UMC
Please pray for their health, vitality and outreach.
The NIC weekly eNews is here.
The NIC November Reporter is available here.
Submit information each week by Wednesday at 12pm for inclusion in Bulletin Announcements or the Weekly Messenger. Please use the submission form. This form can also be found on the sign-ups page on our website. You may also send them to communications@genevaumc.org. Information sent to this email goes to Carolyn, Debbie, and Lorie.
If you would like a thank-you included in the Weekly Messenger, we need you to request that it be shared here. Anyone sharing a thank-you should have consent before sharing with the congregation.
Watch Online Worship Services
211 Hamilton Street
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: (630) 232-7120
Connect with us on Social Media