St. Paul's Episcopal Church   Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

"Making friends while serving God"

The week of April 8-14, 2019
  All were welcome at the first Palm Sunday also
Everyone is welcome at St. Paul's. They're welcome at the church, at Communion, in the Palm Sunday procession. If we weren't welcoming to people we would be flunking Christianity 101.
Everyone was welcome on the first Palm Sunday, also. Everyone came out to welcome Jesus, this itinerant healer and helper, who raised the dead and also raised the hackles of the secular authorities and the religious leaders.  Jesus liked being with people and lending them his support as they lived their everyday lives. This is our calling as well.

At St. Paul's we celebrate Palm Sunday without the Passion of Holy Week. We believe this joyous celebration stands alone. We wear red clothes and change the liturgical colors in the church. It may be the best demonstration of people's interest in Jesus outside the feeding of the 5,000. It also makes painfully clear that even the best times come to an end. The end of Jesus' earthly life is right around the corner, but for now we celebrate with joy his welcome in Jerusalem.
In our complicated everyday lives we can take a moment to consider whether we are having a day when we invite and welcome Jesus in our lives, or not. Those days when we prayerfully invite Jesus to walk with us on our quotidian path are the better days, the days when God's peace and love are found.

   Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 118:1-2,19-29;
 Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 19:28-40

To be redirected to the Lectionary Page and get a digital copy of the readings

Annual Lenten Seder TONIGHT!

Our Annual Lenten Seder with Rabbi Polish will take place tonight beginning at 6:00pm. This is always a very special event - one we hope all will attend and invite friends and family to join in. 

There is a reservation sheet in the Narthex.   Please sign if you plan to attend.   We need to know how many we should plan for.   

If you can help by bringing some food, there are suggestions listed - also in the Narthex.

Please invite family and friends to join us for this special interfaith meal.

'I want my church to grow'
workshop held at St. Paul's

Over 50 Episcopalians attended Saturday's workshop in our Parish Hall. In the opening session participants heard from the diocese's lead person on church vitality, Altagracia Perez-Bullard, who described the challenges facing the church and its future.

A workshop led by Matt Calkins, rector at Grace Church Millbrook, dealt with the assets of our churches. Participants learned to identify different types of assets: the obvious, the unrecognized and the disguised.

Masud ibn Syedullah of Trinity and St. Paul's Tivoli, Chuck Kramer of St. James, Hyde Park, and Rigoberto Avila of Buen Pastor in Newburgh, described how they found church growth opportunities in their communities.
Susan Fortunato, rector at Christ Church in Poughkeepsie, discussed evangelism today and described techniques for meeting, greeting and welcoming newcomers into the church.

Upcoming at St. Paul's:

Lunch at Outback - June 8 from 11:00am - 1:00pm.
More information to follow

April is Spring Canned Fruit month at St. Paul's Food Pantry. Please bring canned applesauce, peaches, and mixed fruit of any size to church on Sundays during the month and place them in the basket in the narthex.
To all of the Pantry's volunteers and clients, thank all who brought donations of mayo and tuna fish in the month of March. God bless you.


You buy a ticket for $25.   You are then eligible to win any of the drawings and you can win multiple times!! Weekly drawings of $20 & $10 will be held every Sunday at Coffee Hour beginning April 7 and continuing through September 22.

A final drawing and party will be held Saturday, September 29. Prizes of $500, $250, $150, $100 and $50 will be awarded at that time.

Tickets will be available beginning Saturday, February 16. Plan to get at least 1 ticket and try to sell some also. It's a fun way to support the church.

This time at least half of the profits will help pay for our new pew cushions.
The Sunday Sermon...

                 Like those who dream

SERMON: 5 Lent c April 7, 2019
Isa43:16-21; Ps126; Phil3:4b-14; Jn12:1-8
Once there was a brilliant medical scientist who had solved many of the medical problems besetting humanity. He was quite full of himself. He bragged he had so much medical understanding that he could create a human being. He was so famous and respected that people believed him. He died and was checking in with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates when God strolled by. After the scientist had pompously introduced himself God said, "I understand you claim you could create a human being all by yourself." The scientist replied, "Yes, just like you did." "OK," God said, "this I'd like to see." So the scientist reached down to scoop up some dirt, to make a person like God did. "Oh, no," said God. Make your own dirt."

I like this story for a couple of reasons. One is that is depicts human arrogance and does so pretty thoroughly. But it also shines a light on our own ideas about creation and God. Whatever form God possesses isn't really what matters. Or maybe it matters, because God is important, but it's pretty clear we are not going to figure it out any time soon. Likewise, whether God made us from dirt or we evolved from salamanders doesn't matter much either. We're here. Sometimes I think the notion of creation is not nearly as exciting as the notion of evolution. And I don't think they are mutually exclusive. My point is, whatever God is, God is the Creator. We are created. We live in creation. We feel we are utterly blessed to do so. Why is God so good to us? How do we express our appreciation?

It seems fitting that we should do so in the season of Lent. Yet these stories this morning seem to introduce an element of deep joy that is a little surprising in Lent. But Lent is drawing to a close. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and we will be expressing joy at Jesus' celebrated entry into Jerusalem. That love fest will overshadow today's by far.

Our readings this morning give a clear message of gratitude. They remind us of God's saving acts which spared Moses' people in their exodus from Egypt and which drowned their pursuers although they were armed and riding chariots.

According to Isaiah God also said, "Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing..."

Then God promises rivers of water in the desert and compliant animals. Isaiah further said the people "whom I formed for myself" should offer praise.

It's pretty clear to us that we need someone or some place to acknowledge as our benefactor, the entity to which we offer our expressions of gratitude for the amazing fact of creation and our much appreciated place in it. As Christians we call that entity God. Other religions use other names and the non-religionists have even more different points of reference. But there is no question that we are blessed, is there? Or fortunate, in the language of the non-religionists? That we are flat-out lucky beyond our due? That nothing we have done has entitled us to a functioning life in such a benign environment?
This perspective is manifested in our psalm this morning with language that thrills anyone paying attention. The opening lines say it all. "When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, then were we like those who dream." Then were we like those who dream is language that each of us can relate to from moments in our own lives where, truly, everything was dreamy, exactly the way we would want it. Then were we like those who dream points out to you and to me that our lives are that. We enjoy our lives and our lives in faith and as we do so fully we realize, it is like a dream. There is nothing missing. Everything is just right: as our collect says, "(O)ur hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found."

For those who are not convinced, consider what St. Paul says in the letter to the Philippians. He reminds us that he was a leader in the Jewish faith and faithful to its precepts until he was overtaken by Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul says that he has suffered the loss of all he had when he converted to Christianity, but he does not consider it loss because of what he obtained: he now believes he comes by faith in Jesus through righteousness from God.

Echoing Isaiah, Paul writes: "forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus."

Although each of our readings points to gladness, the manner in which our Gospel conveys that message is especially helpful to us in the complicated times we live in. Even in the readings already discussed there is no mention of pure joy in the stories related, from beginning to end. The followers of Moses suffered hardships before the exodus; the fortunes of Zion had to be restored before they were like those who dream. Likewise Paul fell from his horse and experienced blindness, not to mention the loss of his vocation as a member of the Jewish hierarchy, before arriving at his confession of faith in Jesus.
Our Gospel tells us of Mary's devotion to Jesus and her anointing of his feet with expensive perfume. This would seem to be a lovely experience for all involved, lovely scents emanating from the sitting area as she wiped the perfume on his feet with her hair.
But Judas criticized her for wasting money on the perfume which he said could've fed many in need. And while this was true, our reading pointed out that Judas was not as careful with the funds of the disciples as he indicated Mary should have been. Then Jesus gracefully reminded everyone of the import of Mary's kindness: she was offering a blessing in acknowledgement of the sacrifice which Jesus was about to make, the giving of his life for all of humanity. It was a blessing of the most delightful scent, it was noticeable by one and all, it was an uplifting of the group of disciples and all they had been working to achieve for three years, and she applied this costly gift with her hair, a sign of humility and love.

Jesus admonished Judas, "Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me."

That last message may have been intended for us here at St. Paul's. Because we are blessed with the privilege of serving the needy here at St. Paul's, the opportunity to serve God by loving our neighbor. It is this kind of inverted gift, the giving becoming the gift, which Jesus brought to the world, to demonstrate to humanity the path to a fulfilled life, full of satisfactions of the spiritual type which leave us feeling "then are we like those who dream." Amen
A sermon preached on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, April 7, 2019, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Poughkeepsie NY by The Rev. Tyler Jones, Rector

C O M M U N I T Y   C A L E N D A R

Note: Please visit the DCIC website ( and their Facebook Page for updates on these events and more.

 May 19
DCIC Clergy Meet and Greet
4:00 p.m.
Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church (Route 55, Lagrangeville). For more
information, contact us at
May 29
DCIC Religious Leaders
Discussion on " The First Amendment "
Led by retired NYS Supreme Court Judge Albert Rosenblatt
7:00 p.m.
Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church (Route 55, Lagrangeville). For more
information, contact us at
October 6
DCIC CROP Hunger Walk
More details to follow.
November 24
DCIC Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
More details to follow.
 December 7 and
December 8
DCIC Fair Trade and
Handmade Bazaar
More details to follow.

                              APRIL BIRTHDAYS
2       Jerry Bissessar                                            19       Donna Robinson Zajkowski
3       Adam Bissessar                                           20       Earl Boyer
6       Angelina Bissessar                                      21       Madison Goldson
        Joyce Herman                                               23       Alice Darien
7       Kira Curtis                                                               Adam Mazzuto
10     Madison Haley Hickman                              25       Jahman Birks
13     Brianna Bryant                                             29       Grace Porter
         Hannah Cardoso-Saavedra                         30       Jim Schneider
14     Mahalia Samuels                                                     Michael Curtis
16     Elisabeth Misner


Please " Like" our page to stay up to date with all services and events.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church-Poughkeepsie

'In Service to God & You'
Server:            Maria Bell

Lectors:           Rose Marie Proctor
                        Tom Walker

Litanist:           Pete Bedrossian
Organist:         Maris Kristapsons
Acolytes:         Shawn Prater-Lee                 
Lectors:           Adrian Goldson
                        Molly Jones
Litanist:            Mark Debald
Usher:              Dewy Clarke
                         Mark Debald
Altar Guild:       All Members

Greeters:          Brooke Plain & Alexis Plain            


1982                 154       All glory, laud and honor

LEVAS-II           029       Jesus, keep me near the cross

CPWI                126       Ride on, ride on in majesty

1982                  436       Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates

HYMN INFORMATION: Perhaps no other hymn celebrating Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem is as well-known as All glory, laud and honor. Written by Theodulf, Bishop of  OrlĂ©ans under  Charlemagne, it is based on Matthew 21:1-11 After Charlemagne's death, Theodulf was removed from the bishopric and placed under house arrest as a result of the subsequent power struggle. It was there, in the year 820, that he wrote the thirty-nine Latin verses of "Gloria, laus et honor." In 1851, Anglican priest and hymn writer John Mason Neale translated the hymn, and after some revisions it attained the form we know today. In 1861, English organist William Henry Monk harmonized a 1603 tune by German theologian and musician Melchior Teschner, titled " Valet will ich dir geben," with which the hymn is most commonly associated today.



APRIL 8-14, 2019
7:30am "Good Morning" AA Meeting;  

6:30pm "Journey to Recovery" NA Meeting;

10am-2pm Office, Pantry, Thrift Store;
6pm Evening Prayer, Bible Study;

WED 10
7:30am "Good Morning" AA Meeting;
10am-2pm Office, Food Pantry, Small Blessings Thrift Shop; 
12:15pm Healing Service & Eucharist;
1pm Parish Aid;
6pm Lenten Seder;

10am-2pm Office, Food Pantry, Small Blessings Thrift Shop; 

FRI 12
7:30am "Good Morning" AA meeting; 
6:30pm "Journey to Recovery" NA Meeting;

SAT  13
10am "Journey to Recovery" NA Meeting
3pm PH Private Party;
3pm  "Men do recover" NA Meeting
SUN 14
8am Rite I;
8:45am Lessons' Discussion;

9:30am Choir Practice; 

10am Sunday School;

10am Rite II; Pam Sunday Procession

11:15am Coffee Hour;
11:30am Youth


Help us get the word out by submitting news of parish activities. Send submittals to or call 845 452 8440

Give us a call today!