St. Paul's Episcopal Church Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
"Making friends while serving God"
The Week of April 20-25, 2021
How can you tell if you’re really following the Good Shepherd?

-published on 05/06/17
Christ's sheep are marked by some specific characteristics.
“The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice, as the shepherd calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice.—John 10:3-4
In his message for the 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations (which is celebrated each year on the Fourth Sunday of Easter), Pope Benedict XVI observed, “Hope is the expectation of something positive in the future, yet at the same time it must sustain our present existence, which is often marked by dissatisfaction and failures … To have hope, therefore, is the equivalent of trusting in God who is faithful, who keeps the promises of the covenant.”
This sense of hope is at the heart of this Sunday’s Gospel, which gives us the image of the Good Shepherd. John uses the image to illustrate the intimate way Christ knows each of us and how, like a faithful shepherd, he constantly watches over us and lifts us up.
Eternal life is the Good Shepherd’s gift. Through Jesus and because he has given his life for “his flock,” we have an abundance of life.
But this Gospel also includes an unspoken invitation for us: listen to the Shepherd’s voice.
Accepting the gift of “abundant life” means that we listen to and follow the direction of our Shepherd.
We can see this lived out in the preaching and witness of Peter and the other Apostles (in the First Reading and elsewhere) as they remind the people that God is calling them to do and be more in Christ Jesus.
It was through their service that the Holy Spirit blessed the Church with many new members. If we want to see the Church continue to grow in our time, we have to have the same obedience the Apostles did. 

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, we ask God to bless the Church with an increase in men and women willing to serve the Kingdom as priests, deacons, and religious brothers and sisters.
But the Readings also remind us that each of us (and not only our pastors and religious) has a vocation to follow the example of the Shepherd and listen to his commands by building up the Church as we promote what Henri Nouwen has called the “three spiritual qualities of the resurrected life”: unity, intimacy, and integrity. “We are called to break through the boundaries of nationality, race, sexual orientation, age, and mental capacities and create a unity of love that allows the weakest among us to live well” (from The Road to Daybreak).
While we can (and should) take comfort in the Shepherd’s provident care and protection—and the gift of abundant life that he offers us—we can only say we truly know this Good Shepherd if we are willing to listen to his voice and follow his commands in our daily lives.
As we continue our Easter celebrations we would do well to remember the words of St Cyril of Alexandria: “The mark of Christ’s sheep is their willingness to hear and obey … People who hear God’s voice are known by him.”
How is the Good Shepherd calling you to share in his work of caring for the “flock” of the Church? What do you do to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life? How often do you pray for priests, deacons, and religious brothers and sisters? As we continue to celebrate this Easter Season, how are you living “the resurrected life”?
--Shawn Prater-Lee

To be redirected to the Lectionary Page and get a digital copy of the readings 
Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24;
  Luke 10:11-18

The Sunday Sermon

Luke 24:36b-48
Did you hear what Jesus asked in this morning’s gospel? In the middle of one of his post resurrection visits he asks his friends, “Have you anything here to eat?” Can you imagine the dumbfounded look that must have been on the faces of the disciples when they heard his request? They had seen their dear friend tortured and hung on a cross to die; his body had been put in a borrowed tomb. And then they learned that he had risen from the dead. And after all of these incredible events, his words to his startled friends are, “Have you anything here to eat?” You know, it feels like some kind of a crazy request to come out of his mouth. It would be as if a young couple in the delivery room had just heard the doctor say, “Congratulations, it’s a boy!” And the new mother responded by saying, “Oh wonderful, now can somebody get me a pizza?” Or if the President had just learned from his Vice President that finally 99% of the American public had been vaccinated, and that we had reached herd immunity. And the President responded by saying, “Great news, Kamala, listen can you do me a big favor and get me a pastrami on rye with lots of mustard?” These requests for food just don’t seem to fit the settings.
I think, regarding this morning’s gospel, the point is that Jesus was not so much asking for food because he was hungry. I want to believe he wanted to do something he considered sacred; I think he wanted to share, to participate in a meal with his beloved disciples. I guess we may not see that because mealtime for many of us has lost its importance. Have you noticed how people line up, one car behind the other waiting their turn to speak to a strange looking column that speaks back at them? They order a meal then drive around to a window where they pick it up. The same people sit in their cars and eat their food out of Styrofoam containers, using plastic utensils. People’s schedules have gone wild, and it is the precious time that is set aside for the family meal that is sacrificed. “Don’t wait on me honey, the husband says, “I have to work late. You go ahead and eat.” Or, “Yeah, mom, glad I caught you on the phone. I’m going to stay at school, we have a game tonight with another school. You and the family eat without me.” Or “I can’t get the early flight. I’ll have to stay later. Go ahead and eat without me.” The meal hour and all the gifts that it brings to a family has for many begun to erode.
Do you remember those starving children on the television commercials that look so forsaken? The lack of food does much to destroy their little bodies, but what is also important is that they have been cut off from the sense of community that occurs when people gather round a table. They lose the intimacy of the table, as well as the nourishment of the food.
“Have you anything here to eat?” Jesus asks. When a seminary professor told his students that the most intimate experience people share is eating a meal, some of the more immature seminarians, with minds in other places, began to giggle, implying that they were in disagreement with the statement; but the professor was right. When we eat together, when, at table, we share the food that has come out of our labor, it motivates us to begin to share our lives with one another, and this is a good thing. As we become vulnerable enough to eat in the presence of another person, we develop relationships that will bind us together and enable us to share our lives on a much deeper level.
It is interesting to note that on Maundy Thursday, as well as washing the feet of the disciples, Jesus fed his disciples. He broke the bread and said, “This is my body…” He blessed the cup and said, “This is my blood…” He used the context of a meal to share with them the greatest gift he could possibly give them, his life-giving body and blood. “I am the bread of life,” Jesus says in John’s gospel. “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life.”
He shared himself with them on Maundy Thursday. Now, in today’s gospel, he was asking the disciples to share their meal with him, to give of themselves to him. “Have you anything here to eat?” he said. And they gave him a piece of broiled fish. Now he is asking us the same question he put to those disciples. “Have you anything here to eat?” Please, let us not be frightened by his appearance when we hear him asking us for something to eat in the context of the hungry or homeless. Let us not be frightened because he may look dirty or disheveled. Let there be no doubt that arises in our hearts when Christ calls out to be fed and comforted through the voices of those who are in prison garb or those who are locked out of society by the walls of bigotry or homophobia. Let there be no doubt that arises, no loss of courage, because there may be those in society who would take a stand against us. If and as we have the courage to respond to the risen Christ’s call to feed him in the persons of those in our world who are forgotten, we will find ourselves making more room at the table of the family of God where we all should be together, gaining sufficient nourishment that will enable us to bring down the walls that divide us. “Please, have you anything here to eat?” Jesus is asking.

--Fr. C. Allan Ford
Our FIRST FUNDRAISING EVENT in more than a year.

It will include:

  • Limited Rummage Sale
  • Refreshments sold
  • Raffle
  • Penny Social

When:  Saturday, June 19 (Rain Date – June 26) from 10:00 – 3:00

Where: The Hamilton Street lawn

PLEASE EVERYONE – think about how you can help out – we need volunteers for this event to make it successful – plus it would be GREAT for us all to see each other.

Thoughts, Questions – Speak to a Stewardship Committee person:
Janet Quade, Cynthia Benjamin, Rose Marie Proctor, Aleen Josephs-Clarke, Norma Williams, Daphne Barrett, Debbie Pitchers, or Bobbie Gordon

--Bobbie Gordon

Sunday Services will be on ZOOM until further notice
Our Zoom connections remain the same and are
Meeting ID: 823 3911 5280
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,82339115280# US (New York)
+13017158592,,82339115280# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
      +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
We now have a YouTube channel. 
or search on YouTube for St. Paul's Poughkeepsie.
We hope to put copies of all of our online services there.
Total deposits for the past week - $918.97 ($278.97 for the Food Pantry). Many thanks to all who have been generously supporting the Food Pantry. We're looking forward to seeing you on Zoom until further notice. 

A reminder - counting is always done on Mondays. Please remember to either mail in your pledge or drop it off through the mail slot any day during the week. The correct address is: 161 Mansion St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 

--Bobbie Gordon


Hello Family,

Do you know of anyone who may be facing eviction and needs rent assistance?

Please see the flier below for help or send it to individuals that you are aware of that need the help.


Please use the link below to look up and schedule appointments for vaccines, at all available sites in the area.

--Aleen Josephs Clarke
_2 Jerry Bissessar 
_3 Adam Bissessar      
_6 Angelina Bissessar    
_ Joyce Herman
_7 Kira Curtis
13 Brianna Bryant
Hannah Crist Cardoso-Saavedra
14 Mahalia Samuels 
19 Donna Robinson Zajkowski 
20 Earl Boyer
21 Madison Goldson
23 Alice Darien
Adam Mazzuto
25 Jahman Birks
29 Peter Grace
30 E. James Schneider
Michael Curtis
Please keep those on our parish prayer list in your minds and in your prayers, especially at this time of separation and isolation.

APRIL 2021
Our prayers are asked for:
Sandra; George, Norm; Fr. Tyler & Molly; Janett; Kay, Katherine, Renate; Frank Burnett, Food Pantry Volunteers, victims of Human/Sex Trafficking; Burton family; Lillian, Matthew, Sasha; Paul & Donna, Margaret, Joe, G.J., Aleta, Plain family, Melius family; Ibadan Diocese, All Saints' Church, Oni family; Gary, Legend; Rhonda, Joe, Ann, all Teachers, Parents, Students, Theodore, John, Paul, Kathy; Sharon Greene, Owen, Agnes, Norma; McLauren family; Graham family; Wood family; Braxton family; Lori, Steven, Jim, Seth; Phil; All essential workers; Beryl & Glen, Vincent family; George; Daniel Mizell and family; Liz, Martha; Eileen; the Butler, Richards and Barrett families; Fr. Allan and family; St. Paul's Vestry; Darien family; Richardson family; Sherow family; Edna Clarke, Michelle, Kathy B.; Carola and Violet; Whitman, Medical Reserve Corp. of Dutchess County, The Laken family; All Parishioners; Kairos International, Catherine, Michelle, Yamily; Matthew, Lillian; Lynita, Perry, Melius family, Sasha; Stacey, Linda, Phil, Jody; Tucker family, Branch family, Atkinson family; Alison, McGhan, Sterling, Unah, Avonel, Kim, Santos family, Madeline, Bramble, Charlie, Cynthia, Gencia, Val, Joanne, Janet, Corkey, Pelaez, Josephs-Clarke family, Dixon family, Paulette, Jarah, Mertlyn; Adam, Paul, Andrew & family, Douglas family, Ron, Dave, Liz; Jill, Lana, Andrew, Susan; Schneider family, all in need; Susie; Sherry, Claudia
Please "Like" our page to stay up to date with all services and events.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Poughkeepsie

'In Service to God & You'
Our food pantry volunteers are in active service at St. Paul's these days. We give thanks to them and thanks to God for their willingness to help us by helping others.
April 20-25, 2021

WED____ 21

THU____ 22





Food Pantry & Thrift Shop;

Food Pantry & Thrift Shop

Food Pantry & Thrift Shop

Search Committee Workshop

Zoom - Rite II, Ante Communion
Help us get the word out by submitting news of parish activities. Send submittals to or call 845 452 8440
Give us a call today!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church 161 Mansion Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601