May 26, 2023
Galvanized By the Spirit!

At all of our Pentecost Masses this weekend, we'll sing the promising response from Psalm 104:

"Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth!"

The great solemnity of Pentecost concludes this festive season of Easter. We celebrate that through the teaching, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have received the Holy Spirit to do as Jesus did, and to do even greater things! (See John 14:12.)

Despite all the problems and calamities facing our world, we must remember this fundamental truth of our Judeo-Christian belief: when God created the world, God declared it all "good." God declared us human beings to be "very good." Pentecost renews and refreshes us to begin again, with the guidance of God. Where there is darkness, division, and despair, may we bring light, peace, and joy!
Come, Holy Spirit, and enkindle in us the fire of your love!
1. Welcoming (Back) Our New Associate Director!
We are thrilled to announce that Fr. Broderick "Rick" Walsh, CSP will be joining our staff this summer! A native of Weymouth, Rick previously served as our Associate Director in 2010-18 and as Chaplain to the Massachusetts House of Representatives 2017-19. He also served as the local Paulist superior 2014-19. After four years in New York City as the pastor of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, he's returning to us to serve as Associate Director and Superior. Welcome back, Rick! We can't wait to see you!
Here's some more info about Rick, including a recent interview. We'll figure out how not to mix up the first names of our two priests, Rick & Rich, once they're both in the office, starting on Tues, July 11!
2. A Variety of Celebrations in June and early July
We have a lot to celebrate in June and early July. Please mark your calendars now!

Sat, June 10 & Sun, June 11 —
Teen Confirmation Mass at 5 pm Sat (livestreamed).
Fr. Chuck Cunniff's 40th Ordination Anniversary Mass at 10 am Sun (livestreamed). Join us after the 10 am Mass for a light reception.

Sat, June 17 & Sun, June 18 —
Farewell Masses for Fr. Ed Nowak, CSP at 5 pm Sat, 10 am (livestreamed) & 6 pm Sun. Join us after any of the three Masses for a light reception.

Mon, June 19 —
Office closed in observance of Juneteenth. No 11 am confessions or 12:05 pm Mass.

Tues, July 4 —
Special 8 am Mass at the Paulist Center before the 9 am city parade starting at City Hall Plaza. Office closed in observance of Independence Day. No 12:05 pm Mass.

Sat, July 8 & Sun, July 9 —
Welcome Masses for Fr. Rick Walsh, CSP at 5 pm Sat, 10 am (livestreamed) & 6 pm Sun. Join us after any of the three Masses for a light reception.
3. How Can We Become More "Attentive to the Holy Spirit"?
A symposium on Fr. Hecker's later theology on the Holy Spirit was held at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in New York, May 18-19.
The Paulist Center's mission statement begins with the words "Attentive to the Holy Spirit."

Today, on the 22nd anniversary of receiving his "lightning bolt" call to discern a possible vocation to the priesthood, Fr. Rich Andre offers a pastoral reflection on how and when he has tried to be attentive to the Holy Spirit.
4. Nominations for the 2023 Hecker Award for Social Justice!
Every year since 1974, the Paulist Center Community has presented the Isaac Hecker Award for Social Justice to an outstanding North American Catholic. Some recipients have been involved in direct service to those in need, others in advocacy work and the transformation of structures & institutions.

Please submit your nominations for the 2023 award — our 50th! — by Thurs, June 1. At the link, you'll also find the impressive list of past recipients. (The 2021 & 2022 awards are still in process, due to Covid-19 delays.)
5. Join Us for VIRTUS Training, 12 - 3 pm, Sun, June 4
Since 2002, the Catholic Church has used VIRTUS to educate hundreds of thousands of people in the United States on how best to protect children & vulnerable adults from those who wish them harm. Most dioceses require all volunteers to go through VIRTUS training, whether or not they work directly with children or vulnerable adults.

If you have never been VIRTUS trained, please attend our training session 12 - 3 pm Sun, June 4. We thank the 60 people who have already signed up!
Advanced registration is required on the VIRTUS website, and our session was only added a few days ago. Click on “First-Time Registrant,” then “Begin the registration process.” From the pull-down menu, choose “Boston, MA (Archdiocese)” only. Follow the rest of the prompts. Choose June 4, 2023, 12 pm at the Paulist Center when asked which workshop you want to attend.

If you cannot attend the June 4 session, check out the bulletin for how to attend a session elsewhere this summer. We hope to schedule another session in September, but that session will probably fill up quickly. Please try to complete your training before then. Please note: All VIRTUS training is conducted in-person, not remotely.

Because we are striving to make the Paulist Center as safe and as welcoming as possible, we are asking ALL adults — whether or not they serve as volunteers — to go through VIRTUS training. There are more details in this week's bulletin. (The Archdiocese will be requiring all volunteers in recurring roles, even those who are not involved with children or in liturgy, to do VIRTUS training by September; Fr. Rich is requesting, not requiring, everyone else to do it, too.) We understand that these new requirements present an initial inconvenience, but we trust that everyone appreciates the intent behind them.
6. Young Adults: Sunday Picnic, Thursday Red Sox Game!
Young adults ages 21-39 are welcome to celebrate Pentecost & Memorial Day with us at a potluck picnic on Boston Common after the 6 pm Mass on Sun, May 28.

While supplies last, free Red Sox tickets to the 7:10 pm game on Thurs, June 1 are available. Other Paulist Center young adults have already signed up and hope to see you at the game! 

Details and forms for both events can be found at
Gathered and Galvanized
We love to see you in person for our liturgies, but if you can't make it in, please join our livestream of Mass for the Solemnity of Pentecost at 10 am Sun, May 28.

Don't forget: all livestreams are available at our YouTube channel. And if you can't get enough of Paulist Center liturgies, you can also go back and watch them again later!
Other Upcoming Events
The most comprehensive listing of what's going on at the Paulist Center is in the bulletin. But for updates, ongoing events, local events, and longer-range planning, here's another list:

  • A huge thank you to all of our religious education and sacramental preparation teachers this past year: Kathleen Kerr, Elianna Nuzum, Meg Timperi, Isabelle Sloan, Joan Byrne, Carmen Donohue, John Dominic, and Dominique Salogar! We are eternally grateful for all the time you dedicated this past year to share your faith and teach, lead, & guide our community's children and teens!

  • The Paulist Center was well-represented at the Paulist events last weekend in New York City. If you missed Fr. Eric Henandez's ordination, check it out at

  • This past week, some long-awaited upgrades were made to our sound system, both in the chapel and in the auditorium. There's a brief report in the bulletin. Thanks to Norm Gouin for his tireless pursuit of this!

  • Another ministry has been revived! The Liturgy Committee met this week for the first time in over a year. Please be patient as we continue re-defining the purpose and mission of the committee for this moment in our community's history.

  • Today, May 26, is Day #8 of the Paulists' new Novena to the Holy Spirit: Towards a More Perfect Union. It is focused on asking the Holy Spirit to guide us in healing the polarization in our nation, our Church, and our society. Find it at

  • Thank you to everyone who made donations towards our flowers for the Easter season! Those who made donations after Apr 11 — and those for whom they honored or memorialized in their donations — are listed in this weekend's bulletin.

  • We plan to return to a once-every-two-weeks bulletin for the next 3 months. All information for the June 4 & 11 bulletin needs to be submitted to your ministry's staff liaison and cc'd to [email protected] by noon Tues, May 30.

  • The upcoming year promises to be an exciting one at the Paulist Center! Would you be interested and available to serve on the Pastoral Council? Council members serve 2-year terms, and we're looking for a total of 10 people to run for the 5 open positions this year. Former Council members may run again after a 1-year break. Applications are due to Amy Logan by Tues, June 6. The election will run electronically June 16-26 and in person at Masses on June 17 & 18.

  • Volunteer opportunities abound at the Paulist Center! Check out the April 15-16 bulletin to determine how your heart's desires meet our greatest needs!

Around the community:

  • For nearly 30 years, Gospel Night at the Pops has lifted Symphony Hall beyond music into the soulful ministry of racial justice and ecumenical joy & hope. Join the all-local choir (including some Paulist Center Community members) 8 pm June 10. Tickets and more at; contact Ann Moritz. Discount tickets available.
The Communal Life (Acts 2:42-47)
Distributing our possessions...

Recent events and gifts have chipped away at our projected $173,000 budget deficit, but we still have a long way to go! We rely entirely on you for the funds to run our ministries, maintain our building, and compensate our staff. If you can make an additional financial gift, a recurring gift, or an increased gift, please head on over to our online giving page. Thank you for your generosity!
... according to each one's need.

Each year, we distribute 5% of our annual offertory evenly among 52 non-profit organizations who have missions aligned with our own. The recipient we raise up this weekend is Jesuit Volunteer Corps, which engages brave young leaders in life-changing service, living and accompanying those in need to build a more just and hopeful world.
Devoting ourselves
with one accord to prayer

Come, Holy Spirit! Refresh us! Awaken us! Enliven us! Enthuse us!

Alvaro, Anna, Barbara, Dorothy, Ed, Norm, Patty, Rich, Rob, Sal, Susan, & Timmy
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