December 2, 2021
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday: 8am - 3pm
Friday: 8am -12noon
Office phone number: 812-853-2946
From the Pastor's Desk

Home for most of us evokes positive feelings. Home for the holidays often creates even more warm and positive feelings.
I have positive feelings about stepping in as the interim pastor of NUMC. I am not happy about the circumstances that led to this, but in a very real sense this is a coming home for me.
As a preacher’s kid and an itinerant United Methodist minister myself, I’ve moved several times over the years. But Newburgh is where Barbara and I chose to return and retire because it felt like home to us. I love this church for many reasons. If you were not in worship last Sunday, I encourage you to watch the video on our website, especially the last ten minutes or so (although I would encourage you to watch the entirety of the service). Hopefully that will help you understand my heart.
I am committed to helping NUMC through this challenging time. But I will need your help.
Come home.
Come home to Newburgh United Methodist Church.
Come home for worship.
Come home for the holidays – and beyond.
Healing takes time. Reconciliation and rebuilding trust is not easy and can be frustrating and sometimes painful.
Most of all, come home to Christ.

In Christ and in hope,
Pastor Mark
Christmas Gift Mission
Christmas is about Jesus…and the kids! 
All our families have sponsors! Church members--if you have not turned in your gifts for the Christmas Gift Mission yet, please drop them by the church during office hours as soon as possible this week. If you just got your child Sunday, please return items by next Sunday. Thank you so much for your generosity in helping our food pantry/clothes closet families.
Longest Night Service
We will be having a service on December 10th to honor people that have lost loved ones and are possibly experiencing grief during this season of Advent. We will be getting in touch with all those that have recently lost loved ones, but if you would like more information on this service please contact Joyce Cundiff, Parish Counselor.
Open Gym Information
Volleyball: Tuesdays 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Pickleball: Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Pickleball: Thursdays 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Volleyball: Fridays 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Please email [email protected] to sign up in advance.
For some of us that have lost loved ones; it is hard to “get into the Holiday Spirit.” If you are starting into this season and it appears to be a sad season for you; you may be going into a Season of Grieving. You do not have to go through this alone. 
I would like to help you through these difficult times. 
Grief Recovery Group, meetings are set for Thursdays. December 9th and December the 16th at 1:00 PM They will be held in the Parish Counselor’s office Room ML 34. Please join us for these meetings, I believe it will help you through this season of grief.
If you, or someone you know can benefit from a guide book on grief at holidays, please let me know. I would love to send a booklet called “Seasons of Grieving” out to you. If you need someone to talk to about it, I am here for you.

Reminder: I have many books that can help with some of the heavy decisions we have to make from time to time. Aging issues, and grief books for all ages are available. 
Just call or send me a text. I would love to make an appointment for you. If there is a book you need, I can get it ready for you to pick up, or I will be glad to drop it in the mail to you. There is no charge for any of these books.

Joyce Cundiff
Parish Counselor
Office Hours Wednesday 9:00 am-2:00 pm and Thursday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Cell 812-305-0445.  
Newburgh United Methodist Church | 812-853-2946 | E-mail | Website