Weekly News & Announcements
MCC Portland COVID precautions:
MCC Portland continues to follow the guidance of local and state health authorities. Moreover, we strive to assure our on-site gatherings remain safe and welcoming for all while COVID-19 continues. That means the following:

NOTE: As of May 11, Multnomah County health officials recommend wearing masks indoors until rising COVID-19 counts and hospitalizations begin to decline. This applies to gatherings on-site at 2828 SE Stephens Street.

  • If you feel ill or have symptoms of illness, please remain at home and join us on-line.
  • Please wear RED, YELLOW or GREEN beads provided on-site to indicate the level of distance or contact with others with which you are comfortable.
  • Masking indoors is now recommended but remains optional with exceptions noted below. We continue to encourage masking for any and all persons to protect the health of those ineligible for vaccination and for those with health risk factors.
  • Singing is a higher risk activity. If you unmask and sing, please maintain extra physical distance (at least 10 feet) from those not in your household.
  • Please continue to bring a mask (or use one provided on-site) for the following times when indoor masking will be required:
  • When more than 40 people are present in the Sanctuary, all people will be required to wear a mask.
  • Masks are required for interaction with young children ineligible for vaccination.
  • Please wear a mask when approaching someone wearing RED beads.
If you are eligible and have not yet been vaccinated or boosted, we urge you to "love your neighbor as yourself" and do so for your own health and the health of others.
Praying With and For Others
MCC Portland is a praying church! We share private prayers with a designated Prayer Team (ALL details kept within the Prayer Team ONLY) and other prayers with our community (including in this newsletter). Individuals indicate if their prayer is "private" or "public." Please use and share the on-line prayer request form for use HERE. You can also use a Connection Card (on-line or on-site), the on-site Prayer Book, or directly contact the church office. Find additional details on our Prayer Request webpage HERE.

Please include the following in your prayers this week:
  • In light of yet another mass shooting (today, Saturday, in Buffalo, New York), we pray for an end to the racial hatred that appears to have motivated the shooter, for healing and justice, and we continue to pray for an end to gun violence. May God have mercy; may our prayers lead to actions which brings about change.
  • Midge Nelson is in her final stages in hospice; she may pass at any time in the next few days. We pray for God's grace and peace and for a grace-filled end of life transition.
  • Thanksgiving for safe travels for Charles Donald.
  • Praise God that Pastor Grant was not seriously injured in a recent car accident. Prayers that they recover quickly and insurance handles everything expeditiously and favorably. 
  • (Stanley) Health concern for Jean.
  • Pray for all in our church to stay healthy from any of the Covid-19 variants.
  • Prayers of safety for all transgender people. Silence the hate speech.
  • (Charlie) Praise: New career opportunities. Keeping a good connection with my wife. Concern: Finding resources and support to regain financial stability after moving to grow my family in a new place.
  • Dylan's niece, Amanda, asks for prayer for a friend, Kimberly, who is dealing with the sudden death of her adult son. His name is Cameron, he is 28 yrs old and leaves behind a young daughter. Kimberly is devastated. They were not financially prepared so there is a go-fund-me set up. Prayers for financial blessing.
  • (Pastor Nathan) Prayers of joy and gratitude for a wonderful family visit over the Mother's Day weekend in San Diego with my mother, sisters, and brother-in-law.
  • Continuing prayers that peace and justice will prevail in the Ukraine.
  • Prayers for the US as an anticipated repeal of Roe v Wade fuels further divisions and threatens to undermine and reverse currently protected rights.
  • For guidance as voting is underway in our Oregon primary elections; for outcomes which support the most vulnerable and protect those on the margins. 
Remembering Frank McCardle
A memorial service celebrating the life of Frank McCardle will be held this coming Saturday, May 21 @ 11AM in the Chapel at 2828 SE Stephens St. All are welcome as we lovingly honor his memory.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
Two Upcoming Mental Health & Wellness Workshops
Our Mental Health & Wellness workshop series continues with 2 upcoming workshops on 2 very important topics:

NEXT Sunday, May 22 @ 1PM:
Understanding Depression & Anxiety
Most of us know and love someone who lives with depression and/or anxiety -- and it may even be ourselves. Symptoms can be easy to miss, can be transient, or can be a lifelong concern. Come find out a bit about the signs and ways to be supportive when someone is struggling.

Sunday, Jun 12 @ 1PM: Boundaries
Stay tuned for additional information coming soon!

NOTE: Both workshops are currently planned to be held in-person only, on-site at 2828 SE Stephens Street.

We are proud to partner with Common Ground and PUN (Presbyterian Urban Network) to co-sponsor this series of workshops on mental health and wellness. These workshops are coordinated by Naomi Caster (MS, LMFT, CADC II) and are are FREE of charge and open to anyone. All are welcome!
"Profiles of Jesus" Study Series Underway
Thursdays @ 6:30PM NOW HYBRID!
As the central figure of Christianity, Jesus may be the most pivotal person in history. Followed by millions across many centuries, different aspects of who he was -- and is -- have received greater or lesser emphasis depending upon the context and the era. During this 6-part study, "Profiles of Jesus," we'll explore selected different aspects of Jesus that receive different emphasis in scripture, theological tradition, and popular belief. How does an understanding and appreciation of those differing aspects affect we who profess to follow Jesus in our own lives?

Weekly study group is now HYBRID! All are welcome! You can join in-person at 2828 SE Stephens Street or online via ZOOM using this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/324221462 .

  • THIS Thursday, May 18: Jesus as Healer & Worker of Wonders. (Read in advance: Matthew 4:23-24 & John 6:1-15)
  • May 25: Jesus as Revolutionary & Activist
  • June 1:  Jesus as Messiah, Savior & "Lord"
  • June 8:  Jesus as "Son of Man" & "Son of God"
  • June 15: Jesus Archetype, Model & Example
Pride Northwest Returns Next Month!
After 2 years without in-person Pride events, the festivities return to Portland!

Pride Festival: Sat & Sun, June 18 & 19
Pride Parade: Sun, June 19

MCC Portland has already booked our festival booth and our place in the Pride parade. Plan ahead to join us!
New MCC T-Shirts Just in Time for Pride!
MCC is ready for Pride. All we need now are our t-shirts! To order your T-shirt, complete and return the order form HERE.

  • To order and pay In-person/on-site: You can place your order form and check in an envelope and leave it in the offering plate or return in person to Vicki. You can make payment via credit/debit card using Square selecting the item "2022 Pride T-shirt"
  • To order and pay on-line: Email the order form to grammawolf81@gmail.com and make payment on-line via PayPal using the 2022 Pride T-shirt link..
Enhance Your On-line & On-Site Worship with MCC Portland
Use Our Worship Hub!
Join us live-streaming Sundays @ 10AM on YouTube or Facebook!

Whether you join us on-site or on-line, visit our worship hub to help support your worship experience. It's your one-stop location to find:

  • Links to Sunday worship live stream & archived previous services.
  • Link to texts for worship to print out or enlarge on your device.
  • Link to fill out the Connection Card on-line.
  • Link to make your offering on-line.
  • Link to view and subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter.

Get to the hub by scanning the QR code or using the link: Worship Hub
Helpful MCC Portland emails:
Church office: admin@mccportland.com
Nathan Meckley (Pastor): nathan@mccportland.com
Grant Helbley (Ministry Associate): grant@mccportland.com
Congregational Life Team (CLT): clt@mccportland.com
Board of Directors: board@mccportland.com