Weekly News for Oct. 25, 2020
Worship In the Park
Sunday, October 25 at 11:00 a.m. (NEW TIME!)
Pastors' Weekly Message: From Pastor Pat
“Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic self-hood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only find the joy that every human being seeks – we will also find out path of authentic service in the world.” (Parker Palmer)
Of the many things I wanted to be when I grew up, cowgirl, teacher, police officer, nowhere on my radar was pastor. I had no way of knowing the path God would choose for me. Yet as I reflect back on all the life clues God dropped along the way, they give a glimpse of the still-evolving picture of who I am becoming in Christ. My careers as a retail manager and as correctional administrator each provided extensive training and allowed me to partake of opportunities I might not have otherwise enjoyed.
I have received many honors in my professional career, certificates of merit, governor’s citations and even a congratulatory letter from the late Senator Elijah Cummings. I have held positions of high esteem and responsibility, met with lieutenant governors, and debated with legislators. I have walked the yard of a prison complex and testified in legislative sessions. However, none of those hold a candle to the humbling call of being your pastor.
I deeply and truly appreciate each and every card, letter, and expression of gratitude and support you have given. This year has been anything but normal. Yet you continue to persevere. I pray that in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead we continue to grow together in God’s love and grace, that who we are becoming is our authentic self-hood, the amazing faith-filled community that shares light and life to the world.
-- Pastor Pat
worship Sunday, Oct. 25
11:00 am
Join us in Reinhardt Park for worship (weather permitting). As before, please wear your masks and bring chairs or blankets for physically-distanced seating, or worship "drive-in" style from your car. Livestreaming will be available over Facebook Live for those who wish to watch online. Find more info at stpaulsk.org/worship.
There will be communion, a baptism, and members of the Confirmation class will join the church.
This will also be Stewardship Sunday; please look for our stewardship letter in the mail or visit stpaulsk.org/giving to find a secure pledge form online!
Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020
Middle High (Grades 6-8) - 3:30 - 4:30
Senior High (Grades 9-12) - 5:00 - 6:00
For our in-person St. Paul's Youth event, we'll be decorating pumpkins in the St. Paul's parking lot! Each participant will get a space of their own and a pumpkin to decorate in some way. Middle School SPYs will be decorating using paint, glue, and craft materials. High School SPYs will be using tools and kits to carve pumpkins. We are super excited to see what our youth will create! Read more details by clicking HERE. Want more SPY info? Email Youth Pastor Micah Smartt ([email protected]) or sign up for the spiffy new SPY email list - click here.
worship Sunday, Nov. 1
9:00 & 10:30 am
All Saints Sunday will mark our first time welcoming worshipers into the Sanctuary since March. Reservations are REQUIRED! Seats are limited and covid-related precautions will be in place.
For those who are not yet ready to return to in-person worship, the 10:30 worship service will also be live-streamed.
October 25
Committing to regular giving to the church amidst all of the challenges of the current moment might seem impossible. At St. Paul’s, we are people who believe in beautiful impossibilities. With God's help, we will make this come out all right. If circumstances enable you to offer a pledge for 2021, it will help ensure we can keep our commitments. Whether your pledge is the same as last year, increased, decreased, or brand new, it will be all right. If you're unable to pledge, that's all right as well and we hope you will contribute as you are able.
You can indicate your commitment to supporting St. Paul's using our new online pledge form - click HERE for the Pledge form. Stewardship letters with paper forms have also been mailed to our members and friends, and may be returned to the church.
The faithful giving of individuals, families, members, and friends makes it possible for St. Paul's to maintain a vital, vibrant ministry that reaches our church, our local community, our conference, and our world. We are so grateful!
pick-up Oct. 24-25, 8am-5pm
walk-up customers welcome!
The online UMM Apple Sale form closes on October 22, but apples that remain unsold will be available for walk-up customers on Oct 24 & 25. We'll be in front of the St. Paul's parsonage (between the parking lot entrance and the Sanctuary front door). Apples will be sold by the bag this year, $5 per bag. We offer Empire, Stayman, Jonagold, Cameo, Mutsu Crispin, Golden Delicious, and Red Delicious apples and apple cider, apple butter, and apple sauce while supplies last.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with the sale - all with safety as a top priority - email Phil Rush or the church office ([email protected]).
After an 11-month journey exploring whether St. Paul's wants to be identified and live into the understanding of a reconciling congregation, votes were held on October 18 at a special church conference. Members in attendance voted overwhelmingly to adopt a new Welcoming Statement (98% in favor) and to become a member in the Reconciling Ministries Network (94% in favor). More about this process and answers to many frequently-asked-questions are available on our website: http://stpaulsk.org/community/the-way-forward
Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020
1:30 pm
The Annual Church Conference is the time every year when pastors and lay leaders from each UMC church in the Baltimore-Washington Conference provide a snapshot of the life of their congregation and the overall state of their church's mission, leadership, goals, and physical structures, for review by the leaders guiding the District and Conference. Church Conference sessions are open to any who wish to attend. You can find a selection of the reports by clicking here. The conference will be managed this year as a Zoom meeting hosted by representatives of the District Superintendent's office. As in previous years, multiple churches will present on the same day. To attend you must register in advance using the link below, provided by our District Administrator, Olivia Gross. Here is the information:
The Southwestern Montgomery County Cluster
Church Conference Zoom Link:
When: Oct 25, 2020 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
October 26
7:00 p.m.
Please join us when our guest, AARP speaker Phyllis Meyerson, will present “Know the 10 Signs: An Alzheimer’s Checklist." As we age, it is tempting to attribute the gradual changes our bodies go through to normal aging. Mrs. Meyerson will identify changes we should be more attentive to, including memory lapses that begin to affect our quality of life. This session will be offered using Zoom and, although organized as part of our Stephen Ministers' continuing education, is open to all! To attend, contact Meg Baker, [email protected].
Anyone who wishes to send cards to friends experiencing times of grief, change, or celebration can now access the Congregational Care (aka "Sick List") online. Please contact Erin Steele at [email protected] and she will provide you with the link to our new online card ministry log and instructions on how to use it. (Please note: this is a "Bring Your Own Cards & Postage" ministry opportunity. We are not able to supply cards and stamps at this time.)
Saturday, Oct. 31
5:00-5:30 pm
Join us for a short, family-friendly “show up in costume” event via Zoom. We can’t wait to see your Halloween costume and share some songs and stories together. While this event is geared for 5th graders and younger, the whole family (including pets) is invited to dress up and show off! To register, contact Meg Baker at [email protected]. Boo!
October is Clergy Appreciation Month across the UMC! Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee encourages all our members and friends to craft personal notes of appreciation for our pastors. You can send cards or notes to the pastors at the church address (10401 Armory Ave., Kensington MD 20895) or email Pastor Pat ([email protected]) or Pastor Kate ([email protected]). The SPRC also has created a Staff-Parish Appreciation Fund which will be used in part for Clergy Appreciation, so if you feel moved to contribute please make checks out to St. Paul's UMC with "Staff Appreciation" in the memo line and mail to the church office, Attn: Michelle Gregonis.
overnight Oct 31 - Nov. 1
Unless you plan to be awake when the official 2020 daylight saving time ends and the time-change kicks in at 2:00 a.m. on November 1, be sure to set your clocks back when you go to bed on Saturday, October 31!
Wednesdays, 7pm
Still Wednesday offers a time of prayer, connection, and quiet contemplation in a busy world. We are meeting each week by Zoom. Email [email protected] or call Kenzie Raulin at 301-237-1520 for more information. All are welcome.
If you would like to pray alongside others from St. Paul's, call 425-436-6326 at 9:45 each Tuesday morning. When prompted for the “access code," type in 774042 followed by #.
9:30 a.m. most Sundays
Sunday School classes will be provided online for children and youth this fall. Classes are available for children in preschool through 12th grade. Please note - on days when there are in-person outdoor services (like Sunday, October 25), we will not hold Sunday School so that families may worship together. Contact Meg Baker at [email protected] or 301-933-7933 ext 104 if you have any questions!
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
9:00 a.m.
Facebook Live
Three days a week (except holidays!), St. Paul's staff and guests take turns offering a live meditation, reading, music, or message reminding us to start our day by taking a breath. Simply go to https://www.facebook.com/stpaulskensington/ - no account required!
Scripture for October 25, 2020
Nehemiah 6:15-16
15So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. 16And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem; for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.