International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is an event in which survivors of suicide loss come together to find connection, understanding, and hope through their shared experience.

This event is for Survivors of
Suicide Loss only.

COVID-19 Resources from National Association of
Social Workers
Learn how to prevent the spread of #COVID-19 and help protect social workers and the clients we serve. Find resources here.
Lifting LGBTQIA Voices of Color: Racism Among Gender & Sexual Minorities
A panel discussion about the intersection between racial and gender/sexual discrimination and the real-world impact of multiple minority identities. Learn more and register.
Gizmo 4 Mental Health: Resources for Youth
Gizmo, the mascot for the CT suicide prevention campaign- “1 WORD, 1 VOICE, 1 LIFE…Be the 1 to start the conversation,” and his fellow therapy dog and K9 First Responder friends use a warm and fuzzy approach to introduce youth to what can be a challenging subject for adults to discuss and for youth to understand.

In the News
Even in an anxious time, children’s anxiety is treatable.
Yes, this is an anxious time, and yes, everyone is anxious, but it is particularly hard to be an anxious kid in an anxious time. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in children and adolescents (and this was true before the pandemic), and they can be linked to other mental health issues, notably depression.

Anxiety can bring children into emergency rooms, and into psychiatric hospitalizations, and in a time of generally heightened stress and anxiety, parents with anxious kids find themselves worrying especially about the worriers, wondering how to talk with them about the complexities of life in 2020, and trying to assess when worry is, well, worrisome enough to need professional help.

There's more evidence that smoking marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart disease, according to two new studies presented recently at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions. But in an unexpected twist, people who use cannabis were less likely to experience sudden kidney failure, the researchers found.

Patients who smoked marijuana and underwent angioplasty to clear blocked arteries were more likely to experience stroke and bleeding after the nonsurgical procedure than those who didn’t use pot, one study found. The second study concluded that patients who had survived a heart attack and used marijuana were more likely than those who did not use cannabis to have a subsequent heart attack. Both studies were released Monday. Read full article.
A recent study indicates that women can have postpartum depression and anxiety anytime up to three years after delivering a baby. Experts say they understood that postpartum depression lasts longer than expected and can start later but the study provides more evidence.

“This is absolutely something that we know and something I see every day: Women coming either with persistent symptoms beyond the year postpartum — or more — or even presenting a bit later,” Dr. Andrea Favini, a psychiatrist at Pittsburgh's Allegheny Health Network told TODAY Parents. “It's really important to have studies like this to really show that there is variation and how symptoms progress over time.”

The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC