Let's #MentionPrevention
Milford, Trumbull, Stratford and Southington Developed Campaign to Curb Underage Drinking During COVID-19
Along with the pandemic has come to-go alcohol sales and alcohol delivery services, making it easier for minors to obtain alcohol. This is what sparked the idea for the Let’s #MentionPrevention campaign, which was developed in a partnership between Milford Prevention Council, Southington’s Town-wide Effort to Promote Success (STEPS), Stratford Partnership for Youth and Families, TPAUD – Trumbull’s Prevention Partnership and Wolcott Citizens Against Substance Abuse (CASA) Coalition. The goal of the campaign is to partner with restaurants and retail establishments to assist them in keep alcohol out of the hands of minors.

How it Works
Community partners are given a poster to display that reminds staff about the importance of ID checks and keeping alcohol away from minors in this challenging time. It includes important tips for carding those who are wearing masks, especially if they don't have an ID scanner.

Most importantly, the participating establishments are asked to include a customer insert card in any and all sales of to-go alcohol purchases. This card contains important information for those who make the purchase reminding them about the dangers of underage drinking and alcohol access for minors. For more information, email info@milfordprevention.org.
Stay Safe This Halloween
Halloween might look a little different this year due to the pandemic. The state has developed a page with recommendations to help keep you safe this year.

In addition to COVID precautions, be mindful of your alcohol consumption. The same rules apply to Halloween; if you drink alcohol, do so in moderation, don't drink and drive, and keep alcohol out of the hands of minors.

Looking for a festive drink without alcohol?
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In the News

Almost immediately after the coronavirus pandemic began, it became clear a parallel mental health crisis would accompany it.

By early April, a Kaiser poll showed, nearly half of Americans were already feeling the mental and emotional toll of Covid-19. According to more recent federal data, symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders have more than tripled among U.S. adults compared to this time last year—with women and Black and Latinx communities most acutely impacted. Other research and reporting suggest the pandemic has exacerbated symptoms for people with disordered eating, substance use disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and other diagnoses.

Self-care no longer looks like the millennial pink, relaxing version we’ve been sold. This radical version may be harder or more uncomfortable, but experts say it’s also essential to living right now. Some people may feel like they need to take more drastic measures to protect their mental health; there are also a few other meaningful and radical steps we can all take more immediately.

Here’s what practicing self-care can look like in 2020:

Identifying and acknowledging your feelings: You can’t begin to take care of yourself until you accept where you’re at. That’s why Andre encourages her clients to write down all the different emotions they’re having — from fear and rage to sadness and desperation.
The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC