Weekly News and Updates
July 6, 2022
A cardinal lands on your window sill when you are feeling down, a butterfly that reminds you of a loved one crosses your path, you call a friend you haven't talked to in a long time and they were just thinking about you. Do you ever get the feeling that there is more going on than we can possibly understand? What do we do in the face of unexplainable coincidences?
Our scripture text for Sunday comes from John 14, where Jesus talks about sending the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide his disciples. I hope you will join us for worship where I would like to play with the idea of mystery, including the Holy Spirit and our response to mystery in our lives.
John 14:25-31, from the Wilda Gafney Lectionary
One thing I love about Circular is that we don’t shy away from difficult topics. We speak openly about the challenges we see, how painful events make us feel, and our call to action in the world. I have been thinking about our children and how we invite them into these difficult conversations.
As we model truth-telling to our youngest family members, we can keep a few things in mind:
1. When we speak a difficult truth during a service, it may be the first and only time a child is hearing about that particular event or situation. As such, we should speak with tenderness and care and with enough information to clarify, without overwhelming.
2. Invite children to ask questions. On the way home from church you might say, “Today there were flowers on the altar because we were remembering those who died. Do you have any questions about what happened?” And then answer those questions in an honest and age-appropriate way. In doing so, we are teaching our children that questions are valuable and welcome.
3. Allow children to experience and express the full breadth of their emotions. None of us wants a child to be sad or scared, but those feelings are real and valid feelings. When we can hear a child’s feelings and create a safe space for them to express them, we are teaching them how to be honest with themselves and others. “I understand that you feel scared about that. I sometimes feel scared about it, too. Let’s talk about some things we can do when we feel scared.”
These thoughts can get us started, but I’m going to keep thinking about how I can walk with our children through challenging times and I invite you to join me.
cell: 859-537-0235
2022-2023 Children and Youth Survey
Please fill out this Children & Youth Survey to help us plan for the Circular Children's Ministry (birth-5th grade) and Youth Group (middle school through high school). We have a wonderful curriculum that we plan to start in August and will continue to need church members to volunteer in a variety of ways.
We are looking for input on the needs of our group so we can create the best plan to accommodate these important members of the Circular family, both this summer and going forward.
Please fill out the section that applies to your family (children/youth/both).
July Vespers with Circular's Own Bill Carson
Join us this Sunday, July 10th at 6:00 p.m. for Jazz Vespers. Our very-own Bill Carson, on guitar, will be the featured musician. He will be accompanied by Tyler Ross, guitar, Ron Wiltrout, drums, and Jeremy Wolf, bass. Susan Dunn is the liturgist.
The recorded service will remain available on our YouTube channel for your viewing and listening pleasure.
Invitation to a Baptism This Sunday
Jameela Goudarzi and Bill Carson bring their son, Nathan Habib Carson-Goudarzi, to be baptized at Circular Church.
We invite you to join us in a service of celebration and welcome of Nathan into our community this Sunday at 10:15 a.m. in the church courtyard.
Conversations in Faith
In lieu of Conversations in Faith, this Sunday, July 10th, we invite you to Nathan Habib's baptism in the church courtyard at 10:15 a.m.
If you are not already on the email list and want to receive updates about upcoming Conversation in Faith topics and meeting Zoom links, please email evelyn@circularchurch.org.
Coffee Hour
Sign up below to share your love of coffee with the congregation. We will be offering coffee only during Fellowship hour (to be served after the 11 am service).
We need volunteers to make the coffee & set up for the Fellowship Hour. All instructions will be provided! If we don't have a volunteer for a specific date, no coffee will be offered on that date.
Updated Church Member Management System
Circular Finally Enters the 21st Century
For decades Circular has used a hodgepodge of data systems to keep the directory, generate the newsletter, send emails, manage the tribes, advertise small groups, and keep financial records. At long last, we are switching to a robust church management system that will handle all our data needs on one platform.
Once this is completely up and running, it will mean that one entry of an updated email will correct that email all through the system. (In our old system, the corrected email had to be entered in several different systems.) It also means that a more robust and user-friendly church app and website are coming soon.
You will be able to get into the new system through both the church mobile app (on your smartphone or tablet) and/or on a website (on your computer). We recommend the app, but either way will work.
Now, we need your help!
The first step is to download the church mobile app on your smartphone and/or tablet. To do this, text "Circular Church app" to 77977. If you prefer, you can also visit the app store on your device, search for Circular Church, and download it that way.
However, if you do not have one of these devices, have no fear! You won't be left behind! Please stay tuned for instructions on how to access the Church Community Builder site through your web browser on your computer or whatever device you use to access the internet.
If this is just too confusing, bring your smartphone, tablet, and/or laptop to church this Sunday, July 10th. We will have coaches available to help before and after worship
Circular Choir Updates
Choir practice is at 10 AM in the sanctuary for the remainder of the summer. Please join us. All are welcome.
Share your talents. If you play an instrument and want to share your talent contact Judy Or myself. We will help select music and dates so you can participate.
Blessings and keep singing!!!
Seeking applicants for Event Coordinator position
After many years of effective service as our Events Coordinator, winning new friends and broadening our circle of friends and supporters, Judy Hammett has stepped aside, leaving this position open.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving Circular through this part-time position, please send a letter of interest and resume electronically to our Personnel Committee by Friday, July 29 to careers@circularchurch.org
Circular's Events Coordinator serves as the first point of contact with people and groups who seek the use of our campus for weddings, concerts, tours, and events. In collaboration with the administrative staff, they coordinate event schedules and the use of campus facilities.
Search Underway For Finance Manager
After serving Circular for the past year, Niema Walker will leave us to accept a new position in Florida. Niema quickly won our respect and our hearts with her cheerful, enthusiastic manner and for the gracious and methodical approach she used to bring new order to our bookkeeping. We will miss her and wish her well as she takes on new challenges away from Charleston.
A search is now underway for Niema's successor. See the position description here. If you or someone you know is interested in serving Circular through this part-time position, please send a letter of interest and resume electronically to our Personnel Committee by Friday, August 5th to careers@circularchurch.org.
Weekly Noon Meditative Sits on Thursdays
We invite you to come together once a week for a virtual contemplative break in your day. We will gather via zoom for a short reflection followed by about 20 minutes of silence where you are invited to meditate, pray, be. Led by Evelyn Oliveira. Thursdays from 12 - 12:30 pm.
3rd Sunday Book Club - July 17th
Please join us for our monthly Circular Book Club on Sunday, July 17th, at 1:00 pm when we’ll discuss Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Peggy Pearl will lead us.
Art as Prayer
The art as prayer group is taking a break for the summer.
We plan to start back in the fall and look forward to having you!
Facilitator: Nancy Warren
Meets: 2nd Saturday of the month, 10 am-12 noon
Upper Lance Hall
Art as prayer is a Meditative Arts group, blending meditation, prayer, intention setting, music, and art. We plan to meet together monthly, share spiritual readings, and then make art together within a meditative state. NO ART EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. We will be using Collage, and art materials such as papers, fabrics, magazine photographs, colored pencils, crayons, Sharpie Markers, and found other objects to create spontaneous collage art in a meditative group setting.
We will begin with a reading, then a prayer, and then choose our art materials from the materials available. As the closing exercise of the group, we will share what we have made, and discuss its meaning, and our feelings about the process. We hope to see you there!
Donations needed: For our new Art as Prayer Group. Magazines, photographs, papers, glue sticks, old colored pencils, old sets of crayons, gel pens, yarn, cloth, and stuff from your closets!
Charleston Area Justice Ministry
Anna Long reports that a meeting with Rep. Wendell Gilliard has yielded some very good news.
On July 7, the Healthcare Committee will meet to:
· Share the news from our meeting with Rep. Gilliard
· Plan agendas for upcoming meetings with MUSC, Fetter, and Roper
· Make important decisions about how our campaign will move forward
Healthcare Full Committee Meeting
WHEN: July 7, 6:30-8:00
WHERE: In person at Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist (7396 Rivers Ave.)
On Affordable Housing
CAJM has succeeded in convincing County Council to set aside 20 million dollars of federal relief money for affordable housing (!) but we are now at a critical stage in our four year campaign: we need to make sure that the plan that Council staff is developing will steer all or most of the money into a trust fund, and we need to make sure Council writes and supports a fall voter referendum to provide ongoing funding.
Come out to be a part of this! We need a strong turnout on July 12th.
Charleston County Council
WHEN: Tuesday, July 12 / 5:45pm
WHERE: Lonnie Hamilton Building (4045 Bridge View Drive)
On Environmental Justice
And, on the following Tuesday come and stand against the filling of Gadsden Creek.
Charleston City Council
WHEN: Tuesday, July 19 / 4:30pm
WHERE: Charleston City Hall (80 Broad Street) / pre-meeting right next to City Hall in Washington Park
Please help us find a match for Abigail
Abi lives in the Hudson River Valley approximately an hour from New York City. She is a sweet sixteen year old girl that was recently diagnosed with a rare blood disorder called severe aplastic anemia. Onset of the disorder was sudden and extreme.
Her bone marrow suddenly stopped producing enough blood cells for her to survive. She requires constant transfusions and is at high risk of fatal infection because her immune system stopped working. She has zero neutrophils that are the infection fighting white blood cells in the body.
(Abigail with her brother and best friend Alexander.)
Only two months ago she was a hard working teenage girl excelling in school, playing the violin, studying ballet and helping her family. She is known for positivity, kindness, compassion, and spreading joy wherever she goes.
Now we pray that Abi will find a bone marrow match donor. A match is a person whose white blood cell markers are similar enough to Abi’s to allow the transplant to graft or take. It just takes swab from your cheek to determine whether or not you are a match.
Fair Lending Alliance - Support SC House Bill
“Do not exploit the poor because they are poor.” Proverbs 22:22 (NIV)
Predatory lenders are charging up to 395% interest on payday and auto title loans and consumer installment loans. People all across South Carolina have been harmed by high-cost predatory loans.
A bill has been introduced in the SC House (H51371) to cap rates at 36% (matching a federal law that protects military families). Faith communities coming together to address this issue have been instrumental in passing rate caps in other states. Both North Carolina and Georgia have passed 36% rate cap legislation.
The Fair Lending Alliance (CAJM is a member) has made it easy for you to make your voice heard. Go to their website, CapRateSC.com, and click on “take action”. By entering your name and address, they will identify your legislators and send them a letter of support, in your name, for H51371. or you can use the QR code.
Email Address Inquiry
Your email address is included in the church wide email group mailing list because you either signed up to receive the weekly newsletter or other church wide email communications.
To remove your name from this group and mailing list, please tap the unsubscribe link below our mailing address at the bottom of this email or email your request to be removed to circular@circularchurch.org.
Our Health Advisory Group continues to follow the science as we set policies for the church requiring vaccination and indoor masking.
We monitor national trends as well as community infection rates using information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Epidemiology Intelligence Project.
Advance registration for on-site services is not required though we may re-implement the registration requirement in the future if needed.
What is the Blue Line Project?
Blue Line Projects are found around the world in coastal communities seeking to draw attention to the climate crisis. Many blue lines mark the height to which sea levels are expected to rise. Our blue line marks the height of a storm surge if a hurricane equivalent to 1989’s Hurricane Hugo were to make landfall in Charleston today, in 2050, and in 2100.
What's Going on at Circular is Important to Everyone!
As a way to keep everyone informed of what is happening in Circular Church Council meetings, we will share the minutes from our monthly council meetings.
To find out what was discussed, what decisions were made, etc., at the May18th Meeting visit www.circularchurch.org/leadership for a link and then click on "Church Council" in the right sidebar.
Meet New Members
for photos and bios.
If you are a new member and haven't yet done so, take a minute to share with Circular a little about yourself, your family, your life, etc. You never know who you might have something in common with.
Circular Giving
We'd like to express gratitude for the gifts and support each of you has given to Circular Church, especially during this uncertain time. For those of you that can continue to meet your pledges and give as you can, please know it is needed and appreciated.
You can set up a recurring gift via the church app, online here, or mail a check into the church office to:
Circular Congregational Church
P.O. Box 776
Charleston, SC 29402
Prayer Requests
Please see right side listings on attachment for "prayer request" for the Spiritual Care Team which meets weekly.
Newsletter Submissions
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. Wednesday
What to include:
1) Brief, ready to print information.
2) Graphics or images.
3) URLs or documents to link to additional information as needed.
4) Name of contact person with contact details.
Please note: Long submissions may be edited for brevity.
Interviews with Circular Elders
Ever wonder why we stand in a circle for communion at Circular Church?
Or why the antique organ is on the second floor in the choir loft?
Or why a pastor might choose to serve the church for 37 years?
Or why a member might serve as Treasurer for 25 years?
For answers to these questions and to enjoy the gathering together/interviews of 10 members of the Circular community and an “oral history” of the church go to: watch the interviews. Also, you may click on the "Members" tab on the church website to view these.
Wireless Audio Streaming & Hearing Amplification
in the Sanctuary
We can now stream/amplify the audio from Circular's sound system directly to your smartphone or tablet via the AudioFetch app, so you can listen to the service using your own connected earpods or headphones.
Here are the steps:
• Set up “personal” audio output for your smartphone: headphones (using your adapter for iPhones), earpods or hearing aids. Noise-cancelling earpods or headphones will work best.
· Download the free AudioFetch app on your phone or device from the Apple or Google app store, or using these links:
· In the sanctuary for a service …
· Connect to the church WiFi "Circular-Guest" using this password: meetinghouse
· Open the AudioFetch app on your smartphone, and adjust the volume slider on the screen as needed.
· Ask for help if needed at our Inclusion & Accessibility table in Keller Hall.
Concerns & Celebrations
Here's an idea from one of our members as an excellent way to stay up to date with one another.
So everyone can be kept in the loop about what's happening in members' lives, please feel free to share any concerns or celebrations you may have.
This will allow for members to respond to each other outside of their tribes.
Note, by submitting these announcements the member is giving permission for this to be published in the newsletter.
Comments Section
What Do You Think?
Tell us what you think of your church newsletter. It can be your thoughts about an article, blurb, feature or any part of the newsletter. What are your suggestions, ideas or feelings?
Circular Congregational Church, 150 Meeting Street
Charleston, SC 29401