This Sunday, November 10, 2024
8:00 and 9:30 service of Holy Eucharist
We will be sharing Bishop Craig Loya's address at Convention
during the sermon time at both services.
The Nursery will be open during the 9:30 service and forum time.
Forum: Social Time
We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.
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Letter from Bishop Loya Concerning
the Presidential Election
November 6, 2024
Beloved in Christ,
At five o’clock this morning, my daughter and I went for a run together, as we often do. It was very dark, and the fog was so dense we couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of us, even with our headlamps. It was a longer run for Mari, and we stopped at the turnaround point for a minute or two to regroup for the trip back. As we passed another figure shrouded in the mist, we all went out of our way to warmly greet each other.
For many across our diocese and our nation, this morning feels covered by a dense fog. For many others, there is great rejoicing. That is probably the only thing that was certain regardless of the election’s outcome - one more chapter in a now long and bitter epoch in our nation’s history.
It is worth remembering today that Jesus is God’s small, good thing for the world. The path of life Jesus sets out for us isn’t forged by victory through force. It is forged by the small, good thing of standing in the broken, forgotten places, with the forgotten, vulnerable people. It is forged as God’s extravagant love reaches over every division that tears God’s children apart. While the world will always worship and covet what is big and powerful, small and humble is how God saves that world from itself.
In the season to come, there will inevitably be much we are called upon to say and do, which will require great courage and great faith. It is always so in a sinful and fallen world. For now, and for today, it is enough to sit for a time with the fact that it is not your job or mine to save the world from the fog that enfolds it. It is your job and mine to join Jesus in being God’s small, good things that point to God’s better way of love. It is your job and mine to run together in the fog, clinging to each other, pausing together to rest and recover, reaching out to our neighbors in love, standing with and for those whose dignity and lives are threatened. It is your job and mine to follow the lead of our ancient mothers who also set out together in the early dark, and found, as God’s people have across the centuries, that God’s small and humble love topples every fearful power under heaven, and heals all creation in the warmth of its light.
Grace and Peace,
The Right Reverend Craig Loya
X Bishop
Episcopal Church in Minnesota
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Letter from Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe
Dear People of God in The Episcopal Church,
Early this morning, we learned that President Trump has been elected to another term as president of the United States. I pray that he will govern wisely and justly.
Regardless of our political allegiances, we must remember that God has called us in The Episcopal Church to seek and serve Christ in all persons. No matter the party in power, we are one church, and we will continue to fulfill our baptismal covenant by proclaiming in word and example the Good News of God in Christ, striving for justice and peace among all people, and protecting the dignity of every human being.
We commit to working with the new administration to advance policies that follow the teachings of Jesus by supporting the most vulnerable among us. Through Episcopal Migration Ministries, we abide by God’s command to welcome the stranger, and since 1988, we have resettled more than 100,000 refugees through a bipartisan program with a strong record of success. We urge President Trump and members of Congress to exercise compassion toward the immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees we serve and to know that, at every turn, we will stand for the dignity and human rights of all of God’s people.
We are Christians who support the dignity, safety, and equality of women and LGBTQ+ people as an expression of our faith. I pray that President Trump and his administration will do the same.
In the coming months, I ask us all to be agents of peace and reconciliation in our communities, both in person and online. As people of faith, we can work and pray for peace and unity among God’s people whether we are joyful, hurting, or afraid. Especially now, when we know of efforts by domestic terrorists and foreign adversaries to undermine our trust in institutions and in one another, we can combat the misinformation and fear by which the Enemy seeks to divide us from one another.
I give thanks for all the ministries in dioceses and congregations across the church that are tangible expressions of our belief in a God of compassion and mercy. In every season, this is the work that God has set before us.
The Most Rev. Sean W. Rowe
Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
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This Sunday: The Peace Table during the 9:30 service. This lesson is geared towards children ages 7-11. The Nursery is open for little ones.
Youth Group: Next Wednesday, November 13th– Youth Music Practice 6:30pm-7:00pm in the choir room. Bring an instrument and your voice!
Homework, hangout, board games, snacks in the youth room from 7:00-8:30pm.
Fall TEC Sign Up for high schoolers
2024-25 Children and Youth Program Calendar
2024-25 C+Y Registration Form
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Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 24, 7:00 pm at Bet Shalom Congregation
St. David's has the honor of joining with neighboring congregations Mills Church, Bet Shalom Congregation, and Spirit of Peace Community for our annual Interfaith Thanksgiving service. This year's service will be held at Bet Shalom, 13613 Orchard Road, Minnetonka 55305.
The schedule:
5:30 - choirs gather for a rehearsal and light meal
7:00 - service
For more information, please contact the Rev. Katherine Lewis,
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Exploring David's Episcopal Church
You are cordially invited to join us on Thursday, November 21st from 7-8 pm on Zoom for an exploration of the Anglican tradition and the Episcopal Church. We will trace our church's development from the early Christian monastic tradition through the English Reformation to a global communion that strives for the dignity of every human person.
We will also hear from Anthony Leali, a current member, about his faith journey and reasons for joining St. David's. The evening will conclude with an exploration of some of the current ministries of Saint David's Church.
We hope you can join us for this informative and engaging event on Zoom:
Kris Ferrario
(651) 357-7476
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Faithful Innovation
What an opportunity we have with the following three upcoming events below!
Anglican and Episcopal clergy and lay leaders have been learning how to participate more deeply in God's life, and to join up with neighbors who don't go to church. See if one, two , or all 3 opportunities pique your interest in the exciting area of Faithful Innovation in the Episcopal Church.
Convention Workshop Saturday, November 9, 9 am – Noon
Offered in person at the Sanford Center in Bemidji or free via livestream link
On Saturday, November 9 from 9 am until noon, Archdeacon Sally Gaze and Diane Grano from the Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich in Suffolk, England will present a workshop titled, “Your Next Faithful Step: Mission-Shaped and Rural.” It will take place at the Sanford Event Center in Bemidji as part of the 2024 ECMN Convention. Sally and Di work with Anglican churches in small towns and other rural areas outside London facing many of the same challenges as Greater Minnesota faith communities. They have served as midwives to the Holy Spirit, helping birth new life and spiritual vitality in faith communities worried about their future. The livestream link is free, but you need to register for it (a registration link will be sent out via the ECMN e-newsletter).
Innovation Summit Saturday, November 16, 10 am – 2:30 pm
On Saturday, November 16 at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis, Minnesota Episcopalians will have the opportunity to hear more about the
green shoots God is bringing forth all over our diocese! Lay and ordained leaders will be presenting what they have learned from their engagement with the Faithful Innovation process, Augsburg Innovation Hub, New Christian Community trainings, Learning from London trips, and from following the Holy Spirit’s leading into new ventures to join up with neighbors Jesus loves who don’t go to church. The day will include spiritual practices you can use with your faith community, lots of great ideas, and the chance to interact with presenters and hear their learnings. If you would like snacks, lunch, and handouts please rsvp to Blair Pogue at by Monday, October 28.
Godsend Gathering Saturday, January 25 (with a backup snow date of February 1), 10 am to 2:30 pm
On Saturday, January 25 the Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh, Anglican priest and theologian of the Fresh Expressions Movement will be speaking at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis. Mike is the author of numerous books including Godsend: A Handbook for New Christian Communities, Being Church, Doing Life: Creating Gospel Community Where Life Happens, and more recently, Giving the Church: The Christian Community Through the Looking Glass of Generosity. He will share how Anglican Christians in the U.K. have been learning how to join up with neighbors who don’t go to church in lifegiving ways, and to share Jesus with them when invited. Participants will also experience and process “Soul Space,” a worship experience designed for people outside the institutional church. After this gathering Mike and Blair Pogue will travel around the state, meeting with anyone interested in learning more about what is involved in starting or sustaining a New Christian Community. If you would like snacks, lunch, and handouts, please rsvp to Blair Pogue at by Monday, January 13.
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Bake and Craft Sale
Attention Bakers and Crafters!
The annual Bake and Craft Sale will be Sunday, December 8th, after the service.
Time to work on those craft items and start stocking up on baking supplies.
Questions? Contact Sara Leigh at
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Fall Cleanup - Thank you!
The Buildings and Grounds Team would like to thank everyone who showed up and worked to complete tasks on the Fall Cleanup List.
Of the 40 tasks on the list, 33 were completed. The rest of the tasks should be completed sometime during the next year.
David Pearson & Randy Schwichtenberg
Co-Chairs, Buildings & Grounds
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Do you like to hike?
The St. David “Women of the Woods” group organizes hiking opportunities throughout the year, often spontaneously (without time to get a formal announcement in the bulletin). If you’d like to receive email invitations for hiking opportunities, please let us know!
Please email Ann Carda at to be included on our email list!
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Cornerstone Endowment Update
This update was given at the Parish meeting on Oct 27. For those who weren’t able to attend the meeting, the same news is provided below.
The latest update from the Endowment Committee is very exciting! After meeting several times between July and September, the Committee made a final decision to allow a distribution from the Endowment in the amount of $13,000.
The intention going forward is repeat this process annually, so that the Endowment is continually adding to funds available to the Vestry.
Plans for next year will begin with a renewed focus on sharing information about the Endowment. We will try to make this fun! Look for more news about this in the first quarter of 2025.
Please contact Vida Edmond ( if you have questions.
Thank you for your financial and prayerful support of St. David’s!
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ICA Vision
A community where everyone has the resources to thrive
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It’s Turkey Time!
ICA’s Holiday food Program has begun. Every donation of $25 will provide holiday food (turkey & fixings) for a family in need this Thanksgiving and holiday season.
Many thanks to the many parishioners who purchased turkey certificates last Sunday at church. Your generosity is so appreciated.
Members of St. David’s ICA team will once again be in the Narthex after services this Sunday to sell turkey certificates for these holiday meals. Cash or checks will be accepted. If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to ICA.
You can also donate online at or choose Donate from the website menu, selecting ICA Turkey Drive. Be sure to mark “St. David’s” when it asks for congregation.
Give to the Max Day- November 21
Support ICA by giving on Give to the Max Day on Thursday, November 21. ICA’s goal this year is to raise $150,000 to support our neighbors in need this holiday season. Visit the Donate tab in the website to learn more & donate. Did you know the local congregations who support ICA in so many ways are the third highest source of income for ICA?
Factoid: On a typical visit to the Food Shelf, a neighbor will get an average of 22# of food (~2 weeks of food).
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Loaves and Fishes
Due to some renovations at St. Gabriel’s, we will not be able to prepare and serve meals for some time.
The next dates available for sign up are
November 25th
December 10th
December 23rd
December 31st.
Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up or sign up in the Undercroft. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to before 9:00 am on Wednesday to be featured.
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What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | | | | |