This Sunday, November 3, 2024
All Saints
One service of Holy Eucharist at 9:30
The Nursery will be open during the 9:30 service and forum time.
Forum: Giving Campaign Celebration:
Daylight Savings Time ends: Remember to set your clocks back
Saturday night!
We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.
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All Saints' Sunday, November 3
One service at 9:30
On All Saints' Sunday, we celebrate all the saints, known and unknown, and the mystical connection between the living and the dead. Join us for this special day. We will read the Necrology during the distribution of communion and will have a special display in the All Saints' Columbarium Chapel honoring members of our community who have died in the past year.
Lord of heaven's reach, of earth reborn; you call us from starless graves to sing under infinite skies: we praise your name for those who have walked this way unheralded and unnumbered but known to you, their beginning, their end, their joy in life; give us the same grace to be unbound and take the step of faith; through Jesus Christ, the alpha and the omega. Amen.
Prayers for an Inclusive Church, by Steven Shakespeare
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This Sunday: All Saints Sunday – Children are invited to remain in worship and encouraged to make themselves comfortable with the play rug in the Sanctuary, the Narthex Nursery, and the staffed Nursery down the hall.
Youth Group: Next Wednesday, November 6th– LIFT Youth Group at St. David’s
All youth grades 6-12 are invited! 6:30-8:30pm with dinner!
Fall TEC Sign Up for high schoolers
2024-25 Children and Youth Program Calendar
2024-25 C+Y Registration Form
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Love Casts Out All Fear:
We Gather on Election Eve to Pray and Sing
There is power and hope in being together. Please join us for an Election Eve prayer service at St. David's, on Monday, November 4 at 7:00 pm.
"Love casts out all fear" (1 John 4:18) will guide our worship as we take a moment to be still, prepare for the election, and pray for our Church, our country, our communities, and ourselves.
Sponsored by several loca Episcopal Churches: Church of the Epiphany, Plymouth; St. Edward the Confessor, Wayzata, St. John's, Minneapolis, and St. David's, Minnetonka.
For more information, contact
Please spread the word and bring your friends and neighbors.
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Vote Faithfully
“Cast your vote, not on a partisan basis, not based on your biases,
but vote your values. Vote the values of human dignity and equality.
Vote the values of the rock on which this country was built. Vote.”
-Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
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5 Days until Election Day!
Early voting continues to be available until November 4.
Do you have your plan ready for voting?
Do you know where you will vote and how you will get there?
Need transportation to your voting place?
Contact Huldah at or Gervaye at
Volunteers who would like to provide rides to voters on Election Day or earlier please also contact Huldah or Gervaye.
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Election Day and Voting at St. David's
This year St. David's will again be a voting location for the upcoming election on Nov 5. Due to the expected high turnout, here are some logistics you might want to know.
City officials will drop off voting equipment on Monday, Nov 4, and begin setup around 4PM. They have asked that there be no other groups or activities in the Undercroft that day. On Election Day officials will arrive at 6AM and will move tables back into place by 10PM. The equipment will be removed on Wednesday.
As usual, voters will only be allowed to enter through the Narthex door and proceed to the elevator or stairs to go down to the Undercroft. The sliding barrier in the downstairs hallway by the Acolyte room will be in place, and voters and election judges will only be allowed to use the bathroom by the kitchen.
In addition, the Mes Amis preschool will be closed on Nov 5.
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Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:1-2, NRSV
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Giving Campaign Update
This is the last week of our 2025 Giving Campaign. Many thanks to all of you who have already submitted your pledges! As of Tuesday, October 29, nearly 50% of pledges had been received. Thank you!
Our campaign ends next Sunday, November 3. After 9:30 worship we will celebrate the end of the Giving Campaign inspired by this year’s theme of “Walking in Love”. We will learn a bit more about the labyrinth on our campus and take the opportunity to walk it, weather permitting.
If you haven’t already done so, please submit your pledge either online or via mail. As you know, budget planning for 2025 is underway now and it is very helpful to know what financial support we can count on from our community next year. Pledge packets are available in the Church Narthex and may be placed in the collection plate on Sunday.
To Pledge Online via Realm, please click on this link: Walk in Love Giving Campaign
Please contact Shea Brendalen at if you have any questions on this process.
Your Campaign Team
Shea Brendalen
Nan Drake
Stephen Ferro
Vonnie Fiedler
Patti Jurkovich
Karin Lindquist
David Niles
Cathy Schwichtenberg
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Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 24, 7:00 pm at Bet Shalom Congregation
St. David's has the honor of joining with neighboring congregations Mills Church, Bet Shalom Congregation, and Spirit of Peace Community for our annual Interfaith Thanksgiving service. This year's service will be held at Bet Shalom, 13613 Orchard Road, Minnetonka 55305.
The schedule:
5:30 - choirs gather for a rehearsal and light meal
7:00 - service
For more information, please contact the Rev. Katherine Lewis,
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Vestry Update
Your St. David's Vestry met on the evening of October 21. After a delicious chili dinner prepared by Julia Handley, the Vestry reflected on Vision Statement #1: "Our faith inspires and equips each of us, from young to old, to follow Jesus with hope into a loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, one another and creation."
Vida Edmond, Chair of the Endowment Committee, gave a report on the Cornerstone Endowment. The Vestry discernment topic was also about the endowment, with Vestry members brainstorming potential uses of the first endowment distribution, which is happening in 2025! Four projects were selected for further discussion, with Vestry members assigned to two-person teams to further evaluate these alternatives.
After identifying gratitudes to recognize, minutes and financials were approved. Updates were received on the giving campaign, which is making good progress, and the Polka Party fundraiser, which raised over $3,700 for our faith community! We also discussed ways in which St. David's can have more community connections between our congregation and Mes Amis, who rents space from us. Vestry shepherds for Buildings & Grounds and Justice/Outreach presented their quarterly reports.
The next Vestry meeting is Monday, November 18.
Respectfully submitted,
-David Niles, Junior Warden
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Faithful Innovation
What an opportunity we have with the following three upcoming events below!
Anglican and Episcopal clergy and lay leaders have been learning how to participate more deeply in God's life, and to join up with neighbors who don't go to church. See if one, two , or all 3 opportunities pique your interest in the exciting area of Faithful Innovation in the Episcopal Church.
Convention Workshop Saturday, November 9, 9 am – Noon
Offered in person at the Sanford Center in Bemidji or free via livestream link
On Saturday, November 9 from 9 am until noon, Archdeacon Sally Gaze and Diane Grano from the Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich in Suffolk, England will present a workshop titled, “Your Next Faithful Step: Mission-Shaped and Rural.” It will take place at the Sanford Event Center in Bemidji as part of the 2024 ECMN Convention. Sally and Di work with Anglican churches in small towns and other rural areas outside London facing many of the same challenges as Greater Minnesota faith communities. They have served as midwives to the Holy Spirit, helping birth new life and spiritual vitality in faith communities worried about their future. The livestream link is free, but you need to register for it (a registration link will be sent out via the ECMN e-newsletter).
Innovation Summit Saturday, November 16, 10 am – 2:30 pm
On Saturday, November 16 at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis, Minnesota Episcopalians will have the opportunity to hear more about the
green shoots God is bringing forth all over our diocese! Lay and ordained leaders will be presenting what they have learned from their engagement with the Faithful Innovation process, Augsburg Innovation Hub, New Christian Community trainings, Learning from London trips, and from following the Holy Spirit’s leading into new ventures to join up with neighbors Jesus loves who don’t go to church. The day will include spiritual practices you can use with your faith community, lots of great ideas, and the chance to interact with presenters and hear their learnings. If you would like snacks, lunch, and handouts please rsvp to Blair Pogue at by Monday, October 28.
Godsend Gathering Saturday, January 25 (with a backup snow date of February 1), 10 am to 2:30 pm
On Saturday, January 25 the Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh, Anglican priest and theologian of the Fresh Expressions Movement will be speaking at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis. Mike is the author of numerous books including Godsend: A Handbook for New Christian Communities, Being Church, Doing Life: Creating Gospel Community Where Life Happens, and more recently, Giving the Church: The Christian Community Through the Looking Glass of Generosity. He will share how Anglican Christians in the U.K. have been learning how to join up with neighbors who don’t go to church in lifegiving ways, and to share Jesus with them when invited. Participants will also experience and process “Soul Space,” a worship experience designed for people outside the institutional church. After this gathering Mike and Blair Pogue will travel around the state, meeting with anyone interested in learning more about what is involved in starting or sustaining a New Christian Community. If you would like snacks, lunch, and handouts, please rsvp to Blair Pogue at by Monday, January 13.
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Bake and Craft Sale
Attention Bakers and Crafters!
The annual Bake and Craft Sale will be Sunday, December 8th, after the service.
Time to work on those craft items and start stocking up on baking supplies.
Questions? Contact Sara Leigh at
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Do you like to hike?
The St. David “Women of the Woods” group organizes hiking opportunities throughout the year, often spontaneously (without time to get a formal announcement in the bulletin). If you’d like to receive email invitations for hiking opportunities, please let us know!
Please email Ann Carda at to be included on our email list!
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ICA Vision
A community where everyone has the resources to thrive
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ICA Sunday at St. David’s this Sunday
This Sunday, November 3, is the first Sunday of the month and thus, St. David’s ICA Sunday. Current needs include:
* cornbread mix Non-food
* cereal * wet & dry pet food
* canned pineapple * laundry soap
* canned corn * shampoo
* canned yams * hand soap
* cranberries/ * deodorant
cranberry sauce
The list above are suggestions. Anything you would like to donate is always welcome. Bring your items to church this Sunday or drop them off at your convenience in one of the ICA baskets, located at the church entrances.
While food donations help bring in supplies for immediate use, a financial donation to iCA helps ensure the shelves can be well stocked. A check made out to ICA can be dropped in the Sunday collection plate. You can also go online at, choose Donate from the menu and follow the prompts. Thank you for supporting ICA.
Please note: Until further notice, ICA does not need any more egg cartons. Your used brown bags are still needed.
It’s Turkey Time!
ICA’s Holiday Food Program has begun. Every donation of $25 will provide holiday food (turkey & fixings) for a family in need this Thanksgiving and holiday season.
The first two Sundays in November (11/3 & 11/10), members of St. David’s ICA team will be in the Narthex after services to sell turkey certificates for these holiday meals. Cash or checks will be accepted. If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to ICA.
You can also donate online at or choose Donate from the menu, selecting ICA Turkey Drive. Don’t forget to mark “St.David’s” when it asks for congregation.
Environmental Stewardship at ICA
ICA’s commitment to environmental stewardship has reached new heights with a majority of collected waste materials successfully diverted to recycling. Over the past year, ICA redirected approximately 102,000 pounds of disposable materials to recycling purposes. This includes about 42,000 pounds of organics, 58,000 pounds of cardboard and 2000 pounds of mixed recyclables such as hard plastic food containers, aluminum cans, glass bottles and paper.
By diverting 102,000 pounds of recyclables from 177,000 pounds of total disposables, ICA achieves a “recycling capture rate” of 57% (by weight). For comparison, the recycling capture rate for all of Minnesota is currently 20%, according to a congressional report.
Way to go, ICA!! A great example for all of us!
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Loaves and Fishes
Due to some renovations at St. Gabriel’s, we will not be able to prepare and serve meals for some time.
The next dates available for sign up are
November 25th
December 10th
December 23rd
December 31st.
Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up or sign up in the Undercroft. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to before 9:00 am on Wednesday to be featured.
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What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | | | | |