ADVENTure eNews

     Weekly Publication

from Advent Lutheran Church

Charlotte, North Carolina

(Submission Deadline: Noon Wednesdays) 

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Advent's Vision  
We are Advent Lutheran Church.  As diverse children of God, we strive to be the embodiment of that which God wants all people on earth to be.  We love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.  We love our neighbor as ourselves, and express this love in service to others.  By accepting God's gift of grace through our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are reconciled to God forever.


God's Steadfast Love
Join in worship on March 17th at 10am as our youth lead us in a message about how the love of God impacts each of us. This will be a great opportunity for the entire Advent family to worship together as we fulfill the promises we make to support and uplift our young people in their journey of faith. Both Mars and Annette will be leading our youth and the congregation in music to compliment the messages of the day. Mark your calendars and come experience God's word through the voices of Advent's young people.
At the conclusion of the worship service, we will move to a brief congregational meeting. We have two items to address: 1) nominations to fill 4 vacancies on the Nominating Committee for the 2019-21 term, and 2) discussion and voting on a proposal from the Stewardship Board for the Wubben Endowment Fund to match donations to the Jubilee Capital Appeal 1:1 over the 2 year term of the appeal. The details of the Jubilee Capital Appeal were initially shared at the services on February 24th and also in an informational flyer available for all interested members in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach 
out to Don Hagerman at church or at 704-252-0446. 

Jubilee Visitor Sunday, March 3:   Pr. Richard Little!
Were you at Advent that Pentecost when the red balloons at the altar showed us "balloons belong in church"?

Or when Pr. Dick danced in the aisles?

When the love from the people of Advent turned a break-in and church destruction into a ministry of support for the mentally ill?

Or when we held our first Room in the Inn in our new Orinson Hall?

On March 3, we will celebrate God's work at Advent from 1986-2008, with Pastor Richard Little, our pastor during that time, as our special guest.   Pr. Dick will preach at both services and will join all of us at our final "Pastries With the Pastor" event from 9:45am until 10:45am, so plan to attend the entire time.   A photo will be taken at 10:30 of all who joined Advent during Pr. Dick's time with us.   Meet near the '50' at the end of Orinson!

Join the entire Advent family at this event to see exhibits from those years, to meet with former members, and to enjoy food and stories.   Everyone will also receive a special keepsake gift from our prayer team.

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Services
Ash Wednesday service will be at 7pm on March 6.
Each of the 6 Wednesday nights during Lent, beginning with March 13, different groups will host a meal before the Worship Service.  Meals will be 5:30-6:15pm. Worship will be 6:30-7pm.   Bible Study and Choirs will meet after the worship service.
During this Lenten season, please be sure to indicate on the pew pads each week the number from your family who will joining us for the meal.   The menu will be announced each week. All free-will offerings for the meals will go the area designated by the meal sponsors.

Jubilee Capital Appeal
As part of our annual stewardship appeal during Lent, we are including a Capital fund appeal which focuses on much needed improvements to sustain our aging facility and improve our ability to worship and be active in outreach ministry. The Jubilee Capital Appeal goal is $160,000.

Last week at worship Tony Poovey spoke about the needed repairs and replacements. If you were not able to attend worship to hear about these facility needs, please click on this [link]   to read the message that was distributed to those in attendance.

Each Sunday during the Advent for Life appeal (March 10-April 7)you will hear more about Advent's plans for ministry in 2019-20.                        Stewardship for all Seasons Steering Committee

Annual Stewardship Appeal
Advent for Life is the theme for our annual stewardship appeal during Lent. The campaign will begin on March 10. Keep an eye out for a letter being mailed to your home which will give you a better idea of the plans for ministry at Advent in 2019-20.... Stewardship for all Seasons Steering Committee

Electronic 'Givers' Participate in Worship
So that all who give by an automated means can participate in worship, we are providing a special card in the pews that you can use when the offering plate is passed. Members are encouraged to take a moment to give thanks before placing the electronic giving card into the offering plate.
"Because we are designed in God's image, we are happiest and most fulfilled when serving and giving." - Dave Ramsey

New News: 


Because of the CROSS our prayers can move mountains

  During the Lent season, Advent's PRAYER TEAM provides an opportunity for the Advent community to be in intentional prayer for others.
Look for the wooden "Prayer" Cross which will be in the Narthex starting Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday.
This cross is covered with purple and white crocheted Prayer Squares. The purple color represents the Lent season and the white color represents Easter.
The squares have an attached tag containing names of members of our congregation, extended family members or friends who are on our prayer list.
Please take a square, or 2, OR more, home with you and pray for those folks. You can rotate the squares throughout these 6 weeks of Lent. Prayers for many, by many!
Easter Sunday our Cross will have a special display representing our Risen Christ and faithful prayers.

Red Cross Blood drive March 2nd:
The Advent family is invited to participate in a Red Cross Blood drive to be held Saturday, March 2nd. At St. Thomas Aquinas R.C. Church from  8:00 am - 12:30 pm. The Red Cross is in urgent need of blood and your donation will help meet the need. You can make your appointment at or The church is at 1400 Suther Road across from UNCC. Thank you for your support.

March: Mad About Fruit
It's March Madness Month, so march right into the grocery store and load up on canned fruit for the food pantry, please! Canned fruits make a pleasant dessert or side dish, giving bland meals even more zing than watching basketball stars race across the court. If foods were bracketed like sports teams, vegetables would always lose out to peaches, pears, mandarin oranges, fruit cocktail, and plastic jars of applesauce - winners all!

Wild Women Space Available
Been thinking about going to Wild Women at Lutheridge and thought it was too late?   You have another chance!
Several women from Advent are going to Wild Women the weekend of March 8-10, and due to last-minute medical cancellations, we have two or three openings.  Theme for this weekend is "Seasons of the Spirit," discovering help from nature, scripture and each other for every season of our lives.   The weekend starts at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, and ends after brunch on Sunday morning.   Many of us leave early on Friday so we can have dinner together, and we will organize a carpool from Charlotte. Cost is $223 per person including Saturday meals and Sunday brunch, lodging, materials and lots of fun!  Interested?  Contact Abby Bostian at as soon as possible!

Room in the Inn
We are down to the last month of Room In The Inn. Thanks to everyone who has made it happen, we've met some wonderful neighbors. We still have volunteer needs our last four Mondays: 3/5 breakfast; 3/11 & 3/25 sleepover; 3/26 Van driver AM/wash blue blankets. Please contact Caroline Grubb or sign up on the board in the Gathering Space.

Have a musical ear and are tech savvy??
The property board is looking for someone to be a dedicated sound technician every Sunday for both services and for special events. Professional training will be offered and a close working relationship with current volunteers would start this position.
Contact Sandy Torrence or Pastor Ward for further details.

Read our Advent Lore Blogspot for interesting history of our church!  Read it here:

Dream Big, Believe Even Bigger!
Look for our new website to roll out in early March as a result of your commitments to generously support our Dream Big, Believe Even Bigger appeal last year!


March 3rd, 2019
Transfiguration Sunday

Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Luke 9:28-36 

Serving this week and Ash Wednesday:
Lay Assistant:
8:30am  Chris Rasmussen
11am  Marylou Kuklentz
     Ash Wednesday:  Marylou Kuklentz
Usher Captain:
8:30am  John Lewis
11am  Ed Efird
8:30am  Lenore Watson
11am  Eric Heberlig
8:30am  Tim Caldwell & Joyce Veit
11am  Dick Kuklentz & Jon Eklund
8:30am    Abby & Brooke Hibbeler
11am  Michael Goerke & Julie Estrella
Altar Guild:
Lisa Droste & Connie Searing
     Ash Wednesday: Barb Blish
Mary Carriker & Esther Abdel-Hameed
Carol Wisner  
     (Ash Wednesday: Ruth Refsnider)
Serving March 10, 2019:
Lay Assistant:
8:30am John Lewis
11am John Basilice
Usher Captain:
8:30am Peter Christ
11am  Jon Eklund
8:30am Alex Christ
11am Gerry Osborne
8:30am Mike & Anita Gallagher
11am   Keith & Diane Wassum
8:30am Marti & Andi Honeycutt
11am   Colin Heberlig & James Hebert
Altar Guild:
Mary Christ & Cathy Bolen
Dee Dunlap & Pam Rhynes
Karla Jensen

Upcoming Ash Wednesday and Lenten Events:

Ash Wednesday -- March 6th  7pm
Lenten Meal  --  March 13th 5:30-6:15pm
Lenten Worship -- March 13th  6:30-7pm
Lenten Meal --  March 20th  5:30-6:15pm
Lenten Worship --   March 20th  6:30-7pm
LentenMeal -- March 27th  5:30-6:15pm
Lenten Worship -- March 27th  6:30-7pm
Lenten Meal  --  April 3rd   5:30-6:15pm
Lenten Worship --  April 3rd  6:30-7pm
Lenten Meal  --  April 10th  5:30-6:15pm
Lenten Worship -- April 10th  6:30-7pm

In This Issue....... (Click Links Below)

  Advent Album 
Week 46:
Churches are an integral thread in the social fabric of changing times, and Lutherans don't shy away from controversy.  In 1992, the ELCA began working on a social statement entitled "The Church and Human Sexuality: A Lutheran Perspective," which dealt with many facets of sexuality - including homosexuality.  In 1994, Pastor Dick Little was Chair of a Gay/Lesbian Task Force with the Clergy Association of Charlotte- Mecklenburg.  Former local television news anchor Cullen Ferguson was also on this committee, and many of us recall him visiting our church to share the story of his son coming out as gay.  In October 1997, Pastor Dick formed an Advent task force to discern the steps needed for us to become more welcoming to gays and lesbians.  The next year Advent participated in an ELCA study of churches involved in ministry with this population.  As recently as 2015, former Pastor Dick was a signer of a letter written to then Mayor Clodfelter and the City Council backing non-discrimination ordinances for the LGBT population.  Over the years, various statements regarding sexuality have evolved from ELCA Churchwide Assembly meetings and task forces.  We can pray that Advent will always continue to grow in its embrace of all God's children.

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Spiritual Development 
Youth Sunday Schedule:
Youth Sunday is March 17th -- one service at 10am 

Practice Times for Youth Sunday:

March 3rd  12noon to 2pm  (We would like to provide lunch.  Let Brooke know if you and your youth plan on attending.  This is important so the right amount of food can be ordered!

March 10th during Sunday School hour

March 16th  1-3pm -- dress rehearsal

March 17th -- Showtime!!  Youth should be here by 9am to run one more dress rehearsal.  One service at 10am!

Advent Youth Groups / Advent Girl Scout Mission Service Project for Room in the Inn on March 25th:
Our Advent Youth Groups and Advent Girl Scout troop are hosting Room in the Inn on Monday night, March 25th.   Times will be 4pm until 8pm,   For food, plan for 25-30 guests.  We are looking for help from all youth groups and the Girl Scouts to assist with preparing, serving, and cleaning up and then to attend the RITI worship service at 7pm.  

Please go to sign-up genius and sign up where you can help.   Many hands mean lots of easy work.   Contact Andy Goerke for Youth Groups or Connie Searing for Girl Scouts.  Go to Sign-Up Genius at   

Looking for a good read?
2018  Advent Book Club - all welcome 
*We meet at the University Panera at 6pm on dates below:

March 8 6pm - The Gentleman in Moscow: A Novel by Amor Towles
April 5 6pm - The Monk of Mokha by Dave Eggers 
May 3 6pm - Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
June 7 6pm - The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places on Earth by Eric Weiner
July 12 6pm - The Woman in the Window: A Novel by A.J. Finn
August 2 6pm- The Library by Susan Orlean or The 15:17 to Paris: The True Story of A Terrorist, A Train, and Three American Heroes
September 13 6pm - The Little Drummer Girl by John le Carre
October 11 6pm - The Perfect Nanny: A Novel by Leila Slimani

Email Jennie Henderson with any questions (


Enter the Story
Eugene Peterson, translator of The Message, writes: "Stories are the most prominent biblical way of helping us see ourselves in 'the God story,' which always gets around to the story of God making and saving us." What better way to continue growing in your relationship with God than immersing yourself in the sacred stories of the Bible! Starting in January, we will facilitate Enter the Story, which is a hands-on, fully participatory, multisensory opportunity to experience the biblical story through 7 interconnected lessons. The class is designed for adults and high school youth. Please contact Carol Schierlmann or Pastor Ward to let us know you would like to participate.
Month Day Time Activity Location
Feb 27 Wed 6:00-8:00      Tabernacle - Enter the Story Orinson
Mar 13 Wed 5:30-6:30 Lenten Meal Orinson
    6:30-7:00 Lenten Service Sanctuary
    7:00-8:30 Journey to the Cross - Enter the Story Orinson
Mar 27 Wed 5:30-6:30 Lenten Meal Orinson
    6:30-7:00 Lenten Service Sanctuary
    7:00-8:30 Journey to the Cross - Enter the Story Orinson
Apr 10 Wed 5:30-6:30 Lenten Meal Orinson
    6:30-7:00 Lenten Service Sanctuary
    7:00-8:30 Restoration - Enter the Story Orinson

Adult Sunday School - Parlor Class
February schedule for Advent's Parlor Class (all are invited - class starts at 10 a.m.):
                Mar 10 - Max Lucado, "Unshakable Hope"  NO CLASS ON 3/3 -- "Pastries With Pastor"

Nurture, Support & Fellowship 
Communicate and Connect: 
Join the closed "Advent Friends" Facebook group to stay abreast of events and see photos.
If you would like to receive occasional important Advent news via text message on your phone, please text 'Advent' to 96362 or scan the QR code on the notices posted around the building. 
 (Please note:  you must be at least 16 years of age to participate in the program.  You may receive up to five (5) text messages per month for which you may be charged by your mobile phone carrier.  You may opt out of this service at any time by texting 'stop' to 96362 or by emailing

When shopping on, use "SMILE" 
Don't forget - when shopping on Amazon, access the site through , and simply do all of your Amazon on-line ordering through Smile.Amazon.   Amazon will donate 0.5% of what you buy to Advent - not much, but if you're shopping anyway with Amazon, why not use Smile.  Every penny will be used in service to God and His people.

Benefit Adventure Preschool - re-link your Harris Teeter VIC cards - #5494

Germany - Passion Play 2020 
Living Saviour Lutheran Church is planning a trip in September 2020 to the German town of Oberammergau and some Luther-related sites. The Oberammergau Passion Play is given every 10 years in response to a vow made during the plague in 1633.   The Pastor of Living Saviour, Angela King Powell, is the tour host for this 12 day tour from September 1 thru 12, 2020. The cost is $3899 per person for the land portion of the tour. Airfare is to bedetermined, as it cannot be booked this far in advance. A deposit of $350 is required with your reservation, which should be made soon, to guarantee a place in this tour. Other payments will be required later in 2019 and in 2020. For details of the itinerary, see documents on the Gathering Space table or Barb Blish at 1-703-431-0585 or Barb has picture books of a past visit to Oberammergau.

Giving envelopes in the pews
Advent appreciates all gifts, but we also want to give credit where credit is due! If you give cash using the blank envelopes in the pews, please put your name on the envelope so we can properly record your donation. If you want part or all of your gift to go to any special fund other than the General Fund, please note that on the envelope also.

If you wish to financially aid those devastated by hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, or other natural disasters, Lutheran Disaster Response will directly reach the victims.  To donate, go to or i
f you prefer, make your donation payable to Advent with disaster relief in the memo line, and we will send your contribution in with any others received.   
You can donate to provide aid in the area of greatest need or to a need you specify.  

50 Hours of Service
Social Ministry has a vision:  brightly colored hands throughout the Gathering Space reflecting the 50 Hours of service from each member during our Jubilee year. 
What do you do?
*  Give God, your church, your fellow humans an hour of service.
*  Select a colorful hand from tables in the gathering space, 
*  Record each hour of service on a finger - When you have five hours (one on each finger), tape the hand in the Gathering Space. Write your name on the hand or remain anonymous
*  Continue recording each hour of service until you have posted 10 hands (five per hand for 50 hours).    
*  There are NO service police!  If it is service to you, it's service to God.
Watch our hand collection grow!


Youth at Advent         

Summer Reading
Crazy right? The weather just turned chilly and I am talking about summer. Hear me out. Next summer,we would like to have a summer reading program for the kids and youth. Consequently, we would like to start building a library for them. So....when your school has a book fair or when you are cleaning out your book shelves and find a few gems that your kids have outgrown, think of the Advent Library! If we start now, by June we should have a nice selection. 

Music with Mars
Youth and Children of all ages are invited to spend a musical hour each Friday evening with Mars and Pastor Ward! This will take place every Friday at 6:30 in the Sanctuary. All that is required is a willing heart (no musical skills necessary)! Please email them at and if you would like to attend.



Youth Sunday --  March 17th -- one service at 10am

BYG Camp is getting close!
 If you are planning on going, make sure you pay your deposit to either Brooke or Laura.  More details on the trip will be emailed closer to the March 29-31 weekend.  Camp is at Camp Agape and is for 3rd-5th grade.    Cost to hold spot is $65 deposit.   

Asheville Mission Trip for Pre-Confirmation --   April 5-7

Summer Mission Trip to Wilmington NC  --  June 23-29

The Kids 4 Christ youth group is for children Kindergarten through 2nd grade.  This group celebrates several milestones, including First Communion and Blessing of the Backpacks.  We meet once a month to learn and enjoy the fellowship of others in our group.  
Next meeting on April 7th.

The Mustard Seeds youth group is for children 3rd grade through 5th grade and also meets once a month.  We celebrate our 3rd grade Bibles milestone.  In addition to monthly meetings, there are other opportunities throughout the year including BYG camp and Youth Quake. 
Next meeting on April 7th.
The Middle School youth group is for youth 6th grade through 7th grade and prepares students for entering confirmation. We celebrate our Mission and Service Milestone.  This group includes fellowship, study, mission and BYG-er camp.  
This group meets throughout the year for two consecutive years as they learn about what it means to be a Christian and a Lutheran.  They explore the Bible, Christian history and faith development. 
This group ranges from fellowship to mission trips.  We have a dynamic schedule to accommodate busy high school students grades 9 th -12 th .

Prayers Requested 
Before adding someone to our prayers, please be sure you have the person's permission. Please let us know when prayers may no longer be needed.  Names will be removed from the list after two months unless updates are received.  An asterisk (*) after a name means an update is needed.

Illness or Other Needs   
Lemont Bell, Gene Reid's friend
Ron Benton, friend of Sarah Sue Hardinger 
Abby Bostian, member 
Arlene Bostian, Phil Bostian's mother    
Claudia Brizzaoara 
Michelle Butts, daughter of Harriett Easley 
Ida & James Chisolm, members    
Ray Clayton, Janet Rasmussen's cousin *
Bettye Connelly, wife of Chris Connelly 
Steve Currin, Janet Rasmussen's cousin *   
Carole Daley, cousin of Carol Osborne 
Carol DiRe, member
Kailyn Douglas, friend of Lisa Robinson
Eileen Folkerth, Susan Goerke's mother
Dot Furr, member 
Sarah Gainey, friend of Lisa Robinson
Jennifer Gazda, member    
Barbara Gillet, Linda Miller's friend 
Consvella Harge, friend of Marie Cochran
Dwight Hartsell, member  *
Phuong Huynh, niece of Ann Schado 
Brody James, friend of Andy & Lisa Robinson 
Dean Jarrett, Carol Schierlmann's uncle *
John Keller  
Jasmin Kivett, friend of Harriett Easley 
Dick Kuklentz, member  *
MaryLou Kuklentz, member 
Teresa Ledford, member *
Richard & Phyllis Lester, Sharon Thrower's parents 
Ray Matthews, Jesse Priser's father 
Justin Mertz, Diane Jowers' nephew
Mertz Family, Diane Jowers' family    
Rick Messina, member
Joe Moeller, member  
Jason, Renee & Maxwell Moore, friend of Elizabeth Clark 
Catherine Mosier, mother of Ben Boydstun 
Dee Niehaus 
John & Alice Olenchuk, friend of Lisa Robinson 
Carolyn Osborne, member 
Jesse Priser, member  
Margaret Rader, Michelle Hagle's aunt *
Denny Refsnider, member 
Andy & Lisa Robinson
Richard Schulz, Dan & Jan Otolski's brother-in-law 
Lori Shownes, friend of Susan Hartsell 
Pam Simyon, Mary Lou Kuklentz' daughter-in-law *
Rob Simyon, grandson of Dick & MaryLou Kuklentz  
Rev. Brian Spahr, Pastor friend of Andy & Michelle Hagle 
Ted Thiemann, Andy Thiemann's brother * 
Doug Tilden 
Harold Twitty, member
Joshua Waits, friend of Andy & Lisa Robinson 
Martin Waits, friend of Andy & Lisa Robinson
Todd & Janine Waits, friend of Andy & Lisa Robinson 
Deb Walton, cousin of Laura Williams *
Ware Washam, friend of Sarah Sue Hardinger
 Herbert Watson, Member  
Helen Webb, Mary Lou Kuklentz' family member * 
Robin Whitley *
Beverly Williams,member  
Bob Williams, uncle of Mike Williams * 
Lewis Williams, member
Renaté Wilson, Tanya DeGrace's mother

We remember and celebrate the lives of those who have died, especially  
  • Danny Pittman, brother of Ron Pittman 
  • Marilyn Kettlewell, mother of Don Hagerman 
  • Hanni Braun, member, mother of Heinz, Hanns, Harry, Heidi

Always keep ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and NC Synod Bishop Tim Smith in your prayers.   

For additions or updates to this listing:
Please contact Pastor Ward at   or 704-549-1555 ext. 101  
or Harriett Easley at 
or 704-549-1555, ext. 100